BETTYS POV🤠As I woke up the cold side of the bed made me have goosebumps,I missed jughead not being here mainly in the mornings.
I go out g bed send my clothes out on the bed and turn the steaming hot shower on,I relax finally.
I scrub down my body down to my legs and back up again,that soon changed as the kids shout 'daddy' I think that through and through,he not die back for 5 more days I put an hand on my swollen stomach,and hop out of the shower!
It turned out it was jughead,and he came home way earlier than expected,and wanted to see us all so he said he be back next year or something.
1 year later.
Lets say a lot has changed over the few months.
-Veronica and sweet pea has an daughter and are together.
-Archie and josie are going out now.
-I gave birth to our gorgeous daughter,Millie
-that's just an few of things but all what matters is that we are still best friends!!
Betty's POV✌🏼
Today me and jughead finally get to go on a date night. it's been a long time since we've been able to go on one since we had millie.
It took us a while to decide but we decided to let sweet pea take care of millie,and the kids.
we were going to get veronica but Shes out with hers and sweetpeas daughter on a girls weekend.
I hop out of the shower and dry my hair and put on makeup before slipping on a baby blue dress. I walk downstairs to see my 1 year old daughter asleep in jugheads lap.
"Is sweetpea on his way?" I ask. "Yeah he said he should be here any moment" and as if on cue we hear a knock on the door, loud enough to wake millie up, which is fine because if she naps she wont be able to sleep tonight. I go and open the door and let him in "Where is the little squirt" he says and from the doorway we hear a tiny voice yell UNCWLE PWE ("UNCLE SWEETPEA!!")we both laugh before I see him run into the living room and pick up millie throwing her into the air and catching her as she laughs her head off.
"Wow pea she may even like you more than she likes me" I hear jug state. "Are you just now figuring that out?" He says as he tickles her. Jughead looks over at me and nods asking if I'm ready and I let him know I am. "Ok by princess be good, pea there are emergency numbers on the fridge, bedtime at 8, and we'll be back around 11. Bye guys" jughead says before we both head out the door.
Sweetpea POV
"Alright sweetheart whatcha wanna do" i ask her as I sit down and place her on my lap. "I'm hungry" she says. "You are definitely your fathers daughter, but I am also hungry so let's go make food" I knew cizz and Juliet will be in there room not hungry because they have there snack draws and an mini fridge.I pick her up and we trot into the kitchen and I set her down on the counter beside me. I rummage through the cabinets and find some macaroni. I place a pot of water on the stove before dumping the noodles in and wait for them to cook. "So what do you wanna do while we wait for the noodles." "I wanna watch peppa pig" (I'll leave it to you guys even tho the joke is old I felt the need) So I carry her to the couch and turn on peppa pig.
We eat our macaroni in peace and laugh at the pink pig. After 2 hours of playing princess and barbies it's time for bed, she puts her pajamas on and goes and brushes her teeth. I tuck her into bed and read her a story and within 5 minuts shes out like a light. About 2 hours later I was in the living room on my phone when I heard cries coming from upstairs. I quickly run into her room before turning her lamp on and sitting on her bed beside her. "What's wrong, why are you crying" "I- I- I had a scary nightmare" she stutters. I pull her into my lap and lay agaisnt her headboard and rub her hair until she falls back asleep, I knew if I moved I'd wake her so i just sat there on my phone. A little while later I hear the door open.
checking the time I know its Betty and jughead. I hear them quietly say my name a few times before peeking inside millie's room. "What happened why are you in here?" "She had a scary nightmare and fell asleep on me and I didnt want to wake her back up so I just laid here and figured you'd be able to get her off of me peacefully considering you're her father and all." Jughead silently laughs before picking her up off of me and lying her on his chest while I get up off of the princess bed. He lays her back down carefully before we walk back downstairs. "Thank you pea, I'm sure she had fun" Betty states giving me a hug "We played barbie while I wore a tiara for 2 hours, she better have had fun" we all laugh before I walk out and make my way home.
Hey guys I had really bad writing block✌🏼
I will be posting wayyyy more

Bughead|falling in love smut
Romance•When betty and jughead meet will they fall in love or not? Will they have kids? Will they become an family? What will they do?? •I wrote this book when I was young so the first like 10 chapters are cringe I know. •this book also contains smut! •ho...