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I sip my beer and observe the mini party going on in Ryan's dorm room.
It was a small dorm room, pretty much full of people. Music was playing, people were drinking and laughing. I was literally just watching like I was watching a movie.

"Hey! Liv," someone says and I turn to see Jaden.
"Jaden," I said. "Right?"
  "Yeah," he laughs and sits next to me. "What's up?"
  "Not much," I shrug. "I'm just observing this party."
  "Observe and report," he grins.
  "Exactly," I nod. "I just start going around flashing everyone," I joke and he laughs.
  "That movie was dumb honestly," he says.
  "I agree," I nod. "So... What're you doing talking to a loner like me at this fine gathering?" I ask.
  "Loner?" He smiles. "I don't know, you seem lonely."
  "Never," I remark. "A loners gotta be alone," I add. "Believe it or not, that's actually how I live my life."
  "A loners gotta be alone," he repeats and I nod. "I guess that makes sense. Every time I talk to you... you're alone," he adds and I laugh.
  "You're odd," he tells me.
  "Yeah... I know," I nod. "It only gets odder from here."
  "That's not surprising," he chuckles.
  "Jaden!" Someone says. "Dude... your ex just wrote to me!" The guy added and Jaden looks over to the guy. Oof. He glances at me.
  "I'll be right back," he says and I nod. He gets up and walks over to that guy. I sip my beer... back to observing. I'm a great people reader.
Like that one with the glasses, he's a secret douche bag. Like one of those secret fuckboys. The worst kind. It's always the ugly ones. I tell you.
I laugh at myself and then I see Alex. Alex? My ex Alex. Why the hell was he here? It was a small get to together. There were like 7 people here. Alex is one of them. Ugh. Ew. He was talking to some guy. Weird and gross. I look away grabbing my phone. What am I supposed to do here? Rachael's with Ryan and some other friends. I don't really know anyone else, and I'm not looking to make any more friends.
Now... I had no notifications on my phone to even reply to. Ugh. I wish I was home, with my dog, watching The Office.

  "Hey, biotch!" Rachael stands in front of me. I was slumped on the wall, legs sticking out drinking. I probably looked like a stepdad named Jerry.
  "Hi," I said.
  "What are you doing over here... looking like that?" She asks and I laugh.
  "I'm bored," I admit.
"What!?" She asks incredulously and I nod. "How?"
"How?" I ask back. "I don't know. I just am."
"Dude! Chug a bunch of beers and get drunk," She tells me and I laugh. "I'm serious. You'll have fun then."
"I didn't plan on getting wasted tonight Rach," I said. She was tipsy... clearly.
"Why not?"
"I don't like the aftermath," I reply.
"Have a couple of drinks!" She tells me. "Come on. Having a little buzz isn't bad," she says.
"I don't need to get drunk to have fun," I say. "It's just not my scene right now," I shrug.
"I feel bad that you're bored!" She falls onto the bed with me dramatically. "I can't have my friend BORED!" She exclaims and I laugh.
"I'm fine," I say. "I'm observing," I say. "Observing the drunken state of sloppy teenagers."
"Hey! I'm not sloppy," she mutters.
"No... you're more," I joke and she squints her eyes at me.
"Kidding," I grin. I sip my drink. "Now, you can go have fun. I'm having an extraordinary time over here."
"You just said you were bored. That's not extraordinary," she remarks.
"It is for me."
"Oh, Liv. You can be hopeless sometimes," she says and I laugh.
"Fuck off," I tell her. "I'm fine. Get gone thot!"
She laughs. "Thot?" She asks. "Wow... that's accurate."
I laugh rolling my eyes. She stands back up.
"Please have fun," she tells me.
"Mhm," I nod. She turns.
"RYAN!" She yells even though the room was small and Ryan could hear her in a normal tone.
I down the rest of my drink and grab another.


After a couple of hours, I was a little tipsy. Like not drunk at all, but I was in that state that was nice. Definitely wasn't about to have a hangover.
I was on another drink.  If I did drink more after this I might get drunk. I pull out my phone and decide to text Isaac.

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