Romeo & Juliet

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"you mean everything to me"

"You mean everything to me too Carson" I stare at him with a soft smile

I and Carson have been spending a lot of time together, currently, we are in this club, Jane dragged me here.

I mean they give free pizza so I'm not bothered.

I was speaking to Carson until Jane came storming over, "that greedy bitch took the last pineapple and ham pizza" she turned her head back to a girl.

A group of people sat in a circle singing some songs, but the free pizza was better.

"Woah there Jane." I laughed

She just laughed and walked away back to the singing group.

"She's something" Carson laughed

"You could say that"

Carson and I have been going 'steady' you could say, I've never met someone like him before. 

he's an angel. he loves me for me. no one like him has come in my life before 


"party at mine" Ethan came up to me

"cant go I have to do homework with your dumbass brother" I frowned 

"jeez good luck" he laughed 

I guess he could say that. my dearest partner hasn't even done his part, there's no time, we need it done by tonight. 

"Carson will probably be coming through" I state to Ethan, " is he not going to yours?"  

"no I told him we need to get this done by tonight, or else Mrs Mitch will beat my ass" he laughed I laughed along with him,

"Ethan come on" he friend shouted 

"well I've gotta blast" he started walking away  "but hey," he turned back around walking backwards slowly. "next time" he smiled and ran up to his friend. 


"Daddy's here" Grayson walked into my house throwing his stuff down 

"never walk into my house and never say that again." I stare blankly at him, he put his hands up in a defence way 

"Sorry bitch" I groan and walk upstairs, he stands at the bottom just looking at me, " are you coming or not"  he just smirks and walks upstairs.


"so what we doing," he said

 "well what do you think idiot" 

"have you got your script?" 


"Why the fuck not" I raise my voice 

"didn't feel like bringing it" I threw my script at him "read" 

I watched him scan over the script 

he stood up and grabbed my hand,  he took a deep breath in " I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss."

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this, For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.

 "Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?" he said licking his lips 

"Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer," I reply 

"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray; grant thou, lest faith turns to despair," he said 

"Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake," I reply 

"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take." he takes another deep breath and leans in. 

I let him kiss me, but we didn't stop it's like everything was in slow motion I couldn't stop it. 

we got more and more intense, I pulled away and watched Grayson take off his shirt, and undo his pants, he pushed his lip back onto mine and helped me pull my top off. 

I stopped him. 

"w-we cant do this," I said out of breath "I-i have a boyfriend w-we don't even like each other" 

Grayson stared at me blankly and put on his shirt and jeans and ran down the stairs. "Grayson" I shouted but he didn't answer. 

I fell onto my bed. 

why am I such a fuck up?


yo, guys are people actually  liking this because low key I will keep doing it if so 

word count: 672

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