Chapter 2

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Patiently Ridding Inferior Dying Egos

I lie here in this corrupted garden of weeping, poisoned tipped, thorned, oddly beautiful, red tinted flowers. I rose to my feet to see Dren and the others walking towards me. I have never really noticed before, but all of his followers look just like him; as if they were cloned from him, however I have never seen my own face; do I look like them, like him, like; Dren. As they approach me the wind begins to blow very hard; swaying the saddened weeping flowers; sending chills up my spine, but not like before, like a sickening feeling, a fearful feeling that started in my stomach; like a disease slowly eating its way out of my perfect body. The knotting twists my muscles, and I fall to my knees.

"Look at him, look at how disgusting he is, how sorry his existence is, how unaware he is of the true nature which surrounds him, the inevitability of an absolute order he is unable to comprehend."

Dren stands before me along with the others, his guild of identical warriors, his army of inevitable chaos, his brethren of the Finity Omega. They all look at me as if I were their sworn nemesis, their reason to appease their savior, their connection to a greater perception; they are clue-less to the chaos, which has been created by their unworthy hands. Dren walks away from me with his head leaned down, but the others didn't follow. They all surround me, and one by one start to smile an evil smile, which brought back that fearful feeling that I am now starting to despise. Nicin suddenly pushes me back to the weeping flowers, the barren, weed infested earth, while the beautifully poisoned thorns welcome me back to its horrific embrace.

That old feeling comes back to me, that collection of thick red liquid, which pours from my perfect body; like a calm steady stream. They start kicking me, they are relentless with their savage, wrathful, ignorant attacks that numb my body, and soon I can't feel it anymore, I can't feel that painfulness, which was my reason for being, my memory of the time that shall never be again.

I lie in a puddle of my own blood; I hear laughs all around me, I open my eyes, but I cannot, I am paralyzed from their devastating wrackful melee; they are walking away from me now. I guess Dren just wanted to scare me, to keep me away from his guild, his vision of the perfect paradise; the rise of the Finity Omega. I rest for what seems like a life-time, I lie here aware of all around, but unable to react to it calling out aloud, I am frozen in time; stillness, loneliness, sadness, which is now all I have.

I hear footsteps; closer they approach with each stolen breath I take; why do I think I am stealing the air around me all of a sudden. The temperature has seemed to drop; I can feel again, but all I have is that fearful feeling that rushes to my awareness, which brings tears to my eyes; why am I crying? The wind blows and as I look forward to that awaited pleasure, I feel nothing, I am still numb, still life-less; it was just a memory, while existing within thy own darkness. The footsteps stop beside me.

"pity for thee; precious, gentle creature, for it was you who understood the inevitable chaos the others could not comprehend; you shall be free of the painful reality in which you live, in which you exist; you are now beyond these foolish creatures. Now rise to your feet, and exist anew."

The wind suddenly blows, and I feel that second of ecstasy; I open my eyes, and I see the light blue cloudless sky. The wind begins to blow again, but I feel nothing, I am unaware again of the pleasures of touch. I look to my left to see a bright light, and then it was gone. I rose to my feet and was once again sickened by the landscape around, the dying wasteland, the weed infested barren land. All of the red tinted flowers had turned black and lifeless. Who was the stranger who gave me back my mental awareness, but forgot about my physical desire for touch, my reason to exist in this flawed dying paradise?

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