Chapter 5

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Dogman's POV
Today was Chief's and Sarah's wedding and I was Chiefs right hand man. And he was now waiting for Sarah to walk down the aisle and it has been a while and Chief was starting to get a bit nervous. I wonder whats taking her so long....


It was now the after party after Chiefs and Sarah's wedding. Dogman was just sitting around minding his own sorroundings nothing much everything was normal.

Until the reception brought out the wine...

Some people decided to get one drink then get some water to water down the dose. Little did everyone know (Except for Lil Petey since the wedding ended exactly at his bedtime.) An irresponsible teenager that started working due to money. Spiked the water that ALMOST EVERYONE EXCEPT FOR LIL PETEY drunk.

Rossie was just watching as the terror unfold. When it first unfolded things were normal people were just chatting. Well before the 13th shot, Now Petey was doing backflips and failing horribly. Dogman was dancing the chicken dance along with the F.L.E.A.S, Yolay, Sarah Hatoff,Chief and so on. While other people that Chief/Sarah invited were doing crazy stuff. A few hours later when they were done with the 68th shot they all fainted. "Good luck with the hangover when you wake up." Rossie thought while dragging everybody to the hotel the Chief and Sarah rented out for the wedding.

After yeeting everybody to their respected rooms. She then got a really cheeky idea. She knew that 3 people share 1 room and she knew that Dogman and Petey share a room along with Lil Petey. So like a ninja of darkness masked by the conviently placed objects in the hotel. She sneaked into their room then like a troll she (Somehow) carried Dogman to Petey's bed then Sanic ran away. "Good luck with that in the morning Dogman if you both found out I did that you would probably killed me." Rossie thought quickly running while giggling to her room that she shared. Boy I wonder what they would thinking in the morning.

Thus Ending this chapter that was probably filler. Welp see you guys in the next A/N or chapter who knows? So you you Peeps in the next chapter!

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