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Couple of months later:

Finals... exams.... it was all way too much for me right now.
I felt the wave of anxiety hit me for the hundredth time today. I have been looking through all my books and notes all day... freaking out. Finals were literally the worst thing.
I sigh dropping my head onto my papers. This is garbage.

  "Hey," I hear and look up to see Isaac. He sits across from me. I was sitting in the commons because I needed a place to study where Rachael wouldn't rant on and on about something.
  "Hi," I mumble.
  "You okay!?" He asks and grabs a paper that was in front of me.
  "No," I reply. "I'm studying, and I don't even know what I'm studying," I huff. "I have no clue what is happening," I add and he laughs. "It's not funny Isaac!"
  "Okay sorry," he says. "Why didn't you just ask me to help you?"
  "Don't you need to study!? Why aren't you freaking out about your finals!?" I ask. "You're a med student."
  "I know, but it's my first year... I'll be fine," he shrugs.
  "You're way too calm," I sigh.
  "You're way too stressed," he replies and i shake my head.
  "Not everyone is a straight A student Isaac," I retort.
  "Babe, you'll be fine," he says. "I'll help you, it's not that big of a deal..." he drifts off looking at the paper. "I actually suck at English," he mumbles.
  "Yeah, I know that," I nod and he laughs.
  "Shut up," he says and I laugh, but it was a stressful laugh.
  "I'll just fail," I gather up my papers and make them straight before putting them in my book.
  "You're not gonna fail," he says. "You're just overthinking... as per usual."
  "I know," I nod.
  "And over drinking coffee," he motions to the bunch of coffee cups around me. "Did you even eat anything?" He asks.
  "I had some crackers," I shrug.
  "Liv," he says giving me a look.
  "Not healthy babe," he says. "Look how much coffee you've had," he points out. "You know you can faint, or have a caffeine overdose," he states and this made me grin at him. "Why are you smiling at me like that?"
  "Cause you're cute," I shrug.
  "Oh is telling you to eat cute?" He asks and I laugh.
  "Kind of," I nod. "You're acting like a dad," I add and he gives me a blank look. "I'll eat," I stand up putting my stuff in my bag. "But first... lets go relieve some stress.... daddy," I said and he looks at me and I notice him biting the side of his cheek so he doesn't smile.
  "Olivia!" He groans and I grab his hand.
  "Let's go."
  "You're gonna be the death of me," he follows me.


