Graduation Party

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I don't have many real friends and even less family. Since my dad left, when I was young, his side of the family never kept up with us. My mom only has one brother and his baby mama never let him see his kid. He didn't even bother going to court. The boy should be like 15 now. I got my mom, uncle, maternal grandparents, three best friends and a couple cool neighbors. That's all I need. "Maya Mae, you make me so proud." Grandma Anne says. "Thank you Grandma. It means a lot to me," I say, as I hug her. Her and Grandpa don't stay too far from here but they don't come around because of Darius. We gotta go to them. "My girl is a Valedictorian!" Keisha pulls me into a hug. She's smart too but she didn't put too much effort into school. She kept a C average, just to graduate. Even that's better than most of this hood can do.

Everybody gathers around enjoying music and good food. My mama throws down. I watch as Darius piles his plate. If looks could kill, he'd be dead by my grandma's glare. She knows her daughter deserves better. We all know. "Okay, so I wanted to wait, until your birthday, but I can't wait." My mom says happily, as she hands me an envelope. I know it's not money because we ain't got it like that but I know it's heartfelt. I open the envelope and read the letter. It's an acceptance letter...for my mom. "You got the job?!" I yell. My mom's been applying left and right, to anything paying over 40K. "I did," she smiles. I basically bum rush her. She's really good with people and numbers, but she never finished college. A lot of jobs she wanted required a degree. "Mama, I'm so proud of you." I hug her tightly. My mom is an assistant at a law firm. It's not a lawyer but it's as close as she can get.

"Wait, this says February 11th." I say, looking at the date.  I hope she didn't miss her opportunity. "Which leads me to your real gift." My mom says and pulls out a box, from a kitchen drawer. "Not gone lie, I was judging you. I know you wasn't bout to give that girl a letter as a gift." Darius says, making everybody turn toward him. "The best gift would've been getting rid of you." My grandma says. She hates him. Darius respects his elders and says nothing. She hands me the box and I happily unwrap it. "Mom." I say simply. I eye the keys to a car. There's no way. "Step outside, why don't you?" I rush to the door, while everyone follows. No one's seen the keys yet. They just keep asking "what is it?" I step outside and almost cry, when I see a silver Honda Accord, with a big red bow on top. "Mom!" I can't say anything else. She could barely afford her own car. "Georgia." My grandpa calls, after my mom. "It's okay, dad." My mom says, as I run to the car.

Everyone meets me in the street and eye the car. It's far from perfect. Paint is fading. The rims could be better and the seats are dingy. I couldn't care less though. I love it. I jump inside and turn it on. "Ahhh!" I scream. Keisha, Daisy and Trevor hop in the car, too. Tears fall from my eyes. I hop back out and run to my mom. "Oh my God. Thank you so much. This is the best thing ever!" "You're welcome baby. Sorry I waited this long to tell you about the job." "How did this happen?" "Well, when I went into Starbucks, on my birthday, I sat near this guy who worked at the firm. He saw the birthday pin you got me and sparked a conversation. Next thing you know, I find out he's the owner of A.B. Law, offering me an interview." "No wonder you were in such a great mood. I thought it was a new breath of air turning 35." I say, causing everybody to laugh. All but Darius. "Oh hell no. He just wants to get in your pants!" Darius yells. "Oh boy hush up! Be happy for my daughter or you can leave." My grandpa says. He never says much but when he does, it's because it's true shit. Darius mumbles some words as he walks back into the apartment. I didn't want him here anyway.

"Now you know there will be rules." My mom says. Oh great. I should've known it was too good to be true. "No random people in here. Those three right there, me, ya uncle and ya grandparents." She says, pointing to my best friends and family. "Yes ma'am." I answer. "You need to be home by curfew, which is still 10, while you're in my house." "Yes ma'am." "No driving longer than a 20 minute distance. Your job is a hop and skip away, in a car. These kids live nearby and all the food and clothes you need are at the mall and that cornerstone. Don't make me have to come looking for you." "Yes ma'am." I answer, hoping that's all. I don't plan on driving much until college anyway. "That's my girl." My mom pulls me into a hug. "I'll let y'all explore. Come on y'all." My mom takes the adults back inside.

"Bitchhhh, you got a whole ass car!" Keisha yells. "The whole hood gone know about this." Trevor says. Word gets around fast. Not many of us kids got cars. Hell, most parents don't either. The Lord really blessed my mom. This car was probably like $2,000 off the street but I know that was still a lot, even with her new job. I know she was already behind on bills. I've been helping out, ever since I started working but she never wanted me to pay a bill more than $100. "We going everywhere...within a 20 minute drive!" Daisy yells. We all buss out laughing.

By the time we stop laughing, I notice a big black Cadillac heading our way. I already know who it is. I roll my eyes as Dre drives closer. I know nobody said anything yet but he JUST so happens to be driving by. His window is rolled down just enough so I can see his eyes. He nods his head up and down and leaves it at that. I show a hard exterior but on the inside, I fear him. I don't know if my act is believable to him. Everybody knows if you beef with him, you're good as dead. "Can you believe they tried to recruit you?" Daisy asks, making us remember how they approached Trevor. They cornered him, one night after basketball practice, in an alley he shouldn't have walked down. Trevor damn near shit his pants but he's like me. He held his ground, in order to not show fear. They respected it but they definitely didn't care for his refusal to join. They robbed him right then and there. Never spoke to him again. "They wack as fuck man. 5 niggas against one. Of course I wasn't gone argue with they ass but I damn sure ain't tryna be in the streets. I'm playing ball, when I get to college.

We all got accepted into Georgia State University. It didn't take much for them to get accepted. Keisha barely applied. The hardest part for her is going to be financially, if she doesn't get loans. I got my academics. Trevor got basketball and Daisy got music. She's a bomb ass harp and cello player. Keisha could've been straight off academics but like I said, she wasn't trying for real. I'll be surprised if she actually goes.

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