Chapter 3

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Alternate Negative Galaxy Entering Realization

The sunrise appeared like always, and brought forth light to the saddened garden of dying trees and the barren land that screams for the cosmic life stream that the moon-fruit tree brought from the full moon's embrace.

Demogorgon climbs out of the moldy cave to see that the beautiful paradise from before was no more; she laughs and steps out of the cave. The wind suddenly blows, which brings back that euphoric feeling of ecstasy that she had long forgotten; the breeze caresses her naked body, which hardens her nipples along with her clitoris bringing back that orgasmic desire, that delusion of pleasure, that acknowledgement of existing. She fell to her knees and began to moan from this long awaited delightful embrace.

The feeling was gone, so she stood to her feet and began walking into the rotting paradise once again. The dying leaves broke from their branches then began to swirl around creating a miniature tornado; the leaves suddenly formed a figure of a man; the figure ran along with the wind blowing towards Demogorgon. She smiled while standing in a defensive pose; the leaf figure crashed into her then broke apart scattering behind her, and then reconfigured back into the figure of a man. The figure landed softly then turned around to gaze upon the now awakened demon king standing before it; the figure began to run to her with a fury; she smiled then took a deep breath in, and as the leaf figure approached her with such hatred; she breathes out fire that burns the figure along with the trees and barren land leading back to the moldy cave entrance; the sudden breeze whistles through the burning trees creating the sound of screaming children.

She smiles then turns around to continue walking into the dying paradise, while the enflamed forest continues to burn towards her as if mesmerized by its creator. The sky started to turn cloudy and black; dissipating the sunlight's embrace upon the saddened land of burning trees. She looks to the darkened sky to see one spot that allowed the light blue sky to exist in her perfect world; she began to walk towards the spot under the flawed perfection; as she got closer to the area she saw patches of dark green grass; more and more as she continues to the center of the recovering grassy radius of the dying garden. She stops dead in her tracks and gazes upon a sprout in the middle of the trail that she used back when this planet was peaceful with chaos. She approached the young moon-fruit sprout and tried to grab it, to pluck it from her perfect world, but when she grabbed it; she couldn't break its life-force, nor pluck it from its hold to the earth; there was nothing she could do to stop the power of the moon-fruit tree from expelling her from its paradise.

She smiled as the fiery blaze caught up to her, but when the fire reached the trees within the grassy radius they did not burn; the inferno surrounds the moon-fruit's life-force radius as she walked away from the inevitable action that is about to unfold on her, and limit her time in this beautiful paradise she has created. She begins to flap her bat wings then rose to the saddened sky for a hawk eye's view of her new world of chaos, which will inevitably bring peace to such a saddened world, a flawed perception.

She began flying, while looking back to the imperfect blue spot in her perfectly prepared world. She enjoyed the wind caressing her naked body as she was flying around with such delightful amusement; she suddenly noticed a group of men surrounding a burnt tree trunk. She felt her clitoris harden, which brought back that feeling she got when stealing Mecka's memories from that certain kiss. She hovers above the group of men, while enduring silence from that orgasmic feeling that was making her want to moan; she held back too long from her pleasure, she let out a moan that was more like a demonic roar.

The men looked up and saw her beautifully famine body gracefully hovering above them; she began to lower since she has been spotted; her distorted body becomes clear; the men began to see her true form, her flawless body. She lands in-front of them as they step away from her monsterish figure. Dren steps forward and stares into her eyes; she begins to blush from this action of pleasure; her nipples harden, while her vagina wettens to the idea of that certain kiss; what secrets does he hold? She begins walking towards him with such desire in her burning red eyes; he steps back with each step forward from her. Dren hides behind his group of followers; they step forward to her, and then surrounded her; staring with such hatred towards this beautiful monster standing before them.

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