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I had just come home from a stressful day out and had started to run a warm shower for myself to relax. Taking my time, i had undressed myself and left a pile of clothes in the corner of the room before climbing into the shower and shutting the curtain behind me. Thoroughly, i began to lather shampoo through my layers of hair, massaging it gently around my scalp before starting to wash it out underneath the shower head. I was washing my hair when the shower curtain swung open, causing myself to shriek before realising that it was only jughead . "Haha, just me Princess!" Jughead laughed, giving me a warm-smile before his eyes wandered up and down my exposed body. "Stop looking at me like that Jones," i blushed with a grin, closing the curtain on him. "Hey!" He exclaimed before taking a seat on the bathroom floor. "Can we at least talk? I haven't been able to see you a lot recently so how was your day?" He asked.

listening to the droplets of water bounce around the bath tub. "Stressful, how about your day?" I replied sharply in hopes to be left alone, continuing to wash the hair product from off my body. "Not bad! Me and the serpents had some business to do this morning that went well but Toni managed to skip half way through so we have to finish up until next week," jughead chuckled, looking back on the not so funny memory. The two of us continued to chat when i jumped at the sight of jughead tugging the shower curtain back again. "Jug!" I exclaimed shyly, looking into his piercing green eyes. "Please can I join you? We'll be saving money on the water bill," jug asked with a smirk, pulling his shirt over his head and tugging his arms out of the sleeves. "No," i teased with a laugh, continuing to battle with him over opening and closing the shower curtain. "(Betts)" he whined, giving the curtain one last tug to keep it open. "Please?!" He proceeded to beg with a sweet expression on his face. "Fine," i gave in, knowing that jug wouldn't stop until i allowed him to join me. Jug's face lit up as he dropped his clothing and climbed over to you, placing a hand on your waist whilst the other ran through the strands of my wet hair. "You look beautiful," he complimented me with a mischievous look, his eyes scanning across your naked body. "Not here and not today Jones ," i said firmly, knowing exactly what he was getting at. "Okay," he smiled, respecting your decision as you turned around to grab some body wash off the shelves. "Ahhh! There's shampoo in my eyes!" He whined, causing myself to burst into fits of laughter. "C'mere," i said, pushing him gently under the shower head to wash the soapy product out of his eye. My thumb rubbed softly over his eyelid, whilst my other hand cupped his cheek to keep his head still. "Better?" I asked, pulling Niall into a passionate kiss. "Yeah," he mumbled through a smile, not wanting to unlock your lips. "We should shower together more often y'know," he said cheekily as i leaned back to wash your body with the fresh smelling shower gel. "Don't push it jughead Jones!," i giggled, lathering the soap into my skin.

***🤍***Hey people!I finally updated!As we all know we are in lockdown!🥺I will be writing a lot more!😁And just wanted to say~stay safe,and stay inside!We can get through this together!🥺

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Hey people!
I finally updated!
As we all know we are in lockdown!🥺
I will be writing a lot more!😁
And just wanted to say~stay safe,and stay inside!
We can get through this together!🥺

Stay safe🖤

E x

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