Is this seat free?

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Will's POV

-Be careful son, is raining out there
-I know, I'm bringing the umbrella with me so don't worry
-Okay. Say hi to Jack for me!
-I will! Bye!- And this is how I leave my home in an awful day. Actually, it's a pretty normal day in November, is not strange to watch the weather and notice that is raining cats and dogs, or that the wind can blow you away in any moment, but anyways, this meeting has been planned since two months ago so I can't cancel it now. Jack was my best friend in kindergarten, but then he moved away, and I got used to be by myself... Yeah it was hard at the beginning, but then I met Lucas, Dustin, Max and El. My party. They're the best. We were doing homework in my room when my mother recieved a call. It was Helen, Jack's mum, telling that they were coming for two weeks. I couldn't be more excited. And I can't yet. He lived near the school, where I usually go by bus, so here I am. In the bus station, listening carefully to the drops crashing in the floor, and forming big puddles, while I wait next to a young girl, older than me, but surely not an adult yet. She's wearing a uniform, and in the top of her chest there is this badge that identifies her as Katie. I like that name. Katie is a girl that I get on really well with in art class. What a shame she is Troy's girlfriend, if she wasn't, she would be with my group of friends instead. But well, this blondie random girl is not her, and she looks a little bit more sassy. Don't judge me, I just like to watch the rest. It's my thing. The music she is listening to with her casette can be heard from a long distance, enough to let me pay attention. Rolling Stones huh? Good taste. It is at the moment that she raises her head from staring at her wet boots that I look discretely away from her, trying to focus on something else. For example, the bus that is coming finally. I stand up from the bench I was sat on, and wait for 'Katie' to get in and then follow her. I glad the driver with a soft smile and pay my ticket. The transport is halfly full. There is this old woman at the front, reading a magazine, next to a guy, who seems like a business man, with that suit and that leather briefcase. Behind, two girls looking at me and giggling in a low tone, but still loud enough to make me notice. Maybe they are of my age. Their faces are familiar to me, I must have seen them in the school. At the back, a bunch of boys playing with a ball and laughing without even caring of the audience they were having. The girl from the bus station sits down in the right part of the row, taking the window seat. I see the chance of sitting behind her, and that's what I do. I leave my bag in the seat next to me, just for conform. The bus starts moving, doing a screeching sound that irritates all the passengers, except from the misterious girl in front of me. I have curiousity, may I talk to her? I can't introduce myself to strangers, I mean, probably I won't see her again. But, with Jack I learnt something, and it is that any occasion is good to meet new people
-Hey boy, could you please say something and stop staring at me like a pervert? It is starting to be annoying- a sweet voice says in a rude tone without looking at me. Yet
-I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to
-You have been watching me since the moment we ran into each other in the bus stop
-I had nothing else to look at
-Then you could talk to me. Jeez I don't eat or something. Are you that type of kid that is afraid of talking to strangers because of their mum's demands? How cute. What are you? 12?
-How funny. I'm 15. And I'm not... That kind of boy...
-Sure of that. What was your name again?
-You never asked. And I'm Will. Will Byers
-Katie, Katie Cooper. Nice to meet you Will Byers- she offers her hand and smiles friendly to me, I grin at her back and shake her hand
-Nice to meet you too
-So, where are you going?
-To the school
- It's Saturday, what the hell are you doing there?
-A meeting
-Ooh a girl?
-Oh are you-
-No! Well. I'm meeting a friend. Is not a date. Is just a reencounter with my old best friend
-Cool. I'm sorry for misinterpreting your plans
-No problem. What about you? What's your destination?
-The cinema. I work there. Selling popcorns and drinks and that stuff.
-How can you say it's awesome? It's gross! And you don't earn a shit
-Then why do you work there?
-It gives you points to college if you work as a volunteer or in public services.
-Oh. In which one do you want to study?
-Yeah, wow. Difficult. But not imposible for me
-You look confident
-I'm terrified. But I have to believe in something
-It makes sense
-I guess, what do you want to study in the future?
