Me and You

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I'm trying so hard not to smile too much. I just been so happy, the past two weeks. Dre has really made it his business, to make up for lost time and all the drama he caused. My mom even said he can come over, whenever, as long as he left by 10PM. "What you smiling about?" Trevor asks. My friends and I can finally hang out again, without looking over our shoulders. "You know what or WHO she thinking bout." Keisha says. She's right though. "Papi Chuloo." Daisy laughs. "Shut up! I can't help it." I laugh. "I'm scared for when y'all finally have sex." Trevor says. "They're not even official yet." Daisy points out. "Yea but they way she looking right now, she ready to risk it all." Keisha jokes. "Y'all get on my nerves. My view still stands. No sex until marriage...or at least until I'm actually with somebody. Not bout to just be giving it up without commitment." I say. "Keisha." Trevor says. Keisha retaliates by throwing her fork at him. "If you must know, I have calmed all the way down. I haven't had sex in over three weeks." Keisha says. "Who the hell did you have sex with?" Daisy asks. "Quez or Josh?" I ask and fold my arms. "None of y'all damn business." Keisha laughs and gets up from the table.

"So how's basketball?" Daisy asks Trevor. We only went to like one game, before all this mess started. I barely had time to study, much less do extra curricular activities. "I don't know. We winning most of our games but I don't feel like it's my passion anymore." He answers. "Well it better be, unless you got $72,000 to pay for 4 years." Keisha says. "You ain't smart like us, now." "I hate you." Trevor says and rolls his eyes. He knows she's right though. He's not dumb but he's more of a C average, than A, like us. He wouldn't have gotten as much scholarship and grant money, if he didn't play basketball. "Maybe it's because you know you have a lot on the line and then we've been dealing with a lot. Hopefully this semester will be easier." Daisy says. I hope that's the case for all of us.


I get out of my 11 o'clock class and head straight for the cafeteria. I was running late this morning and skipped breakfast. "Maya!" I hear Key'Von call out. "Hey, Key!" I smile and wait for him to catch up. "Going to the caf?" He asks. "Yea, you?" "I am, now." He smiles. Honestly, if me and Dre don't work out, I'd probably give Key'Von a chance. I hated him at first but he's changed so much over the past few months. "You stepping out on our cousin now?" I hear a familiar voice. I sigh the biggest sigh ever. Sade and Sanai. "What are you talking about Sade?" I address her mess. I didn't even know they enrolled in school. "We was just tryna get our education and we saw you all booed up with another nigga." Sade claims. Sanai is just standing there, awkwardly. She doesn't even seem like she wants to be here. "Girl bye. I am walking with my FRIEND to the cafe. Dre knows we cool, so back off." I turn back around and continue my way to the caf. Key'Von's eyes are so wide right now. "Sheesh" is all he says.

After we get our food, I decide to text Dre. I know he's not cool with his cousins like that, anymore but that won't stop them from putting shit in his head. Almost as soon as the text goes through, he calls. "Hey?" I ask confused. I hope he's not actually upset. "Hey. I appreciate you telling me." He says. "Of course. I already told you we cool. I just didn't want your messy ass cousins lying to you." I say. "Yea I am NOT fucking with you, like that." Key'Von says reassuring Dre. He actually hasn't crossed any lines and I respect that. Dre laughs. "Y'all good, man. I do want to come over, later, though." He says, surprising me. "Okay, that's cool. My last class ends at 5:45." "Bet. See you later." After we hang up, I'm back smiling like an idiot. "He makes you happy. You deserve that." Key'Von says. "Yea he does. He's shown me a side of him I never knew existed." "That's dope." The rest of lunch and really my whole day, I think about Dre.

After my last class, I rushed to the bus stop, ready to get home. I needed to shower and get ready to spend time with Dre. He said he'll be here, by 7PM. I look at the clock and it's 6:50. I didn't really need to do too much but if I ever expect to get with him, I gotta at least look decent. I pulled my hair up into a curly ponytail. I threw a casual white t-shirt dress and white converse, to match, just in case we walk around or go get something to eat. "Come with me, real quick. I heard it's something going on in the activity room." Keisha pulls me out of my room. "Keisha I can't. Dre is almost here." I struggle to break free. "It'll just take a minute. I don't want to go alone." "Where's Daisy?" "I don't know. Just come on." I reluctantly let Keisha drag me down the hall. Once Dre says he's here, I'm definitely breaking free.

We enter the activity room and I'm in awe. It's decorated in candles and pink balloons. There's a dinner table set up. "What is this?" I ask. "I don't know." Keisha says and pushes me ahead. Before I can push back, Dre comes out of the kitchen area. "What? You didn't tell me you were here." I say. I turn back around to look at Keisha but her ass is gone. "I wanted to surprise you." Dre says. He brings flowers, from behind his back. Now, this is the corniest yet most beautiful thing somebody has ever done for me. " worked." I nervously laugh. He comes over and kisses my forehead. "Come on." He walks me over to the table and I get to see the feast that is prepared. It's salmon, mashed potatoes, and asparagus, for dinner. Then there's chocolate cake, with caramel drizzle, for dessert. My stomach growls.

"Dre this is really nice. Thank you." I finally find words. "No, thank you. You really made me see that there's more to life than that hood shit. I admired you, since your 17th birthday. I forced myself to block out any sexual thoughts, cuz you was underage, and just looked at the person you were. You was smart as hell. You stayed out the streets. You worked hard and you helped ya moms out. Everybody out was out there hoeing and finessing. I just needed to wait until you turned 18 to really get to know you. So that's when I opened my business and got that house in the burbs. I needed you to know that I was trying." His speech left me speechless. I really didn't understand where he came from and why he came at me so strong. "Wow." I say. "I know. It's a lot but although you came from Mase, you ain't shit like him." He says, making us both laugh. "I just really want to be with you, Maya. I'm officially done with the streets and I'm all about my business." He says, making me smile. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I ask, just to be sure. "Duh, girl." I walk over to him and my answer is sealed with a kiss. He pulls me into his lap and we forget about the food, for a minute.

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