The family

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"Come on Weiss we have our appointment with Dr. Ozpen." Ruby says rusting her. Because she all excited. They are meeting with the Dr. to start a family. Learning how it works with both their DNA's.

"Ok I'm ready now." Weiss tells her after getting her dressed jacket on. Then walked to the door. Klein was waiting out front for them.

Ruby runs to the front door first to open it for Weiss. "After you my lady." She says bowling a little. Weiss blushed then kissed her cheek.

"Thank you my love." Weiss says. Walking out off the house. Ruby following right behind.

"No Penny today?" Ruby asked when get to the car.

"Oh sorry I forgot to tell you she can't come help protect me. Her father got really sick so she staying home with him. But Mama Rose is there to so I'm sure everything will be fine." Weiss tells Ruby.

"Should we take your Guard dog then?" Ruby asked looking at Zwei. Who was setting at the front door.

"Oh maybe." Weiss think's about it for a moment. Then called him over. "Zwei come on boy. You're working today." Weiss said as she goes back for his leash. He gets all excited now to. "Oh just great now I have two of you." Weiss says sarcastically. She smiled at Ruby.

"Yeah and one day snowflake you have 3 of us." Ruby said as she pointed at Weiss then herself.

Weiss then gets excited to. All getting in the car. After buckling up Klein drives off.

20 minute later at the hospital door, Ruby gets out looks around. "All Clear." Puts her hand out for Weiss to take. So Weiss did. Hand in hand they go in the hospital. As they get to the elevator one of the nurse stopped them.

"excuse me you can't have a dog in the hospital." She tells them.

Ruby looked down at Zwei. Then the nurse. " "even if he's a service dog?" Ruby asked

The nurse looked down and smiled, "Oh ok then, go head." She tells they.

Ruby thanks her. Before they leave. Getting on the elevator together. Weiss kissed Ruby's cheek softly. As the elevator door closed.

Ruby just smiled. Then looked down at Zwei.
"I should get you a jacket that says Service dog." She tells him. And he barked back.

The ride up was fast so they make it to Dr. Ozpen office in time.

"Oh the Rose's are here thank goodness." The young man says. Looking at them. Ruby looked at Weiss confused for a moment. Weiss just pointed to her ring. Ruby nodded softly
With a big smile.

The young man just shows them in. "Dr. You're 1 o'clock is here. He tell the Dr.

"Ok thanks Fox. You may go now." Dr. Ozpen says to the young man. The Dr then gestured for them to sit. So Weiss and Ruby set in front of the Dr's big desk. "Ok let me start off with you Ruby." Ruby nodded softly. Looking at him. So he started talking to her first. "Ok so I want to take some of your eggs. Then Use Weiss DNA, to let's just say fertilize them." He explains looking at both young women. Who just nodded yes.

"Oh and I was hoping you be willing to allow me to take some extra eggs from you. Because personally I think there should be more wolf Faunus out there. I have asked her mom as well to let's just say donate some eggs." Dr. Ozpen asked looked hopeful.

"Oh ummm Weiss, are you OK with that?" Ruby asked her wife to be.

"Umm that's not up to me sweetie. That's up to you." Weiss says looking at her smiling.

"I know but I just have this feeling that it's like cheating on you." Ruby says looking at Weiss.

"Oh no, don't think about it like that. Think of it as you're helping other people make families." Weiss says back.

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