Mine & yours

250 5 5

"You're not making this better
For yourself" I heard a voice whisper into my ear.

It made me jump, I turn away to see Grayson.

"oh yeah?" I mumbled back, " I have a boyfriend." I turn and point to myself

"that kiss didn't seem like a " he put his fingers up "I have a boyfriend. Kinda kiss"

"shut up," I say looking around making sure I one was looking.

"Come to my house tonight we can talk." he smiles and walked away.

I was stood silent.

I felt a arm wrap around me, it was Carson.

"Looks like you've seen a ghost" he laughed while out of breath.

I just smiled.

"Why you out of breath?" I ask looking up at him.

"Football practice, I'm running late." He smiled and kissed my head.

"Later." He smiled walking backwards and Turning around running.

Slim chance G.DWhere stories live. Discover now