Last Chance

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"No."  I say to myself. I'm not letting this go down. It could all be so simple. Mason needs to man the fuck up and realize he's the cause for all of this. I summoned him here today, to get some final words out, before it gets ugly. I have my crew, Mila and some of Dre's boys outside. "You got 5 minutes, Maya." Mason says as soon as he walks in. I chose to meet him at a heavily populated restaurant, just to be safe. "And you have less than that." I respond. "If Dre dies, I will end you. It's either you make sure he's alive or you die." Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be talking to my "father" this way. This conversation is so different, this time, I finally see a small sense of weakness, in his eyes. "Why are you choosing this boy over me?" He asks. "You made this happen!" I yell. "You should've just let me and Dre stay cool and let me warm up to the idea of us having a father-daughter relationship. You messed it up!" 

Now people are staring. "Maya, you don't know who this man really is." "I don't know who you are! I know him. You don't." "I know what he's done and he knows what I have done." He whispers angrily. "Niggas can't keep their mouths closed, when it comes to women they respect. I see the way he acts around you. I heard the stories. He's losing it, Maya and I can't have that." He finally admits what's really been going on. I hadn't thought about that. I thought it was personal. I'm actually a little disappointed in him. He doesn't care what happens to me. He just knows Dre actually likes someone and can possibly expose him, during "pillow talk". "You should have trusted him more. You should have known he would never do that." I say and walk away. "Maya." Mason calls after me. I have nothing else to say. 

A few days go by and I hear nothing from Mason. I expected that. Every chance I get though, I check on Dre. He hates it but I know he secretly loves it. It's clear he cares about me and trusts me so it has to make him feel good that he chose the right person. After all of this shit. I'd never betray him and I want what's best for him. I just don't think exposing Mason is the answer. "Maya, don't you have a test next week? Why are you here?" Dre asks. "You know why I'm here." I answer. "Maya." "I brought my notes, Dre. Dang." I roll my eyes. "How's he doing?" I ask the nurse. "Surprisingly well. He's made some really good progress and has a higher chance of living." Besides the 90 I got on my English test this week, this has been the best news I've gotten all week. I smile at Dre. I can tell he wants to smile but he's trying not to. "You can be happy, Dre." "It doesn't change the fact that Mase still wants me dead. I'll be right back in this position, if I live." "Don't think like that! I'm working on it." "What you mean?" "I just keep talking to him. I'm just hoping he'll cut the bullshit." "Every time you talk to him, it pisses him off more. I'll be dead by tomorrow. Fuck!" Dre yells. This is so frustrating.

After an hour of sitting in silence and studying, I finally leave Dre's house. I've been paying so much in gas, coming over here three times a week. I just feel like I have to. I want him to get through this but what if he's right? Mason is not taking heed to what I'm saying and continues to target Dre. FML.

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