  "I cannot believe we are technically done this year," Rachael sighs dropping onto Noah's lap.
Yeah, her and Noah started dating. Cute right? They suit each other so well.
  "I know," Noah says pecking her lips and she smiles at him. I just look down at my notes and write more down.
  "You're going back to Arizona, Liv," she says and I look back up.
  "Yeah," I say and then sigh. "Arizona."
Arizona, where I would be 6 hours away from Isaac... until the next school year. Which wasn't too bad.
  "What're you and Isaac doing?" She asks.
  "Going long distance for 2 months," I shrug. I didn't have high hopes for long distance, but I loved the guy.
  "Yeah, and you guys can visit each other!" She adds and I nod.
Speak of the devil, Isaac walks into the room and he had Taco Bell bags in his hands.
  "I brought you Taco Bell," he looks at me.
  "Oh my god, you're amazing," I say and he walks over to my bed.
  "Excuse me, you just left us out!" Rachael says and Isaac looks at them.
  "Didn't know you guys would be here," he shrugs. "Plus, she's my girlfriend... I don't need to impress you."
  "Rude," she mumbles and I laugh.
  "Here, I got you everything you like," he passes me a bag.
  "Thanks babe," I grin and look in the bag and it was full of food. "You didn't need to get this much," I laugh.
  "You barely ate today," he says. "And has over 5 coffees... like a psychopath," he shrugs.
  "Over 5?" Noah asks and I laugh.
  "I had a busy day studying," I retort and grab the quesadilla from the bag.
"How have you not malfunctioned?" Noah asks.
"Don't know," I shrug. "I'm used to the caffeine."
"You need help," Rachael adds in.
"I already got a lecture from Isaac," I said. "No biggie."
"Also you need to go to sleep at a normal time," Isaac says eating the taco he got.
"You're treating me like a child," I state.
"You're acting like one," he shrugs and I gasp.
"That's disrespectful!" I said and he laughs.
"It's true, sorry babe..." he says and I wave him off.
"Whatever," I mumble. "But for real, am I the only one freaking out about finals!?" I ask.
"No dude! I feel you," Noah says. "Rachael just kept distracting me today."
"Shut up!" She says. "You liked it."
"Ew, we don't," I say and Isaac laughs and Rachael waves me off. "We would like it if you guys left tho."
  "Liv!" Rachael says. "That is so rude."
  "Why?" I ask. "You guys can leave and have you fun, and... we won't have to see it."
  "How come you guys can be all couple-y?" She asks.
  "We aren't," Isaac says. "The only couple-y thing Liv will do with me around people is punch me," he says and I laugh. "And that's not even half of what she does behind your guys back," he jokes.
"Shut up," I said and Isaac laughs.
"Whatever," Rachael mumbles. "We're cute."
"No one said you weren't. We just don't like watching you be "cute"," I mumble. "If you could keep hands to yourself, you're welcome to stay."
"Don't know if that's possible," Noah says and I gag dramatically and Rachael rolls her eyes.
"Let's go babe, these assholes are annoying," Rachael stands up.
"Have fun, in your private quarters," I say.
"Oh we will," Rachael says. "So much... oh is that too much information for you!?" She asks sarcastically.
"Wayyyyy too much!" I cover my ears and she flips me off and I laugh as they leave.
"Wow... didn't think you'd actually be able to get them to leave," Isaac chuckles.
"I know how to drive a person away," I shrug. "Surprised you haven't ran away."
"I'm surprised also," he nods and I look at him and he laughs.
"Fuck you!" I push his shoulder.
"Please do fuck me..." he smirks and I shake my head. "Did you just shake your head!?" He gasps.
"You just said you were surprised you haven't left me yet," I retort. "I think I can shake my head."
"It was a joke," he laughs.
I knew that... but I love busting peoples balls about stuff like this.
"Hmm," I shrug. "You can leave now... y'know."
"Don't be like that!" He groans and I chew my food not looking at him. "Love me!" He says and grabs my arm. I just go limp. "LIV!!!" He exclaims.
"Oh you're still here?" I ask and he gives me a look.
"Babe... I love you! Don't do this," he said.
"Do you really? Or are you just pitying me!?" I ask. I tried not to laugh at myself for doing this to him.
"Shut up," he says.
"You don't have the right to tell me to shut up, after what you just said," I cross my arms.
"You love when I tell you to shut up," he remarks and I don't say anything. "Exactly," he adds and I just stay silent. "Nothing!?" He asks. I keep staying silent. "Silent treatment now!?" He sighs. "Olivia..." he groans and still nothing. "Don't make me.." he says and I glance at him wary. "I will force you to talk."
I just look at him with squinted eyes. Try me bitch.
"BABE!" He groans and then he moves and drops on top of me, making my back hit the bed and he lays on top of me. "You can't not talk to me," he says and I just stay silent. "Don't make me say something, that will make you never stop talking," he says. He leans his head down on my chest and sighs. "Babyyyyyy," he says. "I don't want to say what I'm about to say," he looks at me again. What was he gonna say!? He sighs and licks his lips before talking again. "Keanu Reeves... is not the best looking guy ever," he retorts and shuts his eyes. My jaw drops... he did not. How dare he!? He opens his eyes slowly and looks at me.
"Nothing!?" He asks. "He's not even a good actor," he says and I felt literal pain because of his words. "Plus... I'm sure there are nicer human beings," he shrugs.
"Get the HELL off of me," I tell him and he laughs.
"I knew it."
"How dare you!?!?!?" I exclaim. "Keanu is the best human being ever. The hottest, nicest most brilliant person!" I say. "How dare you disrespect him in anyway!" I go on and he sighs.
"I didn't mean any of it," he says.
"Oh, you just said it!?" I ask. "That is ridiculous. It's Keanu fucking Reeves!" I shake my head and he sighs again. "How dare you Isaac!? I thought you knew better... I cannot believe I'm in love with a guy that thinks Ke-" he cuts me off by kissing me. Pressing his soft lips to mine, which, I always found ridiculous but I kind of loved. This was the best way to get me to shut up... one of the best ways.. I guess. I pull back slightly.
"Still mad at you," I mumble.
"Really!?" He asks his fingers crawling up my shirt, pulling it up. He leans down kissing my stomach and I watch him. "Is there anyway... I could make it up to you!?" He asks his fingers now at the waistband of my pants.
"I mean..." I mumble.
"Say less babe," he smiles pulling them down. Second time today... he's been my stress reliever. Lord help me.


