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No one's P.O.V 

After the first day that Jay was at the BLACKPINK house, They began hanging out more and more (In particular Jay and Lisa) , sometimes Scott would be there sometimes just Jay. Thankfully for all of them never Sun-Young, even though Scott insisted that 'she's a really good person, just give her a chance', every single time Jay and Jennie very quickly closed down that idea. Jay and Lisa both thought they were getting closer, sometimes when the Other girls were busy and Lisa was alone in the house Jay would go see her or she would Sneak out and visit him, Jay would also watch Lisa practice, he would occasionally try and join in and learn the dances, he was sometimes okay at it, but one time Jay tried to do Lisa's Swalla dance but it failed terribly for him but ended up making them both laugh. Lisa met Jays sisters, Eun-Bin nearly cried when Lisa and Rosé walked in the front door to Jay's house.  

 Jay's P.O.V 

I'm going to met Lisa today. After thinking for days and with a little pushing from Jennie i think i'm going to tell her how i feel. I get up and ready, my heart beating through my chest at the thought of telling her. I head out of my house and in the direction of BLACKPINK's house, i finally figured out how to tell direction to their house. As i pull closer to their house, i see a 2 cars outside and 1 single police car. my mind starts racing, i run to the house and knock on the door. I stand for a few seconds waiting when suddenly the door is flung open and YG is standing there. I look round i see a few bodyguard's standing in the living room and 2 police officers questioning a crying Lisa. oh god whats happened, i want to run up to her and make sure shes okay, However i'm snapped out of my shocked state by the loud voice of YG speaking up " And who the hell do you thin you are showing up here ? HUH?!" He looks at me confused and angry, I don't even look at him when he speaks to me my eyes are glued to the crying vulnerable Lisa sitting on the couch. Without a shred of nerves in my voice i go " Jay sir, is Lisa okay" Lisa's head shots up from her hands and she looks in my direction, her eyes are red raw with crying, she looks terrified. "J-Jay ?" shes looks at me terrified. I ignore YG's questioning and walk over to Lisa, past all of the bodyguards and policemen. YG's face is full of anger, on any other day i would have been in hysterics but i was more concerned on what happened.  "Lisa are you okay, What happened here" I look around and see the house is trashed vases of flowers and other breakable things are shattered. YG walks up to me with a Bodyguard next to him. "Grab him, Make him talk" The Bodyguard grabs me by the cuff of my top he goes to say something when Lisas broken voice rings out "YG STOP! He told you who is and i'd much rather jay in my house when something like this happens so leave him alone!" she turns to the Bodyguard " Let him go Jackson!" The bodyguard lets go of my top. At this moment the rest of BLACKPINK come rushing in and head straight to Lisa and pull her into a tight hug. I manage to get the details from the Bodyguard named Jackson. Apparently while Lisa was in the room the Alarms started blaring she stuck her head out of her room and seen a dark hooded figure sneaking around the house. she quickly, yet quietly, closed her bedroom door and phoned the police who contacted YG. when YG and the police got here the person was gone but the house was trashed and Lisa came out completely terrified and in tears. I look over at her, they are now sitting on the couch the other girls still comforting her. Suddenly there's a hand gripping my shoulder "How do we know you ain't the person who did this huh? We've never seen you before how did you know Lisa would be here?" I sigh and turn around to face a police officer. " If I was the person who did this 2 things. 1. Lisa wouldn't help me out of the grips of one of her bodyguards and 2. I wouldn't leave the house in such a mess where i could easily be tracked and found i'm not stupid." Jennie laughs as she overhears the conversation between me and the Police Officer. I pull out my earphones so i can ignore he voices of the people around me. i begin looking around and find on some glass a trail of blood. leading to a small cupboard. I shoot up surprised and talk to my self "he's still here" I creep closer to the cupboard, BLACKPINK and the police officers look at me confused i ignore it as they wouldn't believe me if i told them that i think the person is still here. I take a deep breath and slowly wrap my hand around the cupboards door handle. I throw the door open and jump out the way, the person comes charging out swinging a knife. Without hesitation i fling my self at him and wrestle for the knife i get it out his and as 2 BodyGuards lift me away from him, the Police officers run in front of me, their guns pointed at the man. i see that everyone is shouting but all i can hear is Alec Benjamin's 'If We Have Each Other' playing through my earphones. My heart was racing i look around surprised by my actions, i pull out my earphones and hear all the shouting and commotion. MY breathing is heavy and shaky, YG comes running up to me "How did you know that man was there! Why did you fight him! You could have gotten everyone here killed!" He kept going and wouldn't stop i started panicking. i thought what i done was a good thing was stopping this potential killer a bad thing. Suddenly a much more calm voice speaks up and quiets YG, its one of the Police men. " Sir how did you figure out that man was in the cupboard" he asks me calmly as the Bodyguards set me down so i can stand. "I-i I seen the B-blood sir...I-i followed it to-to the cupboard. i-instincts kicked in a-and i wanted to stop him from hurting pe-people sir." BLACKPINK look at me in utter shock. "That was very brave of you young man, it worked out this time but next time you might not be so lucky so don't do it okay?" i nod my head in response. The police man walks away to help take the man outside to their car, the bodyguards begin to leave as well. I sit down on the couch still in shock when YG walks up to me. "I want to offer you a job. After today's problems i believe the girls need a personal bodyguard that sticks with them 24/7 at the house and if they want to go places. Your actions today proved you would be a good fit for the job." He hands me a piece of paper with a number written on it i look up at him. "If you agree to take this job contact me" at this he walks away and disappears into his car. Jennie sits down next to me and laughs quietly. "that was very brave. If you don't take the job after that jay, ill end you" she laughs again and this time so do i. "Okay ill take the job but that means i need to leave my job at the convenience store first" i look at Lisa who is playing with luka and leo, she looks less scared now and is giggling at the cats.  

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