[Dec. 15- Gingerbread House]

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'Cause I just want you here tonight

Holding on to me so tight"

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"Wanna make a gingerbread house?" Asked Jaren out of the blue, throwing his phone to the sofa and looking at John.

The American nodded. "Sure." He said, standing up from the sofa where he was scratching Octavia. "I'm bored, so let's go!"

Jaren grinned and opened the pantry, pulling a box. John raised his eyebrow questioningly. "I bought it in November..." Said Jaren, sheepishly. John rolled his eyes, chuckling.

The Canadian opened the box and spilled the contents on the counter. Four medium sized gingerbread cookies fell, while two large ones followed suit. Multiple peppermint canes and circles clackered against the counter. Gum drops, sprinkles, licorice and chocolate were spread around the counter. A giant bag of icing fell to the floor, with John picking it up.

"Be gentle next time please."  Murmured John, placing the bag on the counter. "I don't want the pieces to break."

Jaren ignored John's comment and picked two medium and the two large gingerbread pieces. "Grab the icing, we're glueing walls!" He exclaimed, grinning.

The cap of the icing bag fell to the floor, John trying (and succeeding) to stick the four walls together. Jaren picked the two remaining pieces and turned to hos boyfriend. "Only this left and we can decorate!"

The older male smiled softly and nodded, putting some icing on the border of both gingerbread pieces. Jaren slowly placed one piece on top of the walls, grinning when he did it.

"I did it-" Jaren was cut off by the gingerbread hoise falling on itself. Jaren groaned and banged his head against the wall. "I did it! What happened?!"

John chuckled and stared at a piece. "Oh, we didn't put icing on the left wall."

"That explains it." Murmured the younger male, before picking up two walls. "Come on, let's do this again."

Ten minutes later, and half an icing bag later, and they were back with four walls standing proud and a ceiling clinging into the walls.

"Come on, come one..." Whispered Jaren, slowly placing the second part of the ceiling. The kitchen was dead quiet, Octavia sitting behind John, staring at the house with curiosity in her eyes. "Yes! I did it!"

The house stayed standing for five minutes, with Jaren grinning like an idiot. "Now we can decorate it!" He exclaimed, grabbing the gumdrops eagerly. John chuckled but passed him the icing bag.

John stayed back, watching how happy Jaren looked while decorating the gingerbread house. With the icing he made the roof tiles, windows, door and snow around the house. He placed the gumdrops on top of the roof, the peppermint circles in front of the door, making a little trail.

He used chocolate, gumdrop and licorice to make christmas lights and decorate all around the gingerbread house. He used the peppermint canes around the house like street lamps.

After Jaren finished, he stood back and grinned at his creation. John kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "Looks gorgeous babe."

"Take a picture!" Said Jaren, quickly. John complied. The second the flash went off, the gingerbread house fell on itself. Again. "Oh fuck."

John looked at the picture and sighed in relief. "I took a picture just in time." He said, showing it to Jaren. The brown-eyed male grabbed the phone and tool a picture of the ruins of his house.

He quickly went to Instagram and uploaded the photos to John's Instagram.

kryozgaming: before drugs, after drugs (also follow @/smii7y)

John chuckled. "At least we get to eat it."

"Ready for the sugar rush?" Asked Jaren, pulling two mugs from the cupboard.

The American grinned. "Hell yeah."

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