A Winters Night

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Jay's P.O.V

I sat staring out at the dark cold night, no one was going to come in so late it was nearly 1:30 in the morning and freezing. If anyone did come in they were either, 1. Drunk and hungry or 2. completely out of their minds. Yet even though no one had been in since something like 10:30 my boss has made me stay here, "Just in case any mad souls come in, well bye Jay I'm off home its too cold to be here" that was his exact words to me. And oh boy was he right the heating had broken here so the whole store was like a freezer. 

I let out a loud tired yawn and lean my chin on the counter. My tired eyes began to close as I sat still in the quiet lonely store until I heard the quiet ding of the bell above the door and the shuffling of feet. I sat up straight and look at the hooded figure who just walked in. The figure pulls down there hood to reveal a tall brown haired girl. She studied the instant cup noodle section, the more I looked at her the more I started to recognise her. After looking at the noodles for a while she picks up 4 different types and walks up to me. As she walks up to me I still try to put a name to her very recognisable face. 

She stops at the counter and gently sets the 4 cup noodles down so I can scan them, she gives me a smile and says shyly 

"I'm glad you're open, me and my friends have been craving noodles all night and you are the only store open so late" She chuckles slightly and looks at the ground. 

That giggle, that voice. I recognise them both without hesitation I blurt out, 

"I'm sorry but are you Lisa, as in Lisa of BLACKPINK?" As i say it I realise I should have probably stayed quiet. Her head shoots up and looks at me worried 

"Please don't tell anyone was I here, if YG found out I left the house 1. this late and 2. This late without a bodyguard he'll kill me. Please I'll pay you extra to not post anywhere that I was here" I can tell shes getting flustered and worried, her cheeks are a bright pink and she keeps trying to cover her face. 

I look up at her " You don't have to worry about anyone finding out" I speak calmly to her, with this being said she looks up and smiles at me and takes a breath. " I wasn't even thinking about telling anyone. I'm sorry if i startled you with my question" I laugh to try and help calm her down some more. 

She then giggles and pushes a lock of hair behind her ear and smiles at me. I always though Lisa was very pretty, but seeing her in person and doing the one thing that makes my knees give way ( the hair behind her ear and smiling at me) is 100% more attractive than through a screen. I look at her for a few seconds in awe, then quickly scan her items. she goes to hand me money but i quickly refuse. 

"You don't need to worry about paying its only 4 cup noodles" i quickly decide to be a bit cheesy " and hey seeing you in person looking this pretty is enough " I try to laugh off my own stupidity but it doesn't work i quickly look at the ground. GOD! i feel like such a fool

I look up when I hear her truly giggling "thank you" she picks up the bag and turns and walks away. I watch her walk away my cheeks a light shade of pink "what the hell did i just do " I hit my head with my hand lightly in frustration " That was the dumbest thing ever" After I sat for a few minutes drowning in how stupid I was I get up and go to clean up the store then lock up and head home. As I walk around the counter I see a small little card wallet, I pick it up and look at the outside of it. 

"mmh, well the only person in recently was Lisa and i cleaned up a bit after those 3 drunk guys came in a spilt alcohol everywhere so it must be Lisa's card holder" I look at it a bit longer " Wait how am i meant to get it back to her?" I sit puzzling looking at the wallet and how to get it back to her. I open it up and seen that on the inside its got one of those 'IF LOST RETURN TO..." stickers on the inside. Now I know where to return it to.

Lisa's P.O.V

As i walk out the store the colour of my cheeks turn a shining red. I wish I could blame it on the cold weather but I can't i'm wrapped up well with a big coat and a scarf. The redness in my cheeks is definitely from the compliment the guy at the store gave me. I don't get why i'm blushing I get compliments all the time. Ahh, I just hope it goes away before I get home so the girls don't ask me any questions. I try to walk home without thinking about the compliment from the guy at the store but its all my mind let me think about, and his cute smile after saying it. The blushing definitely didn't get any better but instead much worse. I got home and of course Jennie is the first to notice the colour of my cheeks and interrogate me on what happened. When Rosé and Jisoo got involved I couldn't survive and I caved in and told them everything the room erupted into "Ooooo" and I turn an even darker shade of red and I try and hide my face in a fleece blanket I am wrapped up in.  

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