Coming home

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It's been 2 days sense Ruby got hurt. She's aloud to move now but only slowly. Weiss cancelled the Tuxedo for her but paid Coco anyway. Ruby getting out today. Everyone was meeting up at Weiss's house. Summer and Weiss are at the house getting ready for the dinner party they are having. Weiss even asked Coco and her wife to come. They said yes of course. Raven was with Ruby at the hospital getting her medicine and her physiotherapy all set up for home. Weiss paid for home visit to get Ruby back on her feet. Yang and Blake are running late to Weiss's house because of Blake being sick.

"Coco and Velvet are here." Penny tells Weiss.

"Oh thank you. Penny I be right there." Weiss says.

"Raven and Ruby are on they're way and Blake and Yang are running late because of Blake's morning sickness." Summer tells Weiss.

"Ok Mama thank you. Come meet my high school friend and her wife. They just got here." Weiss says to Summer. Penny, Coco and Velvet are in the living room. Weiss and Summer come in and say hi. Weiss introducing Summer to her friend's. Everyone hits it off. Having small talk and drinks. 10 minutes later Penny looks at her scroll.

"Weiss. Ruby and Raven just got here and Yang and Blake as well." Penny tells her. She smiled happily getting up to run to her love.

Blake running in the house right to the bathroom. Yang not fare behind. Weiss was to excited to see Ruby. When she run up to her hugging and kissing her. She almost knocked Ruby over. But Raven helped her stay up. Then Summer jumped on to Raven hugging and kissing her. Coco stand with Velvet watching them smiling at her friends new found love.

"Ok ice queen are you going to introduce us or what?" Coco says getting them to stop and look over.

"Yes, sorry I haven't seen Ruby for 12 hours and I missed her a lot." Weiss says to Coco. Velvet's next to her. Her rabbits ears up high and she has a big smile on her face looking at Ruby. Coco see's her wife smiling at someone over then her means a lot. Getting curious she asked her.

"Honey bun what's up your smiling? not that I don't mind but you don't usually do that around new people." Coco asked Velvet.

"You remember me telling you about my friend in high school that kept me save from bullies, that's her." Velvet tells Coco in a shyly voice. Coco and Weiss both in shock that they know each other. Velvet's is older then Ruby by 4 years.

"Sweetie, is that true?" Weiss asked Ruby.

"Yes. C.B and I went to high school together, you forgot that I graduated when I was 16. It's nice to see you again C.B." Ruby says smiling at her. "I'd give you a hug but I think your beautiful wife would get mad at me." Ruby says looking at Coco.

Coco pulled Velvet over to her. She hugged Ruby then Velvet hugged Ruby. "Thank you red wolf for protecting my chocolate bunny." Coco say to Ruby smiling. Ruby smiled back.

"No problem C.B. Was my best friend of course I'd help her out. Sorry but I need to set down now I'm getting dizzy." Ruby says holding on to Weiss shoulder. They get her to the couch.

"Oh R.W. Are you ok?" Velvet asked all worried.

"Yeah it's comes and goes but I'll be ok. I have my princess to help me." Ruby tells Velvet. "Maybe we should use our real name now, seeing we are with family." Ruby says looking at Velvet smiling. Who smiled back give her a hug again.

"I miss you Ruby. Oh I got in to Beacon University after high school. Taking photography and getting my teaching degree. So I can teach grade 1." Velvet says all excited.

"That's great Velvet, I missed you too. I joined the military and became an engineer but I got hurt so I didn't get my degree. So I work for Weiss now as her bodyguard." Ruby tells her old friend. Coco and Velvet set down right across from Ruby and Weiss.

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