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okay so I've been thinking about it, and uh, do wings seem kinda dumb? I mean I've heard people say characters with wings are trash and whatnot, I mean me personally, I like wings. I mean they're in the story now, so too late but like...idk. If you think they're dumb, I'm sorry;-;

" what is this thing?" You asked.

"Pretty awesome, don't you think?" Tony held a door open and you walked through it, tucking your wings in your shirt and untying the terrible knot.

"You'll need those later sweetheart."

"Oh god, don't tell me I have to do that again?"

"Mm, no, but you do have to prove me right, that you do have them."

"Oh..well I'll take care of it when the time comes."

He shrugged and opened another door for you, revealing a computer lab, to put it simply.

"Stark!" A man in a trench coat and an eyepatch came over to us.

"Director, this is (Y/N), the girl I told you about. (Y/N), this is Director Fury. The one I told about you."

"N-nice to meet you sir." You held your hand out. And then they laughed. Oh god-

"Fuck the formalities, let's see those wings!" The director exclaimed, a grin on his face.

You looked at Tony and he nodded. You shrugged off your flannel and shuffled the wings out of your black shirt. The Director began circling around you, nodding. Hopefully of approval.

You felt a little awkward, standing in the middle of the room, everyone staring at you.

"Not bad...not bad at all...I heard you can do more than that, but I'll come after that later. Stark will get you more updated on the situations and acquainted with everyone. And for the love of god, Stark! Don't start any trouble!"

"I would never!" He replied dramatically.

"Keep him in check for me." The Director said in your ear.


"Didn't I say to fuck the formalities?"

"R-right! Sorry, I'm just..nervous I guess.." You laughed lightly, trying to hide it but failing.

"I'm sure. Well you're both dismissed, get going."

Tony grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the computer lab. He brought you into a lounge-like room.

A tall blonde man immediately stood up and made his way towards you both.

"Stark, what the hell is this?" He demanded, his face stern. Everyone else in the room was watching you closely from a distance.

"Relax, old man! This is (Y/N). She is our newest member."

"What? How did you get this by Fury?"

"It's a pretty interesting story, really."

"Well you better tell it quick." Damn, he didn't waste nobody's time.

"Geez, I wouldn't be surprised if she hates you already!"

You ignored Tony's comment. Was this Steve Rodgers? Or..Captain America?

"Get to the story." He demanded.

"She could kick your ass if she wante-"

"Uh..Tony? I don't mean to interrupt, but the Director told you not to start trouble..."

A few chuckles could be heard around the room and the captain's face lightened up a bit.

"She's smarter than you are...But explain."

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