WheRe'S THe ePiC BAcKGrouNd MusIC

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Ohhhh you know what I forgot to mention? You like...graduated high school a year ago...so 19? Yea, something like that. :) still live with ur dad lmao.

As a "normal" person, you had just gotten off your lame, minimum wage job. It wasn't too far from your house.

Your procrastinating ass ain't got a license, so you were walking home. Not that you had a problem with it, you could take care of yourself just fine, obviously. Plus, you enjoyed walking.

The sun was half covered by clouds...you know, average day. Somewhat high temperature, low breeze, nice. Perhaps you'd go to the river or something...that's always nice.

You got to your house shortly, checked the mail and unlocked the door. Your normal routine or whatever.... you looked through the mail as you made your way to the kitchen. Nothing. It was probably all trash, too. You slapped it on the counter, swiftly turned on your heel and went upstairs to throw your shit somewhere.

You took care of business as usual...nothing new. You texted your friend, (F/N), to see if they wanted to go to the park or something.

And so you waited. At least for them to see it...but she didn't. You shrugged and left without them, telling your dad you were leaving.

You went to a small park in your neighborhood. You always wondered why it was called a park, there was nothing there. Not that you minded, it was quiet.

You went straight to the creek, taking off your shoes and just letting your phone play music on the rocks.


I'll try to update again tonight or something, even though that's what I said yesterday. Lmao love that

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