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Specifying judges for the contest.

✔️Participants, please give a permanent follow to  your respective judges.

nazahace thank you so much for being kind enough to offer for help. Please refer to judging rubric to mark the poetry books. It really means a lot. Thanks.

Judge(poetry) : nazahace

1. The Holidays - Tales & Poems by naturesandym

2. Twinkle With Me by Harry-Potter_360

3. When the Reindeers Come by KALLOLMONDAL

4. The Charms of Christmas by existingtodream

5. Stars of the Night by glassesdog2

Judge(prose) : RuVineet

1. A Happy Christmas by Anamika_anu

2. Wish by Aiddlyn_Miracle

Anyone who wishes to give in your entry, kindly submit by tomorrow.

Signing off,

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