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Loki nestled his head in the pillows, Tony gripped onto him like a child. He snored loudly, his face tickling Loki's chest. They have both walked to Tony's room, first thing after lying down on the bed they removed their outer layers of clothing and in nothing but their underwear they laid back in bed.

The two of them had instantly curled up and started talking. Loki let Tony play with his hair, and Tony allowed Loki (Of course with great shudders and jerks of his feet if he ran a finger in the right spot) to touch the Arc Reactor.

Eventually Tony curled up with his legs wrapped around Tony and fell asleep. Loki grinned as Tony gave a sleepy sigh in his sleep as he moved around. Loki shuffled his hip a small bit and Tony furrowed his brow in his sleep.

Loki giggled a small bit when Tony woke up and the first thing he said was: "Hi." He closed his eyes again.

"Tony would you like to go on a walk outside around the park?" Loki asked sitting up.

"I dun care." His mouth stretched wide in a yawn, but he still tried to talk. "If yew wan go to dah park we'll go. Lemme get dressed." He snuggled back up to Loki.

"Come on Tony I'm tired if just staying in this Tower, let's go outside or something."

"OK." He said, rubbing his eyes and picking up his clothes. Lazily he tugged on a shirt and his jeans. "I don't wanna go outside, I look hideous."

"Oh shut up, come on, it is high time we did something other than stay inside this Tower."

"You sound a lot like Rapunzel right now Loki." He said not trying to stifle a yawn. "If you were blonde and it was a hell of a lot longer you would be her and look related to Thor." Loki slapped him. "What the hell!?" Tony was wide awake now, and he looked so confused.

"Never say I look related to Thor! I can barely stand the sight of him let alone his name! Don't dare Tony! Never mind I'm going back to my room. Come see me when you AREN'T going to remind me of him!" He got dressed without another word or a backward glance at Tony and stormed out of the room, leaving Tony dumbstruck with his clothes barely on.

** Switch To Loki**

Loki slammed his door shut, he was seething. He could feel his face turning not pink but crimson. He stomped around in circles for a few minutes. He dared not destroy anything or risk being sent away or being yelled at by Tony, after all he had done for him he could not do that now.

He eventually sat on the couch clutching a pillow, wanting to tear it in half as he watched a show called Sherlock. His anger was starting to subdue when there was a faint knock on the door followed by a call of "Lokes?"

Loki did not move and said nothing as Tony walked in. He looked sad, and his eyes looked threatened of tears. An immediate wave of regret flooded over Loki.

"I'm sorry Loki. I was asleep I didn't know-" Loki had gotten up as fast as lightening and crossed the amount of space between the two of them and kissed Tony hard on the mouth. Taking him up fully in his arms.

"It is I, who am sorry Anthony." He said releasing Tony, who gave a dorky smile. Tony stood on his toe tips and kissed Loki's nose.

"Come on, let's go to the park." He grabbed Loki's hand and without any hesitation Loki went with him. Happy that he'd finally get out of the Tower.


When they arrived at the park it was just before sunset. Loki and Tony had their finger entwined together and they walked around in silence except for Loki occasionally getting excited about something he didn't know about. Tony would chuckle and explain it to him.

"I love you Anthony." Loki said as they began heading back to Stark Tower.

"I love you too."

Loki kept his head down, he didn't want to look at the damages anymore then he had to. Nobody knew what he looked like without his helmet and his armor on but still people were starting at Tony with profound interest as he walked holding hands with another man. Loki made sure to avoid the gazes of them if he did look up.

The sun had fallen when they arrived at the garage to the Tower. Tony strolled in, still clutching Loki's hand. When they arrived in the Lab, Tony released him.

"So, what do you want to do?" He asked, sitting on his desk while Loki took his chair. Crossing one long leg over the other.

"I have no idea." He responded with a laugh. "But, how about, you give a suggestion?"

"A suggestion for what?" Both of their heads snapped over to the door where Bruce was standing with Natasha, Clint, and Steve.

"Oh nothing really, just what kind of music he should listen to. We've been trying a few different kinds, we just shut off the monitor a few minutes ago considering we're going to try again a little later.

"Alright, well, Tony we're all heading out on mission in a day or so. We'll be seeing you." Steve said quickly. Each of them turned around and Clint scowled at Loki before he spun on his heel and followed Natasha. Loki let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding. He looked up at Tony.

His jaw was set, his temples were protruding and he the door with severe dislike. Loki grabbed his arm gently and he started. But recovered quickly when Loki gave him a smile.

"I have a suggestion." He grabbed Loki's arm tight and dragged him to his, Tony's, room.

He threw him onto the bed, and Loki looked bewildered as Tony shut and locked the door.

"What in the name of Yggdrasil are you doing?" Loki asked when Tony slipped off his shoes and tugged off Loki's. Fairly soon he had Loki in no clothing and he himself was nude.

Loki was stretched out on the bed and was gasping for air when Tony had finished. Loki's eyes were open further then they could normally go, his small pale chest was heaving. Tony grabbed his side and Loki gave a shuddered breathe as Tony started to nip at his neck.

"Anthony!" He breathed as Tony began to feel up Loki, running his hand along him teasingly. It felt good to the Not-So-God and he was some what frozen there with pleasure and lust coursing through his body. He looked just for a matter of seconds into Tony's eyes, they were filled with lust, they looked almost black. "Anthony-stop-please! PLEASE!" He said, he was already covered in a layer of sweat and on his belly other things, he was threatening to become more so now.

Tony did not stop, but became stronger with it, he took his time at the tip and Loki began to shake as he could no longer contain himself. Tony proceeded a few more times until he knew Loki was done. He let go of Loki and again Loki was laying there with wide eyes and gasping for breath.

"God, you are loud!" Tony said falling next to him.

"I have no control over how much noise I make when you do that and you know it!" Loki said to him, he pressed up against Tony who purred like a cat when Loki began to stroke the Arc Reactor. "Be honest, you know it Anthony." 

"Yeah, I do." He shuddered as Loki ran his hand over the surface of his skin now, his finger trailing to his lips. Loki gave him a long kiss before falling against the pillows again lazily, his head near his shoulder as he eyed the man next to him. 

"I love you Anthony." 

"I love you too Loki." Tony snuggled up to him again and this time Loki fell asleep first. The only light was that of the blue from Tony's chest, but that was muffled a bit when Tony yanked the blankets up over him and Loki's. He gave Loki a small peck on the nose, he gave a faint little snore in his sleep and his nose crinkled at the touch, but he did not wake. 

Heck yeah! New part! As promised right? Yaaasss. Alrighty, this story is starting to turn around again, just had a little bit of action happen, more to come in further chapters, hopefully. 

FrostIron Oneshots are open for the taking, we published a first one on our own accord. We hoped it would tempt you a bit to think of ideas. Hell we are good with anything but Thorki after all, the possibilities are endless just waiting on you lot for ideas. So please, for the umpteenth time, ideas please? -143_Tom_Hiddles

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