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"I'm glad we decided to come early." Daisy says as we pull into the school. It's already a lot of traffic but we know it's going to be even worse, closer to the actual sign in time. A security guard stops all of the cars and gives them parking passes. I follow all the other cars into a parking lot. "Y'all ready for this?" Trevor asks and rubs his hands. "You just ready to see who you can fuck." Keisha says. In Trevor's defense, he slowed all the way down, this summer. He's only messed with like 5 girls and trust me, that's a small number for him. "Shut up. I told y'all, I'm a changed man." Trevor whines.

After circling around, a few times, I find an okay spot, on the third level. We all grab our bags and follow the signs, to sign in. We were unable to pick the rooms, for orientation but thankfully, we made sure we all got into the same dorm, for when we start school. We're all in the same building, just on different floors, except for me and Trevor. I'm okay with that, though. We get our name tags and head for the elevators. "See you on the flip side," Keisha says as we get to her floor, the third floor. We get to the fourth floor and Trevor and I step off. Daisy pouts, as she heads to the sixth floor. "At least we're a few doors down, from each other." Trevor says. I stand in front of the open door and stare. Someone's already here. "You'll be alright." Trevor hugs me, before walking down, to his room.

I walk inside and see two girls talking to each other. "Hey." I smile and wave. "Hey, I'm Carla." The white girl says. I can tell she's used to hanging around black people. She's one of them that probably says "nigga" to her other white friends that hang around black people. "I'm Anissa." The dark skinned girl says. "I'm Maya." I say. "Which room do you have?" Carla asks. "I'm in A." I say and notice the big A, on the door, to the left. It's right outside the living room. "I wonder what the last girl looks like." Anissa says. "If she's Asian or Hispanic, we'll have one diversified room." Carla says, making us laugh. I think about Daisy.

We talk, for a while, before orientation leaders come up to get us. "I'm Myron. I'll be your orientation leader and this will be our group." This fine ass boy introduces us all, in the hall. I peep Trevor's group down the hall and we give each other faint smiles. "We're going to be touring the campus, eat dinner and then get to know your fellow classmates." Myron says. He shows us the different dorms, common areas and then the library. It's so much walking my feet start hurting. "I know it's a pretty big campus. We couldn't possibly show you all everything, in one day." Myron says. "We're gonna head to cafeteria now and have dinner, for about 45 minutes. After that, we'll be going to the auditorium."

Once we get inside, I grab what I want to eat and sit down, quickly. We have to sit in our groups, so we don't get lost. I roll my eyes. Before I can bite my pizza, I get a call, from Dre. I'm actually happy to hear from him. I've gotten used to talking to him. "Hey!" I answer. "What's up? How's orientation going?" He asks. "It's good. This school is huge as hell." "Hell yea. Don't get lost up there." He laughs. I forgot he used to go here. "You can show me around." I half joke. He's probably going to forget all about me, once I leave. Hell, I'll probably forget him, too." "Oh trust me, I'ma be over that way. I make good money over there." "Figures." I laugh. "Just don't be letting folks all in your business. Ion need nobody knowing I be going back. I just get in and get out." "Who I'ma tell?" I ask annoyed. Don't be my friend in the hood but not over here. "Your new friends and shit. Then they gone start looking for me around you and all that shit. I'm not tryna hear Mase mouth." He says, reminding me that us being friends is already a risk.

After talking for a few minutes, he had business to handle. "Is that bae?" Carla asks, already being nosey. "Oh no. I don't have time for that." I answer. "What?" Anissa says. "You don't date or nothing?" "Nah. School and money has always occupied my time." I respond. "Damn girl." Carla says. I don't know why girls be so caught up in boys. They're distractions. Hell, even Dre is a distraction and I refuse to let him get in my way, once school starts. "Well you know light skinned girls are in right now, so just be careful." Anissa says. She ain't lying though. For whatever reason, men decided to fascinate themselves with lighter women, like darker women aren't beautiful. If they only knew how I sometimes wish I was darker. "Well, they better pick someone else. I'm not here for that."

"Don't get her started on men, please." I hear Trevor's voice. I look up and he standing with two plates of food. "How y'all doing? I'm Trevor." Both my roommates smile and introduce themselves. "You already know how I am." I say. "She's so hard to get but I don't know. I think college is going to change that." He smiles deviously and walks away. "Whatever, Trev!" I yell after him. Anissa and Carla stares at me, like they just got the tea. "What?" I say. "He is fine! Y'all don't got nun going on?" Anissa asks. Now, half our table is looking our way. "No. We don't. Trevor is like an older brother to me. And not the ones the girls be talking about and sleeping with." I reassure them. They don't look satisfied with the answer but they'll soon see that Trevor and I have never and will never cross that line.

We finish dinner and go to the auditorium, to play these get to know us games. They're actually fun and I forget about everything going on back home. My mom occasionally checks in on us, via text message, though. It was definitely bad timing for our fall out because I know we'll miss each other, when I officially leave. We've always only had each other. Mila's here now but she's been so busy trying to settle into her new place and job. Then Mason is on my shit list right now. My mom and friends are all I have for real.

***Just a filler chapter***

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