Tony and Loki's Year Alone Part 2

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To explain a little, imagine if there was an alternative ending to Avengers and instead of Loki going back and being prisoned this happens. This is the final part for their year alone and then we'll pick up where they left off in the previous installments, this will be plenty shorter then it was from the last time, but we figured it would be better that this one got published rather soon, unlike this past chapter which took us a week, sorry, well, hope you enjoy! -143_Tom_Hiddles

***6 Months After Loki's Leaving-Tony***

Tony found it easier to get by everyday, but he still longed for the man he loved each and every day. Whenever he walked around New York he'd hide his face and bow his head. It was easier to conceal the heartbreak then let it be exposed.

Tony sat on the swing he had built on the large overhang on the Tower, it swung just barely but he was rocking it with one foot while staring blankly into space. It was December now and he was overly swathed in blankets, a scarf, a jacket, vest, gloves and insulated pants. His nose was numb, being the only thing not covered.

It was fascinating just what was happening outside, he watched as fat clouds began to drop snow flurries. A few of them melted as soon as they landed, but most of them began to stick. Soon, a very thin layer of snow had plastered itself to the ground. Tony grinned to himself. He'd love the sight of this.

Tony frowned and his head fell to his chest, he didn't cry though. He'd stopped doing that a long time ago, not because he ran out of tears but mostly because he was starting to feel better again. He lifted his head and looked at the sky, a few flakes landed on his face and he crinkled his nose a small bit.

"Time to go in." He gathered up his things and scuttled inside the Tower. It was fully built again and he looked out of the huge glass windows that were Hulk proof now and pressed his arm to it, resting his forehead against that glass and looked outside. People were bustling around still, it was amazing how different they had been only half an hour ago before the snow began to fall: They were just out walking with their friends or their family and trying to get to places they knew would warm them up. But everyone down there seemed rather cheerful, he was jealous.

Tony pushed off from the window and began to take off his outer layers of clothing, flinging them onto the leather sofa in the living room, not really caring if they even made it. The Iron Man then kicked off his shoes and walked around the halls of Stark Tower. He was bored, this seemed to interest him some what but not that much.

I could always drink....
You are not to touch that alcohol unless you need it.
But I could honestly go for a drink right about now...
What would Loki say if he knew you were drinking away your problems?

He had wandered up to Loki's room absentmindedly. He stood in front of the black door to his room and his heart sank. Everyone he realised, had someone, and there he was, standing in front of a closed door leading to an empty room.

"If I'd known it would destroy me this much would I have let this happen?" He asked aloud to himself, the voice that came from his mouth was hoarse and scratchy from neglecting to use it for long stretches of time. He touched the door knob, and twisted it. He walked into Loki's room, it was exactly as he had left it. He trudged into the bedroom and even the bed was still unmade. Tony smiled at the room, even after he'd left it.

He hadn't bothered to go back into that room and change a single thing, he hadn't forgotten about it. But, if he had gone in there any sooner he wouldn't've been able to stop himself from crying until he passed out, only to wake up and repeat that cycle until it killed him. Tony walked to his own room and took off his pants and socks. He walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth before he walked over to his bed, to snuggle beneath the bedsheets and comforter. This was the first night he slept without waking up.

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