[Dec. 7- Hot Chocolate]

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I don't need to hang my stocking

There upon the fireplace"

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John scrunched his face as he heard another cough from the lady in front of him. For some reason, she decided to wear a dress when it's winter, and sounds like she's getting sick.

She quickly walked inside a store, leaving John walking alone from the jewelry store. He told Jaren he was buying some milk, since they ran out. But before he went to the grocery store, he decided to take a little detour towards the jewelry store.

He stood under a street lamp and opened the box, smiling softly at the silver twinkle. He's been thinking about this for a couple of months, but this last week made him thinks he's ready for the next step.

He shoved the grey box in his coat pocket and turned to his left. He really needed to get going, there's hot chocolate waiting to be prepared.

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Jaren yawned as he mined redstone in Minecraft. His subscribers begged for a continuation to his Minecraft series, so he decided to grant them that. After all, it is Christmas.

After he found some redstone, he went back to the surface and finished his 3×3 door, smiling in satisfaction when it worked perfectly and looked awesome. He leaned back on his chair.

"Anyways I think I'm going to wrap this video here, if you want me to continue let me know and leave a like." He said, rubbing his eyes. "I love you guys so much, thank you so much for all the support the videos have been getting, and I'll see you all later. Bye."

He shut off his recording and mic settings, yawning once more. He didn't understand why he was so tired, he was sleeping great, better with John here.

When the Canadian heard the door open, he shut off his computer. He'd been playing minecraft for two hours, and his eyes hurt. He opened the door of the office and walked out, adjusting his black, yellow, green, blue and red stripped sweater.

"Hey." Said John, hanging his coat. "You seem tired."

Jaren nodded and yawned once more. He noticed John was holding something behind his back. "What do you have there?"

John bit his lip. "Oh, nothing much." He casually mentioned, before pulling from his back wafer cookies. "Saw these in the store so decided to buy them."

The younger males eyes twinkled with joy and glee, yanking the package from John's hand. "Holy shit!" He said, smiling wide. "Thank you! I love you so fucking much!"

"No problem." Said John, smiling. "Now, lets go. I'm making hot chocolate and then you'll go sleep. You look tired as fuck."

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Jaren sat on the dining table, two mugs of hot chocolate and a big plate of wafers in front of him. John said he had to leave his wallet on their room before he accidentally lost it, but for some reason Jaren thought that wasn't only it. He ignored that thought.

John came back and sat in front of him, grabbing a mug and sniffing it. "This shit smells good." He commented, taking a sip. "Shit, that's hot!" He hissed out, a chocolate milk mustache on the top of his lip.

The brown haired male rolled his eyes. "It's called hot chocolate for a reason, dumbass." He said, shoving a wafer cookie in his mouth.

"Fair." Said John, shrugging and taking a cookie. Both men joked and talked while they finished eating, Jaren getting more and more tired as time passed.

"Oh!" Said Jaren, blinking a few times. "The Misfits are coming over the twenty-third and twenty-fourth. They wanted to make a secret santa for the jokes."

John nodded, grabbing the mugs and plate. "Okay, let me know when they'll throw the names." He said, walking to the sink and cleaning.

The Canadian smiled to himself as he stared the back of John's head. John was usually very reserved and lacked motivation to do things, but ever since they've been dating, he puts more pressure and motivation to help. And Jaren finds it amazing.

When John turned around a flashed Jaren one of his rare smiles, Jaren felt like he couldn't breath from his beauty.

Holy shit he's falled hard.

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All I Want For Christmas Is You [Krii7y]Where stories live. Discover now