chapter 17 preparations

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Chapter 17


Sidon jerked up in a flurry as he sat idly by on a stool. He'd been caught in a daydream when Link barged in from the flap of their tent.

"Excuse me, Link, sorry...I was just thinking," the prince mentioned, shaking his head from his thoughts that overflowed from his mind.

"And what was that?" asked Link, giving him a curious once-over for his startled response.

"I was thinking, you really believe this plan of yours is going to work for us?" Sidon said with a nervous chuckle, standing up from where he sat, carefully hunching in their small tent. "I mean, I am not afraid of going into battle outnumbered with all odds against us, nor do I fear death. But I must confess, if I don't have to die and could live just a bit longer, that would be much more preferable."

Link couldn't help but grin at how awkward the Zora prince looked standing in the tent, appearing as though he could lift the whole tarp up off the ground at it's center post if he chose to straighten to his full height.

"Don't worry, they promised me I would be getting better quarters for our stay here. Soon, you won't have to be leaning over as you do now," Link assured him.

"It's no bother, really. But, as I was saying before, are you sure—"

"It's going to work, trust me. When have I ever let you down?" he, the hylian disrupted smugly, a cool smile on his face. As he spoke, he pulled back the long flowing hair that framed either side of his face in false sideburns, tying off the majority of his mop of sandy blonde hair into a short tail.

"Here, have a look at this," Link called out to his companion, kicking open the lid of a chest in the corner of the tent. It sat among the other random assortment of gear they had stacked messily in their quarters.

The knight rummaged about as he leaned over the open trunk, digging through and chaotically tossing items out one by one that were of no use to them now. The unnecessary bits flew across the room as he buried himself in the chest, hunting for what he needed. Mostly they were pointless things of value, such as moblin bones, chu chu jelly remains, random guardian parts among other things, but others not so much. Even so, Link still decided not to part ways with any of them. You never know when anything might come in handy, he believed. And well, Link himself was quite a collector of random items, some might even say he was a reckless hoarder. But, Link would argue otherwise, he would call himself a collector of the finer and missed things in life.

These of course, were his belongings that he couldn't take along with him on his travels during his quest and were kept safe, put away for him at the domain. And, ever since he and Zelda visited the domain just a few days ago, those items were given back to him. Sidon on the other hand had to narrowly dodge each useless item as they flew past his head, since the knight carelessly tossed them about in the room, unaware where he was throwing them.

"Aha! Here they are, exactly what I was looking for. Perfect! Sure am glad I never sold these for that Hasty Apple pie that ol' innkeep Drummond was offering back at the Lakeland Stables. We'd be in a world of trouble now if I had done so," Link spoke aloud, smiling to himself at the thought of it. The sudden reminder of food in his mind's eye made his stomach growl in dissatisfaction. With a hint of sadness from the recollection of tasty delights, Link sighed to himself for not being able to enjoy any such sweet confections anytime soon.

"What!? You would trade your finest possessions such as these for...pie?" Sidon questioned, flabbergasted at the notion.

"Well, if you haven't eaten anything tasty for days and days out in the open wild, and all you had was leftover moldy bread or worse; you too would be settling to trade anything for a fresh homemade apple pie," Link said, salivating at the thought of it with stars in his eyes, dreaming about the pie. "Not always did I have the luxury to cook my own meals. A lot of the times I had to be dead silent where I was at. I had to make sure I was hidden at all times from any enemy eyes while I turned in for the night. And that meant, no campfires most of the time."

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