We can't have faith for everybody

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hEy guys how was your holiday? Whatever it is that you might celebrate, I hope you enjoyed it because I didn't enjoy mine! I got two days left of break and I'm gonna spend them like I've been spending the rest, on the couch, doing absolutely noTHING! But anyway, y'all're here for the story :)

Your alarm went off at..well earlier than when you heard it, but regardless you woke up at 5:50. Damn, you forgot to turn all your alarms off. You slowly rolled over and grabbed your phone, shutting them off. Then you tried going back to sleep.

......nope, not happening.

You grabbed your phone again and checked all the zero notifications you have, huge surprise, right? Yeah. You went on the internet and read some stories for a couple hours and decided it was best to stop. It was 9:00 when you stopped....you may or may not have a small problem...Well, you might as well get up now...make breakfast or something if your stomach allowed it...

You threw the blanket off and unplugged your phone and headed to the closet for a temporary shirt. You jogged down the stairs and rummaged through the pantry.

"Hm..cereal works I guess.." You said to yourself, grabbing the bag and going to the counter. You poured it and brought it to the couch, turning on the TV and going to Netflix.

You checked the time about every two minutes..you know, anxiety.

Until your phone vibrated, all your actions were put on hold.

"You up" the message from your dad read.

You simply texted him back "yes"

And then he called you.

"Hello?" You answered, shifting from your position on the couch.

"Hey, you good? Ready for that guy to come?"


"You know you got about 2 and a half hours till he comes?"


"If he came right now, would you be ready?"

"I mean, I have to get dressed to the point that I'm at least presentable and bring my things to the door, but otherwise, yes."

"Get on that, I wouldn't be surprised if he comes early."


"But otherwise, you good? Taking chips for the road?"

"I doubt Mr. Stark will take a normal road trip like everyone else, he'll probably take some sonic vehicle or something, so it only takes like ten minutes....but yeah otherwise I'm good."

"Well, we'll see what happens...text me when you leave, I got a meeting in a minute, so..good luck."

"Yep, thanks."

"Alright, bye."


You tossed the phone down. It was 9:44. 2 hours and 16 minutes....about. You turned the TV off and did the dishes, then put some music on. Then you ran upstairs again to get changed.

Hmm...it's summer....but it's also...meeting the Avengers.....

You decided you'd do your hair first, then decide later.


You finished doing you hair at around....10:32. So....now you had about 2 hours..

You were more than excited, also incredibly nervous.

You gathered all the hair supplies and brought it to your desk. You shoved your iPad and the two chargers into a bag, then went to get your headphones, throwing them in there too. Your bags were officially packed. Now...for the closet.

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