-I don't know... Hopefully something related to art. Is my favourite subject
-Cool! An artist! I loved art, but I had other priorities. Like studying medicine. That's what I want...
-You don't sound like, too convinced about it
-Well... Is difficult to explain... But my father wanted me to follow his legacy before he died so...
-Oh... My condolences
-That was two years ago... Now I'm used to his ausence... In a way
-Okay... So. If you didn't study medicine, what would you study?
-Music? I love music. But I wouldn't become a professional singer all by magic
-Hey, someone once told me, that things are difficult, but not imposible
-Oh yeah? I would like to meet that "someone"
-Oh I think you know her really well
-Oh you think so?
-Oh I know so- we start laughing with the other when suddenly, the bus stops cold making a loud noice with the horn, and making the people slid into the right, guess what? I'm in the right, and I hit my head with the window, groaning in pain and see outside what has happenned. An accident because of the rain. Great. There's a enormous row of cars stopped just in the front of the bus. This seems bad
-Shit! Will are you okay? Gosh that must leave a mark... Are you hurt?
-I'm okay Katie, thanks for asking. But we're stucked in the middle of the road because of an accident
-Fuck... I'm going to be late...
-Not your fault, sorry for you that are going to see your friend a bit late
-Not your fault, so it's fine- she smiles, and put her headphones back again. Moving her head to the rhythm of a song I cannot hear very well, so I return to my thoughts. I remember how Jack and I played in the rain for hours. And then we would be punished for a week. But that wasn't true completely because we would continue playing in the playgrounds of the school. Those times were fine... How life will have treat him? I'm really curious in a way, and afraid in others... Because what if I'm the only one that wants to hang out with the other? Maybe he has forgotten about me. Or he has lost every bond we used to have... I don't know... More drops fall from the top of the window to the edge of my sight, when suddenly a reflection of a tall and wet boy behind me brings me back to earth. I turn around and face him. Uh... Where is Katie? Is she gone? And the rest?! What the fuck? When has the bus started to move again?! Was I that deep in my mind that I didn't realize of my surroundings?! The boy in front of me clears his throat to catch my attention
-Uh... Is this seat free?
-No... No is not- I quit my bag to let the guy sit on it
-Are you okay bud? You look disoriented
-Yeah... Where are we?
-Well... Two stops more for the end of the journey
-What? No! Shit
-Uh... May I ask?
-What? If I am lost? No. I'm screwed! Fuck Jack is going to hate me! Even more if he's waiting for me in the rain!
-Chill! Okay? I can help you
-Sure of that?
-I guess? Where were you supposed to meet that Jack?
-Next to the school. He lives near
-Well if his place is close to the school he must be at his home if he doesn't see you come
-Oh you don't know him. He's really stubborn. He will wait for me in the rain if he needs to.. stupid- I laugh to myself, is true, he's a really difficult person to change his mind
-Oh okay. By the way, I'm Michael Wheeler. The one who didn't want to feel alone on a rainy day in a bus
-I'm William Byers, the one who was alone in a bus without even noticing because he was busy staring at the rain
-Do you usually introduce yourself like that?
-Do you? You were the one who walked up to me
-I'm sorry for socializing!
-I'm sorry for being surprised of talking to a total stranger
-C'mon, I'm not a total stranger, we are in the same class remember? Don't you hear Mr Clarks just saying
-Wheeler! Stop snoring and pay attention to the explanation! Oh my god is true is you! Sorry I-
-It's fine. I'm used to be invisible. Is not like I do an effort for you to see me
-Yeah.. you often sit in the corner at the back.
-That's me. And a secret: I do not fall asleep actually, is just me dropping some hints to see if he changes his atittude in classes. Clark is tooo boriing
-He's awesome! How can you say that?!
-Oh you say that because you are the apple of his eye. You and your "party" as you call each others
-That's not true!
-Sure of that Byers...
-Maybe if you put more of your bit...
