The Concert

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The concert hall is full tonight. Weiss is backstage getting ready. It's Blake's last night being her bodyguard. But she has a young wolf Faunus shadowing her, not talking just learning how to make sure Weiss was save. Weiss only meet her a week ago and talked to her a couple of times. The young lady is a fast learner so Weiss is happy about that. She was looking over at this young lady who's a wolf Faunus thinking to herself that she's cute and beautiful at the same time, as she was looking at her new bodyguard blushing a little. Then she also thinks to herself having someone new is a little scary. Blake has been her friend and bodyguard for 5 years. But at the start she didn't like Blake. Not because she's a cat Faunus but because she didn't want to have someone following her every move. Weiss is lost in all her thoughts. Not hearing Blake call her name.

"Weiss." Blake says. Waiting for her to answer.
Not getting an answer, Blake touched her shoulder gently. "Weiss, you go on in 5." Looking at her a little worried, she has a feeling something up.

"Oh thank you. Sorry I was just thinking about you and it being your last night working for me." Weiss says. She has sadness in her voice.

"I'm still your friend Weiss, nothing going to change that, I will come visit you in a mouth. But your going to still be at my wedding in two weeks right?" Blake asked her.

"Yes of course, I promise to stand at your side after all." Weiss says smiling. Blake nodded.

"Ok good. Don't worry to much Ruby is really good she's even better then me. She's already helped out so much by connecting her scroll to all the camera here." Blake tells her with a big smile.

Weiss looked at the young lady smiling a little. Trying not to blush. Right Ruby was her name, I must not forget that. Now that I think about it Ruby suits this young lady very well. She's dressed in a nice black dress with white long sleeve and a red cape over her shoulders. ( like in the picture above.) Weiss then looked back to the mirror finished up her makeup trying to hide her blush. "Ok I'm almost done. Thanks for the help ladies." Weiss says. They just nodded at her in the mirror.

Couple minutes later. "Ok it's time." Blake says to Weiss. Weiss nodded and gets up. Blake opens the door and Ruby looked out in to the hallway she then looked at her scroll.

"Blake I just don't like the way this one blue heard guy is acting. He's been hiding in an out of the cameras. I'll go check him out and be right back." Ruby says, then with a red and black flash she's gone.

"Wow." Weiss says, seeing how fast she was.

"Yeah I know right." Blake says back smiling. "Should we get you to the stage?" Weiss just nodded. As they walked half way down the hallway Weiss can see Red coming right at her she's a little worried. "It's just Ruby Weiss. Your going to have to get use to it." Blake says taking her hand gently.

"Oh right seeing red means Ruby." She says softly. Still walking to the back of the stage. Ruby stopped and whispered something to Blake.

"No." Is all Blake said. Ruby nodded and run away again.

"Blake is everything ok?" Weiss asked.

"Just a crazy fun saying your his girlfriend." Blake says like it no big deal.

"Oh... ok." Weiss says. They finally getting to the stage. Blake hug's her, then hiding in the shadows. Weiss taking a look out to see Ruby and some blue heard guy talking. "I hope Ruby doesn't get hurt, I think I like her." She whispered softly to herself.

The lights go down and that's her cue to walk on stage. She gets to the mic and the lights come back up. The crowd goes wild.

"Good evening everyone, before we start I'd like to share something with you." She says. And they cheer for her. "Thank you, so my best friend is getting marry and I'd like to show her how much she means to me by dedicating tonight concert to her." Weiss says. Everyone cheers more. "Ok you know who you are and I love you, this is for you." Weiss then started singing the music comes on a moment later.

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