I stare at Isaac, his eyes closed, his chest rising and falling peacefully while I lay my head on it. He looks so relaxed, and cute.
It may seem creepy that I'm just staring at him sleep at like 4:00 in the morning. But I couldn't sleep... all I could think about was Isaac, exams and Arizona.
It was coming to the end of the year... we'd be going back to our homes. He'll be here in California, I'll be in Arizona. 6 hours away... not that long. But it'll be different. We've spent the months of school together, side by side.. through everything. So many ups and downs. Spending a week away from him was hard enough. Plus with the added stress of exams, and... thinking about next year.
I felt like I was reeling, spiralling in my head... so anxious and afraid. It was so much... I've never dealt with this much, and... he doesn't have his mom back him, just his friends. No dad. I had so much to think about.
I hate thinking. I hate stressing, I hate having so much to deal with. But that was life. I shut my eyes letting out a long breath.
I open them and look at Isaac, in his most peaceful state. I love him so much. I don't want him spiralling when he gets back home, about his mom or anything... like he did a couple months ago. I shake my head. There was so much to think about.
Exams... Isaac... going back home... love.
I felt pressure in my chest as my anxiety quickly turned into panic.
Exams are technically here!
Isaac has no family... only his friends!! Is that enough!?!? Will he be okay!? Will our relationship be okay!? Even if it's not that long distance!? Oh god.

I quickly move away from him and sit up in bed, feeling a panic attack rise in my chest. Everything was coming down on me. I hated it. I just wanted to be asleep... next to Isaac. Without thinking everything bad, everything we have to deal with. But I couldn't stop it now. I was having a panic attack.
I look around the empty room. I need air before I start to burst into tears.
I throw my legs over the bed sitting there trying to breathe through it, but I still felt like I was stuck in a tiny closet, with no air. Why!?!?
I felt the tears prickle my eyes and I slowly start to spill out of my eyes, and I just start crying. This was too much stress for me. I couldn't deal with it. I can't. I need to breathe. But I can't.

  "Liv!?" I hear Isaac rasp and I try to compose myself by wiping my eyes and sitting up straighter.
  "Yeah!?" I ask coughing a bit.
  "Are you okay!?" He asks and I nod.
  "Yeah... just couldn't sleep," I mumble. And I was mid panic attack.
  "You sure you're okay!?" I feel the mattress move and he puts a hand in my back. I nod. If he asks me again, I'll probably start balling right here in front of him. I know he has an exam tomorrow, so... he should sleep. I don't want him to worry about me. "Liv..." his voice was quiet, and raspy from sleep.
  "You can go back to bed babe, I'm just gonna grab water," I go to move off the bed but he pulls me back and turns me to look at me. It was dark in the room, so it was slightly hard to see him, but I could see him enough to see that he looked worried.
  "What's wrong!?" He asks and I bite my lip to stop it from quivering. I stay silent and he looks confused and worried at the same time. "Hey... what is it!?" He asks. "Is it your exams!?"
  "Not only that," my voice cracks and he pulls me closer to him, hugging me and I start crying.
  "Babe, what's wrong!?" He asks. "Have you been like this all night!?" He questions.
  "No," I cry out. "Just now.." I huh him back, gripping onto him for dear life.
  "What happened?" He asks.
  "Everything," I cough a little. "It's just too much," I cry, fears profusely falling from my eyes and probably onto his shoulder.
  "It's okay," he tell me and I shake my head.
  "I'm so anxious Isaac," I said and he moves me so I'm in his lap.
  "Why? What're you thinking of?" He asks and I let out a sob.
  "Everything," I say again. "Exams... summer, you and me... going back home," I said. "I just want to sleep, and I can't even do that."
  "Hey... it's gonna be okay," he reassures. "I promise you," he rubs my back.
  "Don't tell me promises you can't keep," I cry.
  "I can keep this though," he says. "I will Liv... it's gonna be okay."
  "I love you," I cry out.
  "I love you too," he tells me and I just sit there crying in his arms. I felt like a little kid... but it felt so good to be held by him right now.



Finally! Here is another chapter. So sorry for the REALLY late update. But I hope you guys enjoy. I'm vvv close to ending this book. So enjoy it while it lasts. Thanks guys! Xx

- Jana ❤️

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