Chapter 6

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Day shut her mouth and stayed silent with her eyes wide. Day felt like she was floating. She was buzzing with new found energy, like she just got pluged into a electical outlet. She could feel the warmth of the blankets on top of her. Hear the steady breathing of Billy in the bed next to hers. She could see his blonde hair sticking out at odd angles while he slept. She could see all the colours on the walls. She could read those cheesy posters for the first time. It felt as if a hot spike was removed from her forehead, and now she could think clearly. She never realized how much pain she was in until it was gone.


"What?" he whispered.

"They passed away three years ago," replied Tom.

"Three Years ago" Codys fists were clenched at his sides, anger rising in his voice. "Three years, an no one bothered to tell me?"

"Your parents.... they knew you despised them," said Tom.

"That doesn't mean no one can tell me!" Cody bounded up the marble stair case and into his father's study.


Day looked over to Mr. Tupper. He had stoped his story, and was looking at Day expectantly.

"Are you alright Honey?" he asked, "Do you want the nurse?" That's what Day liked about him. He treated her like a real human, not a card bored cut out.

Day looked at him and sat up, slouching a little, she yawned. "I'm fine. Absolutely fine. I mean really, what could be wrong?" The first words out of her mouth. "Mr. Tupper thank you, but I must be going," she said and turned to get out of her bed.


Cody was fuming when he blasted into his fathers office. The study had a low ceiling, and high backed chairs. Book shelves lined the walls, a thick layer of dust covered every surface. What bothered Cody was the fact that ages and books were still open on the desk. His father never left a mess, or his books open.



Cold. That what she felt on the bottom of her feet. Cold for the first time in her life. She padded gently out of the infirmary doors, and down the hall. Day had left Mr. Tupper in awed silence, as she walked on.

"I sware she's so stupid!"  voices were coming from the laundry room. "I really think that there's just empty space in Day's head!"

Day stood outside the door, and saw David, and Krissy talking while they were folding sheets.

"I know right!" David said, "And what's with the screaming?" David jumped up and made a high pitched squeal, making Krissy laugh.

That's when Day showed herself.


OH MY GOSH!!!! I AM SOOOO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPLOADED IN SOOOOO LONG!!! But I was busy with school. (Yes I know it's lame, but that's my excuse for being lazy, and seeing how long I could annoy my friend, yeah I know, I'm just a little angle aren't I?)



P.S. I have no idea why, but I'm like obsessed with the song on the side!!!! 

P.P.S.S. Sorry if anything isn't grammatically correct, or spelled right! :) I tried!! ****Anita,or li'lpieceofparadise. will help later... currently charming the teacher into and "Excelling".****

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