[Dec. 22- Mistletoe]

333 19 3


I just wanna see my baby

Standing right outside my door"

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"What the fuck, Mason?" Asked John, face palming at the sight of Mason laying on the floor only in his underwear and a bow on his forehead.

Mason grinned. "My christmas present for you." He said, winking. Matt and Toby gagged.

"Secret Santa is tomorrow, not today you retard!" Eric said, shaking his head. He sighed and turned to Cameron, looking up. "Cam help me here."

Cam chuckled. "Nah, I think you got them under control."

"Anyways!" Interrupted Jay, holding some clothes. "Mason, put this on please. You must be freezing your balls." He said, throwing them towards Mason's face.

Mason growled, starting to get dressed. "For your information, John isn't the person I had to give a gift to." He said, flipping off a giggling Toby. "And I thought it would help us be in the christmas spirit."

"Actually, it gave us nightmares." Said Jaren, not looking up from his phone. "I can never look at you and not see your freezed nipples."

Cam wheezed as Mason started a rampage. John hissed when Eric kicked him in the nuts softly (not really). The American slowly walked towards Jaren and sat down beside him. "Was it a mistake to invite these sickos?"

"Probably." Said Jaren, looking up from his phone and smirking. "But we placed mistletoes around and we're gonna have so much beautiful blackmail on our hands."

John's eyes widened. "Shit, you right."

"Eric, didn't you take an edible two hours ago?"

"Oh fuck."

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"Wait!" Wheezed Jaren, not properly breathing. "You entered a suspicious looking stripper club?! Why?!"

Matt huffed. "It seemed like a good idea at the time!" He pointed out, crossing his arms. "Plus, Eric gave us all edibles so we were fucked!"

"So let me get this straight..." Said John slowly, trying not to laugh. "You were all in London for some stuff, when you decided to take some edibles before going on a cab, correct?"

"Yes." Said Cam, nodding.

"And since you were all fucked, you ended up telling the driver some weird ass location that you thought it was fake, but ended up being a fucking stripper club?" Continued Jaren, wheezing.

Eric nodded. "Yes."

"And when you entered, you guys somehow thought it was some kind of funeral and asked one of the strippers who had died?" Wheezed out John, not managing to hold it in anymore. "And the stripper said 'your virginity'."

Jay grinned. "Hell yeah."

"O-Oh my god." Said Jaren, not managing to breath for a while. John feeling the same. "I c-can't breath!"

"Then breath fucker." Said Mason, like he just discovered the cure for cancer.

John rolled his eyes. "Wow Mason, I totally did not think of it." He said, finally calming down. "You are such an intelligent being."

The Canadian calmed down and sighed. "I want to look for some cookies but I don't wanna stand." He whined.

Cam stood up. "Where are they? I need to stretch my legs."

"On the counter-top, you'll see them." Said Jaren, closing his eyes.

"I'll join you, my back hurts." Said Eric, standing up and following Cam.

Jay turned to the couple. "Anyways, while everyone was taking shots like crazy, I decided to explore the place for some reason." He said, grinning. "And I saw a door that had a table in the middle filled with like a plan to rob something. Then the manager entered."

"Oh fuck." Said Jaren, his eyes widening.

Jay laughed. "At the time I thought I was gonna do some John Wick shit to get out, so I grabbed a pencil and was about to stab the manager." He said, shacking his head. "I demanded to know about the robbery, but it turns out they were contracts and boring paperwork."

John and Jaren shook their heads. "Oh my god Jay, I can't with you."

Before Toby could tell her part of the story, a yell came from the kitchen. Everyone looked at each other before bolting towards the kitchen, where they saw Eric and Cam under a mistletoe.

"Oooh!" Said Mason, grinning. "Now things are getting interesting."

Eric and Cam stared at each other, shocked. Toby let out an annoyed huff. "Come on, just kiss." She said, rolling his eyes. "It's not like we're asking you to fuck."

"Plus!" Interrupted Matt, grinning. "Rules are rules."

The two men huffed and faced each other. Eric bit his lip and grabbed the hem of Cam's hoodie, pulling Cam's face towards his. They kissed.

The group cheered as the two men kissed for a while. Cam and Eric separated, each one blushing.

Jaren grinned. "Nice, but where are the cookies?"

Cameron stayed quiet as he pointed towards the counter. Jaren walked and picked up the box. John walked to the fridge and pulled out a glass of milk.

"Hey!" Said Toby, grinning. "John and Jaren are under a mistletoe!"

Both men looked up. Toby was correct, they were standing under a mistletoe.

John rolled his eyes and gave Jaren a peck on his mouth. "That wasn't even a real kiss!" Complained Jaren, huffing.

The American sighed and kissed Jaren more passionately. "Better?" He said, after pulling away.

Jaren grinned. "Better."

Their moment was interrupted by Mason. "Give me some cookies!"

"Mason!" Yelled Matt, Toby, Eric, Cam and Jay at the same time. "They were having a moment! A cute one!"

Jaren chuckled. "Oh my god I can't with you guys." He said, rolling his eyes. "But here." He said, giving out the cookies.

John smiled as he stared his boyfriend.

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