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  "NOW YOU'RE JUST SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW!" I sing. "SOMEBODY!!" I bob my head. I was in my car 3 hours into my car ride back home. 3 more to go. It was going well, I've gone through 1 minor mental breakdown, other than that. We're doing fine up in this bitch.
My phone rings interrupting my music and I look over quickly and back at the road. I grab it and see Ella's face and name pop up.

  "What's up bitch!" I answer putting it on speakerphone.
  "Hey, hoe!" She exclaims and we both laugh. "When are you gonna be here!?"
"In 3 hours," I reply.
"Oh my god!!" She exclaims. "Yesssss!"
"I know, I'm gonna pounce on your ass!" I tell her and she laughs loudly.
"I'm so excited," she says. "It's been too long!"
"I know," I agree.
"How was leaving your hot ass boyfriend!?" She asks and I laugh.
"Fine, he's going to his place tomorrow," I said.
"Why couldn't he live here... where I could meet him," she sighs. "He's so hot."
"I'm glad he doesn't, I'm afraid you might steal him!" I joke.
"I would never!" She gasps. "Why doesn't he have a brother?"
"I don't know, his mom never had a second kid," I reply.
"Well, what does his dad look like?" She asks and I laugh.
"Ella," I said and she laughs.
"Do you know?"
"No, his dads not in his life," I reply my smile dropping.
"Oh..." she says. "Oh my god, he's troubled and still treats you like a queen. Who is he?" She asks. "It somehow makes it hotter that he's got some issues."
"Only you would say such a weird thing," I shake my head. "I say weird things, you say weirder things."
"I know," she laughs. "But you have to admit. Every girl wants the guy she can fix."
"Yeah, but I don't need to fix him... at least not what he's shown me," I say. "And I like that better than having to fix him."
"That's because you're normal," she says. "You have respect for yourself."
"Oh my god," I laugh.
"I just wish you were here already. I'm sitting in my room bored, waiting for you to get your ass over here," she sighs. "I want all the tea you have because my life is dryer than the Sahara."
"Well, sorry I can't just be there in an hour, I'm stuck in the desert with cacti and palm trees just hoping I'd be home," I say.
"Have you had your daily mental break down?" She asks.
"Only a minor one. I'm kind of proud of myself for being able to handle it so well," I said.
"Good for you!" She says.
"I know," I nod. "Also, don't tell my parents I'll be there, mom knows I'm coming this week but not today, I wanna surprise them," I said.
"Okay," she says. "I'll go tell them right now!"
"Oh fuck off!" I laugh rolling my eyes.
"I'll have a QT waiting for you bitch!" She says.
"Oh my god! You know me so well!!" I state and she laughs with me.


I park behind my mom's car on the parking lot and star at the house, it feels like it's been so long! I was excited to see my parents. My dad's car wasn't here, but it was almost 3 he was probably at work.
I turn the car off and grab my bag from my passenger seat. I'll grab my suitcase afterward. I get out locking it and I go to the front door. I open the door because it was unlocked. I shut it quietly.
Then Hugo comes running into the living room and a huge smile breaks out onto my lips.

