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Lisa P.O.V

After singing and rapper and chilling for a while and talking with our producers, i head of to the Dance practice room. Dancing for some people could be an annoying thing to do and just more work, but for me its my escape and relax time after singing and rapping for hours. i really enjoy it. I don't wait for Jay to arrive before i start dancing. I switch on the music and just do what i feel like doing. As i'm dancing i see Jay slowly walk in, i stop dancing and look at him, his face is cut just under his eye. I quickly go over to him. 

"What the hell happened Jay?!" He sits down on the ground and sighs. I sit next to him and take his hand gently in mine. 

A/N I'm going to swap to Jay's P.O.V as it means he can describe how this all happened but its going to be the same thing he says to Lisa and kind of a flash back

Jay's P.O.V

I woke up pretty early the next day. I slept so much in the van yesterday that i didn't need to stay asleep for long. I hopped out of bed and told Lisa what i was planning today and asked her if she was free. We agreed to meet up at the Dance Practice room later on. I head off to the Convenience store to tell my boss i have to leave my job with him. Before i leave i make sure Yong-sun is fed and happy and that Eun-bin or our mum is home to look after her, after that's all sorted i leave the house and begin my walk to the store. As i'm on my way i see some drunk Guy fighting with someone on the street. I look at the guy, it's Scott! I run over to him 

"Scott! Hey! Scott STOP!" I pull him off the poor guy he was beating and shove Scott away from him. I stay in between them.

"Scott what the hell! What are you doing! Why the fuck do you seem like vodka?! It's disgusting" I quietly tell the random guy behind me to go. I turn back to Scott who looks furious.

S "OH look! Good-boy Jay came to save the day!" Scott spat at me angerly

J "What are you on about? Why the fuck are you drunk at 9am on a Thursday? Look i'm taking you home right now!" I walk over to him and take a hold of him, He struggled for a minute then gave up. 

i walked with him for a minute he kept talking and complaining to himself but i couldn't make out what he was saying. I made it to the traffic lights opposite his house, the traffic lights were read so we had to stop and wait. When the cars started moving i told Scott that his house was close when he suddenly kicked off again. He pushed me away and we both fell to the ground.

J "Scott! Seriously what is your problem right now" 

S "You get everything you need in life! Yeah...Y-Yeah your parents are DEAD! But after that you found 2 caring families! All i had was my Alcoholic Father! So why do you get her! Why do you deserve her! I really liked her dude! Why did you steal her!?"  

I look at him confused trying to figure out what he was on about .

J " Is this seriously over a girl dude! You're drunk at 9 in the morning over this?!"

S" Yeah! Yeah i am" His words became more slurred as he got more irritated. 

J " Look i didn't 'Steal' Lisa. Maybe Scott if you Learned Korean so you could talk to her and her friends you would have a better chance! Maybe if you came to hangout with us when you were invited but you didn't! I didn't 'steal' her ! Especially when shes not anyone's property so she physically can't be stolen" WE both looked at each other full of rage when all of a sudden he comes charging towards me fists balled ready to swing. 

The first thing i feel is the cold concrete on my back as i land on the ground. Then all of a sudden i feel the deep pain in the side of my face and the warm thick blood trickle down my face. I quickly get up as Scott comes racing towards me, this time i grab him by the waist he wacks my back over and over before i throw him to the ground. 

J" This is ridiculous" 

S " I HATE you Jay!" He looks up at me, his lip burst from the impact. I turn around and walk away, i head straight to the store ignoring the shouts from the drunken Scott. He's drunk he's not thinking straight.

When i arrive there My boss hands me a wipe to clean my face while i tell him the news. He understood and was actually happy for me which was surprising but he did tell me if i could work anytime or help him out he'd love it. So i said yes. 

After my boss helped me i headed of to the YG building were Lisa was. As i open the door to the building i realise something. I've only ever entered the building with Lisa, how on earth am i going to walk in the building alone do i just go in. I nervously walk in when a lady behind the front desk recognised me.

"Oh you must be Jay, Ms Manoban told us you might appear. I assume you know where you need to go?" She smiles and i smile back.

"Yes thank you" I head off to the dance studio, i heard the music playing as i got closer, i slowly open the door and walk in. I see her dancing she looks so in her element it's incredible. She noticed i walked in and turns off the music. 

Lisa's P.O.V

I can't believe Jay got into a fight with Scott because of me. I didn't even know Scott felt literally anything for me. I place my hand gently on his face looking at the cut. 

"i'm so sorry. Lets go to the infirmary and get you fixed up." I stand up and offer him my hand, he takes it and we walk in silence. We arrive there and he gets cleaned up and he's ready to go. WE go back to the dance room and he starts talking again and looking less sad. 

Jay's P.O.V

I can't believe he tried to fight me over Lisa. It's such a stupid reason. i sat thinking about it for ages after i explained what happened to Lisa. i couldn't get the thought of Scott drunk and angry out of my mind, it made me angry because the reason was so stupid. When i got home i couldn't help but shout. I grab the thing closes to me, which ended up being my bed side lamp, and throw it at the wall. It shatters all over the ground and i fall to my knees in frustration. I hear my mother walk in and walk out again. She's seen me like this too many times to count now, not over arguments but from the nightmares that haunt me often, she's learnt to leave me be and that i'll fix it by myself. 

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