[Dec. 19- Family]

339 17 4


And everyone is singing

I hear those sleigh bells ringing"

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t was a beautiful day. The sun was out and the trees were layered with snow. The mountains and valleys were painted white. Blue and purple flowers were scattered across the fields, slowly wilting by the cold.

Jaren sat in his seat, head in John's shoulder, on the train smiling and his eyes closed, enjoying the calm atmosphere. John was currently messaging his dad, the corner of his lip up.

Both men were on a train from Toronto to Ottowa to visit Jaren's family, since Jaren's mom, Lauren, won't stop bothering John to visit them.

After John finished messaging his dad, he placed his head on top of Jaren's. He took out his earphones and gave the right one to his boyfriend, clicking on a random playlist.

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Jaren thanked the taxi driver once more, grabbing his backpack which was in between his legs. John payed the driver and tipped him, smiling in appreciation. Both men walked towards the entrance, Jaren jogging towards the door when they were five feet far.

The Canadian knocked excitedly on the door, smiling and waiting for his mom to open the door. John chuckled by his boyfriend's excited expression.

The door opened to reveal a woman in her forties, a little but shorter than Jaren, wearing a lilac sweater and black leggings. Her dark brown eyes saw Jaren.

"Hey mom." Said Jaren, smiling sheepishly.

Jaren's mom, Lauren, smiled and pulled her son into a hug. "I missed you so much, honey."

John stood behind the mother-son duo, smiling softly, until Lauren saw him. "John! I haven't seen you in months!" She said, kindly. She left Jaren's arms and raised her's. "Get over here!"

The older male chuckled and wrapped his arms around Lauren. "It's good to see you, Lauren." Said John, smiling.

"Likewise." Answered Lauren, pulling from the hug. "Oh! Come in! I was just baking some sugar cookies!" She said, shuffling aside and letting the two men enter.

The boys hanged their coats and scarfs, when a girl no older than twenty-four pocked her head from the kitchen. She was wearing a black, yellow and white hoodie and and black joggers. She had short brown hair with purple tips, and her eyes were blue. She saw Jaren and grinned.

"Hey jerk." Said Jaren, smiling. "It's been a while."

The girl, Marie, raised her eyebrow. "Sup shortie." She said, smiling. "You knew I was gonna be busy those times I couldn't visit."

Jaren rolled his eyes. "I'm not that short! Just by three inches!" He said.

"Babe, you're still pretty short." Said Jaren, smirking. Jaren looked at him, glaring.

Marie's attention shifted towards John. "Oh John!" She said, her face lighting up. "I didn't know you were coming!"

John smiled and chuckled. "I thought I wasn't gonna see you." He commented. "This past years you've been studying your ass off."

Marie was studying in med school, currently in her second year. After she was accepted, she studied her ass off multiple times she almost never came out of her room.

"Eh, thought it would be good to have a change." She said simply, shoving some hair behind her ear. "Dad's in his office. He found a dark blue sea she yesterday when he went to the lake with a few friends. Don't ask me how he found a sea shell in the lake." She said, disappearing in the kitchen once more. "Oh! Also tell him that the cookies are ready!"

Jaren left his backpack and bag on the floor, bouncing excitedly towards his dad's office. His dad, Isaac, was often in his office cleaning his coins and sea shells, wanting to make sure they were ways in perfect condition. John chuckled,eaving his backpack and bag on a nearby chair, and followed him, enjoying this side of his boyfriend.

They stopped in front of the door, and Jaren knocked. A quiet 'come in' was heard from the inside as Jaren pushed the door open.

When Isaac turned around and saw Jaren, his blue eyes sparkled. "Jaren! Welcome home!" He said, standing up and wrapping his arms around his son. Jaren chuckled and did the same.

John leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. The five years he and Jaren had been dating he learned Jaren and his family were really close, so he wasn't shocked by all the love.

Isaac looked up and saw John. "John! My boy, it's been a while!" He said, pulling away from Jaren and giving John a handshake.

"Likewise." Said John, grinning. "How are the sea shells?" He asked politely.

"Added seven more since the last time I saw you!" He exclaimed, pride in his voice.

Jaren butted in. "Marie said the sugar cookies were done."

Isaac clasped his hands together. "Ah, Lauren made those a while before you two arrived." He said, smiling. "She used her secret recipe." He said, winking.

"Shall we go to the kitchen?" The American said, grinning.

"Yes we shall." Said Isaac, leaving the office.

Before Jaren could follow, John grabbed his arm and spun him around, kissing him. "Love you."

Jaren smiled, kissing back. "Love you too."

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