My Happy Place

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Over the past couple of months, Dre has visited me at school, twice a week. We talk every day and he made Valentine's Day more special than the day he asked me out. I knew that day we would have sex but I was still nervous. By the end of that weekend, I realized he wasn't going to try unless I initiated it. I respect him so much more, now. "Dre again?" Trevor asks. While Keisha and Daisy made a run to Walmart, he's just here laying over our couch. "Yea. I really like him, Trev." "I think you love him." He says. I'm only 18. Can I really know what love is? I mean there's plenty of other people that claims they fell in love around my age. I just haven't experienced it myself. "I don't know." I say. "I do. He's all you think about. He's done literally everything a girl would dream a nigga would do for them. He's hood but got a soft side. That's literally every girl's dream." "Yea you would know, Mr. Player." I laugh and throw a couch pillow at him. "Actually, there's this girl I like...a lot." He says, making me sit up, from my laying position. "Really? Who is it?" "I don't want to jinx it yet but she's different. You know I've turned down sex from the finest girls, this past month? That's how I KNOW she got me good. We ain't had sex yet either." I'm actually impressed. The odds of our college relationships lasting are pretty slim but it's worth the try. Keisha and Daisy walk back in and we end the conversation.


I pull up, into Dre's driveway and use the key he gave me. Every other time I came over, he got annoyed with me for not using it. I just didn't want  to be too forward. We're now three months in and I think at this point, I can do this. "Hey, baby." He greets me, at the door. "Hey." He kisses my lips and I melt a little. I've been thinking about it all week and I think today's the day. You know what I'm talking bout. "You look good girl." He says, once he sees my fit. I decided to be extra cute, since I'm spending the whole weekend with him. I have on a fitted black dress, some knee high heeled boots and a thin black cardigan. "Thank you." I smile, knowing what I had in mind.

We chill for a while, ate dinner and showered. "I think it's a good day, for the Jacuzzi. What you think?" Dre asks. It's still been pretty chilly, since Spring just started. "I didn't bring a bathing suit." I whine. "I got you." He smirks. He goes into his bottom drawer and takes out a bag full of options. "You just have this ready?" I ask, folding my arms. "I just bought them this week, crazy." He rolls his eyes and then grabs the receipt. Guess who looks stupid? "Sorry." I smile weakly. I go into the bathroom to change into the bathing suit I chose. 

Although I'm not a drinker, I'm okay with the idea of him bringing champagne into the mix. I think that just goes with Jacuzzi. "Don't be sipping it too fast now." Dre warns. I roll my eyes, like the typical young idiot and take another big gulp. "I got this." I smile, before putting the glass back down. I cuddle up close to him and wrap my arms around him. It feels good to just be around him, let alone this beautiful scenery. The sun is setting beautifully and the wind is blowing the trees just enough. "You are my happy place." Dre says, out the blue. I look up at him, wondering where his mind went. "You really are. I don't see anything wrong in you. I know we only been together a couple of months but it's the happiest I've ever been. Even before, when you hated me." He says, making me laugh. "Well, now, all I wanna do is love you." I say, before thinking. I mentally slap my forehead and cuss myself but Dre had other plans. He pulls me into a really deep kiss. I'm guessing he feels the same. "I love you, too Maya." He pulls away, from the kiss to say. Tonight is definitely the night.

If you told me almost a year ago that I'd be cool with Dre, let alone love him, I would've thought you lost your damn mind. But here I am bout to willingly lose my virginity to this ex gang banging drug dealer. Lawd this is going to be a story for my kids, when they're old enough. Until then, I'll love and make love to my man. Maya Mae out!

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