Questions & answers

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I didn't wanna tell Jane, I wanted no one knowing.

Even if me and Jane have known each other for years, I didn't want her knowing, I hate him.

But why can't I stop thinking about his eyes? I should hate his stupid eyes, but they have been stuck in my head.

Why did he kiss me? Was it just for the role or did he-

"Delilah!" Evan stood in front of me waving his hand in my face.

"I've been calling you for five minutes." He stood up straight.

"Sorry." I mutter

"We need to go."


I walk up to my locker, collecting my books for English.

I hadn't seen Jane yet, but I guess I should just go on my own to class. As I set off walking I noticed Grayson talking to a girl, until he seen me.

"Hey! Delilah, I need to speak to you." He chased after me. I still ignored him

"Delilah!" I still ignored him until he grabbed my arm, I snapped my head to him pulling my arm away. "What!" I shouted.

"Listen." He took a breath. " we need to speak about what happen last night."

"Nothing happened."

"Delilah the kis-"

"Shut your fucking mouth." I Whisper shouted.

"I have to go." I walked on he still came after me, "fine!"

He stopped in the middle of the halls
"We'll talk about this later."

"No we won't!" I replied to his senseless remark and walked to English.

even in English I couldn't forget about him, we was learning about Romeo and Juliet, shit. I still have to do that project with him. I'm so fucked.


I walked out of school and of course Jane wasn't there to pick me up so I had to walk.

"Delilah!" A voice from the background shouted over.

Oh for fuck sake.

I just ignored his voice and carried on walking.

"Please." He begged

"What." I groan turning around

"Come to mine, we need to talk." He pulled my arm

"This is kidnap."

"I don't want to."

"Just get in the car." He sighs

I stomp my feet then getting into the car.


"Why do we need to talk about this? Can't we just forget about it, it's done it's over." I say looking at him making sure he got the message that this whole topic was stupid.

"No, no, you don't understand." He said rubbing his face

"I don't understand what?" I questioned

"I need your help." I looked up with tears in his eyes

"Excuse me?" I asked slightly disgusted with the fact that he had the nerve to ask me- yes me, his enemy.

"I need your help, I-" he looked down

"-I want you to help me with my sadness, I'm so low Delilah, God I'm so sad." He fell back onto the couch.

"And I care because?" I asked coldly.

"Will you stop being a bitch for one fucking minute!" He shouted standing back up again.

"That kiss we had days ago. I know it meant something to you, it meant something to me."

"It meant nothing to me." But.. Did it?

"Oh yeah? Then tell me why it meant something to me."he pointed at his self desperate for me to admit the same.

I got close to his face and spoke "it meant nothing." But before I could do my dramatic turn and walk out of his house he kissed me, it felt like a firework had gone off.

He pulled away and spoke "see" he grabbed my shoulders.

"Now, please, help me become happy once again." I was till speechless

"Okay. When do we start." I said looking down.

"Thank you!" He pulled me into a hug.

"So I guess we're doing lessons."he smiled

"You won't regret this." He smiles even winder pulling me back into a hug again.

What have I got myself into.

Slim chance G.DWhere stories live. Discover now