blue raspberry & memories

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March 7th 2005

"Catch me if you can!" I giggle and run away from my brother Evan, laughing like a hyena.

After he caught me we stopped running around and went to get some food but before we could go into the house my mom came out.

"Look who's here." My mom called following two twin boys from the house.

"I'm Ethan and I'm seven" he smiles proudly running up to me.

"I'm Delilah and I'm six !" I got excited over the fact we was both close in age.


"And I'm Grayson." Another loud boy stepped into the conversation.

"Can I have one, there my favourite in the whole wide world." I said pointing at his hand where he had five blue Jolly Ranchers.

"Sure" he brought the jolly ranchers up to his mouth licking them,

"do you still want them?" He asked laughing, my eyes filled up.

"I wanted one!" I stamp my feet on the floor before pushing him, he got back up and pulled my hair.

"Mom!" My brother ran inside getting my mom while me and Grayson pulled each other's hair.

"Stop it, stop it!" My mom and another woman came out, the woman pulled Grayson off of me and told him off.

"Say sorry right now." My mom demanded me

"But mommy he started it." My eyes filled up again and my lip popped out

"Say sorry Grayson." The other lady said.

"Sorry." He mumbled not meaning it.

"Sorry." I also force out a fake apology, since that day on I guess we haven't really liked he each, well, we hate each other.

July 17th 2016
"Fuck I hate Monday" I groan to Jane slamming my locker

"Come on we have Gym." She smiled making me groan even louder.

Ever since me and Jane met we've been inseparable, we do everything together like-

"Watch it" Grayson hit my shoulder while his friends laugh

"Fuck you Grayson"

"Is that a request?" He asked smirking while his friends howled louder of laughter.

"Why is he such an asshole." I groan

"Ask his mom he came out her pus-"

"Okay! Okay! I know." I stopped her from speaking she just laughed and we went to gym class.


"Go! Go! Go!" Miss brandy shouted at us all at the door

Miss brandy was my gym teacher unfortunately, such a miserable woman, she hated everyone and everything.

"Loxely!" Miss brandy shouted.

"Gym now!" The smell of sweat and cigarettes hit me when she shouted.

I stumbled into the gym room before I was grabbed by Jane and pulled.

"Come on!" She pulled me

"Volleyball?" I asked

"No! Big fight."

"Who-" I said until I seen who it was-

Grayson fucking Dolan what a surprise.

He was sat on top of Ryan peters rapidly punching his face, Jane winced once she seen the blood after Grayson had just thrown his last punch.

Ryan got Grayson off of him and tried to punch him but Ethan jumped in.

"Hey! stop it now!" Mr patson shouted coming out of no where with miss brandy by his side.

Mr patson pulled Grayson, his chest was going up and down he stared back me, even giving me a wink.

I pulled a weird look before turning away hearing him laughing in the background.

"Dolan" mr patson called.

"Alright, alright chill." Grayson trailed behind him before turning back to me.

'Asshole' I mouthed

'Bitch' he replied back, making me gasp that fucking-

"Get back to the changing rooms." Miss brandy shouted in my ear making me flinch.

"Okay, okay." I said following Jane.


"Mom I'm back" I shouted walking into the house and dropping my bag on the floor.

"In the kitchen" she shouts back

"How was school?" She asked while she cooked something.

"Good, what you making?" I asked walking over to the refrigerator getting a bottle of water.

"Lisa and her family are coming over for dinner tonight."

"But mom-"

"And I don't want you picking on Grayson."


"Do you hear me?"

"Yes." I said quietly going upstairs.

Wow how exciting.

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