Dinner & chat

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I had to get ready for the dinner, But it's nothing special, I mean I'm only seeing fuck face and his family.

I just put my hair up in a ponytail and wiped on face.

The bell ran and my mom answered the door, I could hear people talking.

I can't go down there I don't wanna see his face.

"Delilah, Evan" my mom called me and my brother.

"Coming." I shouted back following my brother down the stairs.

I looked down and seen everyone smiling and talking.

"Come on, come sit down." My mom said with a smile and returned back to talking, I noticed Grayson had a slight cut on his lip.


"Yeah, come sit down" Grayson said sarcastically and patted the seat next to him.

I had no choice but to sit next to him, because Evan had already taken the other seat.

My mom and Lisa walked to the kitchen leaving us all.

"To say your such a bitch, you're not that pretty"

"Yeah? Well at least the dirty guys don't try to sleep with me."

Ethan and my brother were too deep in conversation with each other to know what we were saying.

"Well at least I get girls." He said leaning back in his chair

"Yeah, and that's why you have about it a million stds."

"I fucking don't you bitch." He sat up and faced me.

"Really well Jess-"

"And dinner is served" my mom came out with a few plates of lasagna and Lisa followed.

"So how was school?" My mom asked us all while putting the plates down,

"it was good mom, but there's this boy who's so annoying, like even when he breathes it annoys me." I said looking at Grayson smiling, "oh wel-"

"Same here Mel, there's this girl, she's so stupid! She always follows the boys around and fuc-." Grayson said returning the sarcastic smile.

"Okay! Grayson that's enough." Lisa stopped him before he could say anything else.

Grayson just looked up at his mom, before digging into his food.

"When I was at work today, this woman came in speaking Spanish, we-" Lisa stopped talking for a second to swallow her food

"We had to use a translator, God, I wish I knew Spanish, I only know English." She said laughing

"Same," my mom agreed "don't they teach Spanish at school anymore?"

"Yeah they do, I had to do a project with Delilah." Grayson smiled at me

"Oh really?" Lisa said picking up some food and putting it in her mouth

"Yep." He pop the p " wow, what was it?"

"We had to write what we like about each other in Spanish." Ethan and evan burst out laughing when they heard this, my mom kicked Evans leg under the table.

"And what did you put down" my mom question

"I put down nothing she's a bitch."


"Oh fuck you Grayson! I'm not dealing with your bullshit." I Pushed my chair out standing up and excusing myself.

"Delilah!" My mom called

I ran up the stairs slamming the door behind me.

I slumped into my bed letting out a Breath.

"Asshole" I muttered slowly closing my eyes.

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