Chapter Two

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Kara sighed and stretched. Her left arm was asleep, and she had a crick in her neck. The fact that she had spent the night in a car probably didn't help. She looked at Alice. The poor girl had cried herself to sleep. She couldn't even imagine the kind of trauma she had now. She had watched Kara kill her father. Abusive or not, that was still her dad.

The thing was...Kara didn't regret it. She didn't regret any of it. Not killing Todd, or stealing those clothes, or robbing the convenience store. None of it. In fact a part of her actually liked it. And that part scared her. The part that told her that she wouldn't mind doing it again. In fact, she wanted to do it again. Not because she had to, because she wanted to.

Kara looked out the window to see red and blue lights."Shit." She swore. Maybe robbing the convenience store wasn't the best move if the plan was to covertly sneak out of the city.

Kara gently shook Alice awake. "Hmm?"

"Wake up Alice, we have to go." Kara said, reaching for her beanie. She sat up and looked at herself in the rear view mirror, adjusting her hair and slipping on the orange hat. "Alright," she breathed out, "You ready?" Alice nodded, opening the car door. "We're gonna have to be extra sneaky, alright?" Kara said following her out.

Kara grabbed Alice's hand, ducking out of the fence. She had to remind herself to walk normally. She would immediately raise suspicion if she took off running. Walking at a leisurely pace she made her way towards the train station, all the way clutching Alice's hand tightly.

"Hey!" Kara heard shouted from behind her. Apparently she hadn't done a good enough job of not raising suspicion, because right now there was a cop approaching her.

"Yes? Can I help you sir?" Kara asked, putting on her sweetest smile.

"Well actually you can. You see, there was a kidnapping last night and we're asking people if they've seen any suspicious activity in the area. Have you?"

"Oh, no. No, I haven't seen anything." Kara said softly, as if the quieter she was the less suspicious he'd find her.

The police officer narrowed his eyes at Kara and Alice. "That your mom?" He asked Alice.

Alice glanced up at Kara. "Y-Yes." She stuttered.

Kara could tell immediately that he didn't believe her. She sighed, tightening her grip on Alice's hand and preparing herself to run.

The cop nodded slowly before calling out. "I found 'em!" Kara immediately took off running down an ally. They approached a fence leading to the highway. As they were running Kara heard the sound of footsteps catching up with her. 'Shit, they're close.' They got to the fence, Kara immediately hoisting Alice up and over. She quickly made sure Alice had a good grip on the other side, before climbing over herself.

Once on the other side Kara turned to come face to face with a young man. A detective if his attire was anything to go on. Kara stared into his eyes for a second, before turning around grabbing Alice and sliding down the slope to the street.

Upon reaching the metal rail, Kara didn't hesitate. She picked up Alice climbing onto the road. "Kara?!" Alice asked, panicked.

"Don't worry Alice, we'll be fine." Kara said. Well at least she hoped they would. Most people would stop if they saw a young woman and girl crossing the road. Wouldn't they? Kara grabbed Alice's hand and began sprinting.

She ignored the screeching and honking as she waited for openings, sometimes shoving Alice ahead out of harms way. Eventually they made it across, tears falling down Alice's face. Kara would love to just kneel down and hug her close, but they had no time. Hoisting Alice onto her back Kara took off once more.

"We- We'll be alright, Alice." Kara said amongst grunts of exertion. They would. They had to be.

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