Saving Bryan

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Emily/Wolfie POV:
Now we got the plans and weapons it's time to fight. "So this is the plan got it." I said with venom in my voice . Wow never thought Wolfie is so scary when she wants to kill someone thought everyone. Then everyone said "yes!" Oh this is going to be fun. Molten put the coordinates in the portal.

Bryan POV:
I honestly got so use to the pain it doesn't make me happy anymore. By that I want more pain not just simple cuts. So when I get the chance I make Spring trap so mad he wants to kill me on the spot. Two days later the day when there going to save Bryan. I feel so happy all I can feel is pain. Moments later I hear a bang. Then I hear Wolfie scream "where are you m#the# f#ck#r!" That the most creepiest voice I ever heard. I honestly never thought Wolfie will ever sound scary. After that i hear screaming springtrap in pain? What's f#ck#ng going on? I thought they were dead. I see Ned bear and Molten. "hey guys." I Said with a smile. "Oh my gosh Bryan are you ok." They both Said in a worry expression. "I'm fine it just a lot of blood lost." I replied. Then they help me up. And went to hole they made. Wile walking I see Emily/Wolfie making Springtrap suffer. So I stand there and watch for a wile. Wolfie is tearing springtrap in shreds and looks like she having fun. (I promise to make spring trap suffer so I did) should I worry for her mental health. Nah. Wile Springtrap was on the ground I said "do you remember me dad." I saw the shock grow on Springtrap face. "That's impossible you died." Said springtrap in tears Streaming on his face. "Your wrong I was in coma." I replied. Good now he hates himself. After I replied Wolfie kill him. "That was fun." She after killing him. In very concern for mental health. And the other animatronic set up a medical spot. Then they patch me up and surprisingly Emily didn't get hurt. And I explain why I'm a werewolf. Then we went to the pizzeria. When we arrived Wolfie ask me why did I called springtrap dad. When she said "hey guys I have a announcement to make! I'm actually Chis Alfron."

And cliff hanger you will see their reaction later. And bye and have a good day

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