The Take Down

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***Thanksgiving Break***

Dre's chance of living has gone up to over 85% and he's finally smiling. He's still not all for leaving Mason alone. He's thinking about releasing the information himself but he knows he'd have to go into hiding, forever. Who wants to live like that? "Can you check the greens?" My mom asks, bringing me back to reality. "Yea, sure." I say and check them. She's been cooking all morning, preparing for a few family members to come over. My grandparents are already here helping out as well.

By 3PM, everyone has made it to our place. The kitchen's not big enough to host this many people so we set up a long table in the living room. I take pride in setting the table. I love seeing all of the food together, before it's devoured. I invited Dre over, because he's not close to family and the family he did have in the gang, can't be completely trusted. He hasn't made the decision to come, though. "Alright everybody hold hands, so we can pray." My grandma says. Just as she does, the doorbell rings. A wave of confusion rushes over everyone.

To my surprise, it's Dre. I didn't get a text or anything but I don't care. I'm happy he's here. "Sorry, I'm late. I really just needed to come to my senses." He says, as my grandpa closes the door. "Maya, you've been such a good help to me and I really appreciate the invite and trying to make me feel whole again." I can't help but smile. It's the most normal and happy I've felt, since all of this been going on. Dre and I were never the same. "I guess you can hold my grand baby's hand." My grandpa jokes, making us all laugh. Dre joins us in prayer.

Once we pray, everyone begins passing all the trays around the table. I like having two plates, so I can have every option. "Hungry ain't you?" Dre asks. "It's Thanksgiving. Everybody pigs out." I say. "But where does it go?" He jokes. I playfully slap his arm and quickly regret it. I forgot he's not fully healed. "It's okay, Maya." He reassures me. "I'm good." I nod my head and dive into my food. I got my family around. My friends and I are doing really good in school. I got Dre next to me and bomb ass food in my mouth. Nothing can ruin this day.

But as to kick my ass, my Apple Watch lights up, showing a text from Mason. "It just says okay. " I say. "What?" Dre asks. "Mason texted me and that's all he said." "What did you say before?" "Nothing. We haven't talked in months. The last thing we talked about was..." It suddenly hits me. "We only talked about you. Maybe he's done with targeting you." Dre looks unsure. "I've never seen Mase let something go like this." "I've also never been involved." I say. We table the issue, in an effort to keep my family out of it. If they had any idea about what's been going on, Dre wouldn't be here.

We finish our food and play some games. Keisha and her mom comes over, since their family had to head back to their city, around 7. "Girl, I'm so full." Keisha sprawls herself over my bed. Me, her and Dre decided to separate, from the adults. Thankfully the only two cousins that came, already left. We're not that close and I don't want them in my business. "So did you ask him what he meant, to be sure?" Dre asks. "No. I guess I can ask now." I pull out my phone, to call Mason. "I'll take you up, on your offer." Mason says, before I can even say anything. "But if I even THINK my business has been exposed, I promise you he won't live to see the next day." The phone is on speaker, so Dre heard it. He's trying to compose his anger. "Okay, but what I said from the beginning still stands. I need time." "Maya, stop playing games with me. It's either you accept it as is or just forget it." "What is your problem?! You clearly don't want to have a relationship with me. Otherwise you'd be doing everything in your power, to make this happen." I get so mad, I just hang up. "At this point, Dre, I don't care what you do with what you know." Both Dre and Keisha look at me surprised. I know it only ends in either one of two ways. 1. Mason goes to prison or 2. Dre has Mason killed. Either way, I'm over it.


He didn't say who but Dre got someone he thought was loyal, to put the plan into effect. He's bought us burner phones, through someone, who bought them through someone. "He's there now, I can see him." Dre says, into the phone. He's watching his guy secretly place a flash drive that was also purchased through some people and only ever inserted into public library computers. The person he had verify the stuff, went disguised and also wore glasses with cameras on them and used a fake name and ID. Once he didn't need to check anymore, he changed his entire look again. It's all some crazy shit. "Okay...okay. BOOM! It's going down, from here." He says. Apparently their plan is similar to something I saw in a show. They dropped the flash drive in someone's baby carrier or bag. Something a mother would HAVE to check. Crazy thing is, the mother is the wife of someone high up in the police department. "Dre just be careful." I say. "I will, Maya. Good luck on your test. See you when you come home." He says, before hanging up.

This is my last final, before I can head back home. I've studied all I can study, so here goes nothing. "Welcome in, students. We have five more minutes, before we begin." The professor says. I see people doing some last minute studying. I even see folks stressing. Key'Von finally comes in and sits next to me. "We got this." He daps me up. The crazy thing is, Key'Von has become my closest school friend and I know Dre thinks something is up. He always pauses, if I ever say Key'Von's name. It's not like I'm tryna talk to him or anything. I just now find it easy to talk to him.

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