"Hugo," I say quietly and bend down and start petting him and he jumps onto me and licks me. "Hi buddy," I laugh hugging him. "I missed you!"
"Honey, are you back from work?" I hear my mom's voice and I stand up as she walks in from the kitchen. She looks at me and her eyes widen.
"OLIVIA!" She exclaims and I laugh. I run over hugging her and Hugo follows me.
"Hey, mum!" I said and she sighs hugging me back.
"No wonder you didn't reply to my texts! I was worried," she says. "Oh honey, I missed you!"
"I know, I missed you too!" I nod. We pull away.
"Your hair," she cups my cheek.
"It's darker," I nod.
"It looks nice!" She smiles. "Oh my god, I'm so happy you're here. I was asking you when you were coming down. How was the drive?" She asks.
"Long," I sigh. "I'm exhausted but... I'm good now," I nod.
"I'm baking cookies, come to the kitchen with me, " she says and I follow her Hugo walking with us.
"Is dad working?" I ask.
"Yeah," she nods. "He'll be back soon though," she adds. The kitchen, everything it all looked the same as before I left.
"I'm so happy you're baking cookies," I sit on the chair at the counter.
"Good!" She smiles. "So... I need all the details!" She looks at me. "About your boyfriend, about school about everything!"
"Right," I laugh. "Well, what do you want to know!?" I ask.
"I want to see a picture of your boyfriend!" She tells me.
"Oh my god mom, he is so hot," I stand up and grab my phone out of my pocket. "You're gonna like him," I say.
"Is he nice?" She asks.
"Yeah, very," I nod. "Total opposite of Alex," I pull up a picture of him.
"Good, I hate Alex," she replies and I laugh.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Yes," she nods and I turn the phone to her. She looks at it squinting.
"Your glasses are on your head," I tell her and she laughs putting them on.
"He is handsome," she nods grabbing my phone. "Very handsome Liv. Way better than Alex," she adds and I laugh. "Good job."
My mom never really thought Alex was cute or anything. She just thought he was a nice boy, nothing more. Turns out we were all wrong.
"Thanks," I said. "He's nice," I sit back down and grab some cookie dough eating it.
"He better be!" She nods. "Now tell me, how's school going?"
"Honestly, it's hard. But I'm managing," I reply. "Midterms scared the shit out of me," I add.
"I'm sure you did great!" She shrugs putting the dough onto the baking sheet to bake.
"Who knows," I sigh. "Other than school and Isaac, there's not much else I should fill you in on honestly," I admit. "My life's not that cool."
"As long as you're having a good time, who cares," she says and I laugh. "How's it in California?"
"Nice, the people are... Californians," I say and she laughs. "They're crazy, but it's nice."
"I'm happy that you're living your life hun."
"I'm home!" I hear my dad's voice. "And I saw Liv's car out front!" He adds and I turn in my seat and he walks into the kitchen. "Liv!" He smiles when he sees me.
"Hey!" I get up and hug him.
"I didn't know you were coming home today," he squeezes me and I laugh.
"It was a surprise," I nod and pull away.
"I'm happy you're back," he tells me. "Your hair looks different."
"I'm surprised you noticed!" I nod. "I died it darker."
"It's noticeable," he says. "How was the drive!? Your car is dirty," he tells me and kisses mom on the cheek.
"It was fine," I shrug. "I need you to have a look at the engine... one light flickered while I was driving," I sit down.
My stepdad... that I've considered an actual dad for a long time was great. He cared about me a lot, and ever since I was young treated me like his own. I loved him and I didn't consider him a stepdad, just a dad.
"Which one?" He asks eating some cookie dough as I did and mom shakes her head.
"I don't know, just one of them," I shrug.
"You need to keep track of that Liv," he tells me.
"That's why I have you," I shrug eating more cookie dough.
"Keep your guy's hands out of the cookie dough! I'm baking the cookies now!" Mom tells us.
"I can't wait," we both say and mom laughs.
"Ridiculous," she says.
"How's school?" Dad asks.
"Fine," I sigh. "Hard."
"Yeah," he nods. "You're not taking math are you?"
"Hell no," I shake my head and he laughs.
"You suck at math," he says and I laugh.
"I know!" I nod. "Don't remind me."
"Her boyfriend wants to be a doctor Mike," mom tells him.
"Boyfriend?" He looks at me. "Are you back with Alex?"
"No," I shake my head vigorously.
"How come you didn't tell me about a boyfriend?" He asks.
"You don't text me as much as mom does," I state.
"What's his name? Is he from here!?" He asks.
"His names Isaac, and he's from San Francisco," I reply.
"Wants to be a doctor huh?" He asks and I nod. "Good for him, he must be smart."
"He is as," I nod.
"A brain surgeon!" Mom adds and I laugh.
"Hun, you're bragging about him and you haven't met him yet," dad says to her.
"Because he seems like a sweet boy," mom shrugs.
"We don't know, we haven't met him," he replies and I laugh. "Is it serious?" He looks over to me.
"What does serious mean?" I ask. "We've been dating since the end of October," I add. "So ya?"
"When are we gonna meet him?" He asks.
"I don't know, he doesn't live here," I reply.
"Is he good to you?"
"I asked her all the questions Mike," mom says.
"Okay, I just want to know myself!" He waves her off.
"Yeah he's nice," I nod. "Nicer than me," I say and dad laughs.
"He's gotta be nice then," he says and I gasp.
"Dad!" I say but laugh.
"Just saying. I'm going to take a shower," he says taking some more cookie dough and running off before mom says something and I laugh.
"I'm gonna go grab my bag from the car," I tell her and she nods. I get off the chair and head out to my car and grab my bag.

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