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I pull away from Isaac's lips, moving my lips down his neck, hearing him sigh just egged me on. I run my hands down his chest, his hands were gripping my hips. He moves his hands to my back, up my shirt a bit. I kiss his lips again and he starts lifting my shirt slowly.

"Wow!" We hear and I pull away from Isaac quickly. We both turn and see Alex there wide-eyed. I felt my cheeks flush. Oh god. "Sorry," he turns.
"No," I get off of Isaac pulling my shirt down.
My ex just saw me almost getting naked with his roommate. How crazy is that?
"Ahh I can leave," he says.
"No, it's fine," me and Isaac say at the same time. I get off the bed. "I'll go, this is your room," I mumble grabbing my bag. "Bye.." I say.

I leave the room and head back to my dorm, completely embarrassed. Something about my ex catching us is more embarrassing than someone else catching us.
I drop my bag onto my bed and the room was empty, Rachael was out. I sit down and I hear the door open.
"Babe," Isaac laughs.
"How embarrassing was that?" I ask turning toward him when he comes into the room fully.
"Eh," he shrugs.
"You were taking my shirt off," I said.
"It's part of life," he laughs getting into the bed, sitting next to me.
"He's my ex."
"That's true," he nods. "It's a little weird only cause he's my roommate. But I've caught him a bunch of times," he shrugs.
"With your ex-girlfriend?" I say and he laughs.
"No," he says. "It's fine," he puts a hand on my leg and I lean against his shoulder.
"He also ruined the moment," I retort.
"That he did do!" He agrees and I laugh "but we can get back to it.." he drifts turning his head toward me, I bite my lip and he leans in kissing me slowly. I fall into my back and he gets on top of me. He slides his hand up my thigh pulling it around him. He kisses down my neck and his hand goes to the hem of my shirt, pulling it off.
He sighs capturing my lips again and I felt my whole body heat up, the feeling I get with Isaac all the time.


Later on that day Rachael and I were both on her bed doing our school assignments. It was already coming close to the end of January. Isaac was with Dylan, I think. He and Dylan have been super close lately. They get drunk often together, or high.
I was necessarily comfortable with the amount of drinking he's been doing. But he just says he's having fun. I don't want to be a bummer but... I don't know.

"Liv, I'm gonna need you to revise this for me after," she points to her laptop. "I swear I'm dyslexic," she laughs.
"I'm sure you're fine," I laugh. "But I'll check it."
"So..." she mumbles typing something and I turn to her.
"Well..." she drifts. "Noah," she says.
"What about him?" I ask.
"I do really like him," she replies.
"Yeah, I know," I nod.
"No..." she shakes her head. "Like... it's no longer just a crush Liv," she says. "I like him, genuinely. And if he were to ask me out I would 100 percent do it..." she tells me. "No fear of commitment."
"Wow," I said and she nods. I stare at her and she was blushing very hard. "You are really into him!" I exclaim.
"Yeah, I told you," she waves me off with a giggle.
"We have to make it happen!" I say.
"He doesn't like me," her smile drops.
"You don't know that," I remark.
"He doesn't act like it," she shrugs.
"And you do?" I laugh. "You call him an asshole daily, and insult him all the time Rach," I retort and she laughs.
"Okay that's true," she nods. "But that's because I like him!"
"Well, you gotta start flirting now," I said. "And he'll get the hint. He won't think you hate him, which is how you act towards him."
"Right," she nods. "Why can't he be like Isaac bad tell me he likes me upfront," she sighs.
"Trust me, guys that are that forward need help," I say and she laughs.
"What do you mean?" She asks. "Whatever. What do I do!?" She falls back dramatically and I laugh.
"You flirt, you flirt your ass off," I say. "Drop hints, and I'm sure he'll start doing that too!" I add. "And it is the twenty-first century, you can ask a guy out now," I say.
"Ew, I don't want to," she shakes her head. "I want him to ask me out."
"Okay, then start being interested in him," I say.
"Fine, fine," she waves me off.
"And that means no sleeping with randoms or Scott next door," I say. "How is Scott also? I haven't seen him in a while," I said.
"He's good, really focused on school," she replies. "But Scott's hot and if I stop that, and Noah doesn't like me, what then?" She asks.
"Stop worrying about that," I tell her. "Let's not worry until we have to."
"This sounds like an episode of Greys Anatomy," she sighs and I laugh.
"Stop being dramatic," I hit her leg and she laughs.
"I can't, it's in my nature," she states and I roll my eyes. "No one will ever love me!"
"There you go again," I laugh. "Stop! We gotta concentrate!" I said. "Wait!"
"We need a guy's opinion on how to get a guy," I say.
"Who? Isaac?" She asks.
"No, Isaac's weird," I say. "I know you don't like him but... Jude."
"What about your weird friend Miles?" She asks. "What does that Jude guy know?"
  "Miles is far from who you want to ask about this. Jude is the only normal guy I know, besides Noah," I tell her.
  "Do we even..." she drifts. "Fine whatever," she waves me off and I text Jude to come over.

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