Day 5: Doctor Who

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Summary: It's Christmas time for Cl4nky768 and Rose and she persuades him to celebrate it. It turns out to be a very special Christmas as the Doctor has a special gift to give Rose on Christmas Day.

It was the first of December and Rose was going to ask the Doctor if the could celebrate Christmas together. She supposed it would be their first real Christmas together as the last time it'd been Christmas, they had been with the Gelth and Charles Dickens, not much of a Christmas, to be honest.

She was slightly nervous as he had said before he didn't do domestic, but what harm could it do if they did it just this once? Maybe if she was lucky, she could get him to do it again next year. Maybe.

"Clanky?" She said, as she entered the console room. "Where are you?"

"Under here," He said, as he got out from under the controls. "Just had to fix a couple of wires, nothing huge. Something on your mind, Rose?"

"Yes, now that you mention it. Well, uh, today's December first, and I was wondering, would...would you mind if we celebrated Christmas? We don't have to go to my mum's; it could just be the two of us. What say you?" She asked.

He paused for a moment. He didn't normally do domestic, but even since Rose came with him, he'd changed a bit. He did like Christmas and besides, the holiday would present a perfect time to give her his gift.

"I say, if it's what you really want—"

"It is."

"Then we can do it."

"You mean it?"

"Yep. Besides, I like Christmas. So, how about we put up a tree now, some Christmas shopping on the twentieth and then we decorate the TARDIS on Christmas Eve? We'll celebrate on Christmas Day and have loads of fun. What say you?"

"I say, brilliant!" Rose said.

He smiled and then punched in some coordinates and they landed on a forest planet.

"Dress warmly and then let's go. We've got a tree to pick out."

Rose smiled as she grabbed her coat and gloves and followed him out the door and into the snowy forest. After much deliberation, they picked out a large Christmas tree and then began decorating with blue ribbon and silver baubles to represent the TARIDS's colors while Christmas music played on the TARDIS stereo.

"I think it looks great, don't you?" She said.

"It looks fantastic," He said.

Before long, it was the twentieth and that meant Christmas shopping.

Christmas shopping was fun, even more so because it was on planets on other planets. Even if Clanky did tend to grumble about the lines at the stores and how many bags he was carrying for her. Rose searched for hours until she found the right gift for him and when it was all wrapped up, she was excited to give it to him. As a small treat, they also built a snowman and had a snowball fight.

On the morning of Christmas Eve, Rose found Clanky eating all the candies from his Christmas Counter—which were all edible ball bearings and banana-cream filled chocolates.

"Morning," Clanky said, smiling.

"Well, it looks like someone's got the Christmas Spirit. You're supposed to eat one a day to count down Christmas, you know," She reminded him.

"I know," He said, as he swallowed another piece of candy. "That's why I waited until now to eat them all."

She laughed and shook her head at him. "Stop being silly for a moment and come help me set up. It's Christmas Eve!"

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