-I tried. Believe me. But the method of he teaching just makes my brain disconnect
-Okay. So science is not your thing. What is your thing then?
-Hmm good question. Maybe literature? I like to read and write
-You writing? No way
-Do not believe in stereotypes. People is further more of what you see
-Maybe... You're right in that
-Of course I'm right! Yoy seemed so surprised of seeing me talking to you that you didn't even recognised me! Because you labelled me as the: antisocial boy of the back
-Hey you don't know me enough to judge me!
-You were the one judging me! Or weren't you?
-Huh, that's what I thought. I have my opinion of you too. But I'm going to shut my mouth for now
-Wait what?! That's not even fair! You just sit here and start saying things about me!
-Excuse me? I was trying to help!
-Oh were you? Then you can put your help right up in your-
-HEY! YOU TWO! I'm sick of your teenager stupid complains so could you please leave my bus?! I have to go to somewhere else so get out- The driver is a bit upset with us. Understandable. I grab my bag, and dodge this dumb guy still sit down on his seat. I apologise to the men, and exit the vehicle, going down the street. Gosh will it ever stop pouring?! All of a sudden, a hand takes me by the wrist and turns me to the opposite way
-Hey! Stop! This is kidnapping did you know that?
-Pfft please and what are you gonna say? "Hey my mate of school kidnapped me from the bus trying to protect me from coming down with a pneumonia?"
-That's not what you're doing!
-Oh I'm not? Then go ahead! Go down the road to a dead-end street and get lost! I won't stop you! But I saw more sensible to take you to my home, let you call your friend, tell him you're okay, and meet him in another place and hour in the time you get back to your neighborhood safe and sound! But hey! I'm just a stranger that is messing around with you! Asshole...- he put his hands in the pockets of his drak green jacket, and start running... I have to admit that I don't even know where I am. And maybe I'm starting to feel a bit sick... Agh I don't want to depend on him all of a sudden. But this is how life goes so
-Hey! I'm sorry... Could I go with you?... Mike! - And it is when I say his name he turns around and stop walking
-Good to hear that you choose the right decision
-I literally had no other option
-Sounds good enough for me. C'mon let's go- he starts walking again, and I follow. Increasing the pace a bit. Maybe ten minutes later, we are in the porche of what I suppose is his house. He open up, and let me pass, then he closes the door
-Are you alone?
-My father is working, my mother in the gym. And my sisters god knows where are they on a Saturday evening
-First of all, change our clothes, we are completely wet
-W-what do you mean?
-Do you really think you can just go out there raining buckets? Nope. No if I can avoid it- why does he care so much? We haven't talked before. No that I remember. And he just ran into me in the bus qnd now I'm his friend
-Why are you doing this?
-I consider myself a good person. That take care of others you know? It is call rights
-Uh... Sure... But have I done something special so as you treat me this way?
-No. I just want to know you're okay- okay. That was... Considerate. From him. I think I'm warming up... But all that heat, goes up right to my cheeks, making them burn.
-T-thanks... I appreciate it. More when I've been an asshole with you
-Can't blame you. You had a bad day. It doesn't matter, really- when I try to look at him, I see my host taking his jumper and shirt of... Without even caring of my presence
-W-what are you doing?
-Told you. We're changing our clothes
-I'm sorry, "we"?
-Yeah, give me yours and I'll put them in the laundry and give them to you on Monday
-And what am I going to be dressed up with then?
-I'm sure I'll have something that doesn't fit me anymore. Hold on here- aand he leaves. He goes upstairs and abandon me in the entrance of his house. A big house by the way, I wish I lived here. This place feels so familiar and cozy. I leave my bag in the floor and stare at some pictures of the Wheelers family together. Mike was so cute when he was younger, and I have to say, that he still is. Annoying, but cute, I hear some footsteps coming down so I try to disimulate and look at the ground- here you have
-Huh?- I raise my head, and see a few pieces of clothing that I could wear, so I go to the bathroom, and try on the things that Mike gave me. They fit perfect on me, so I go out, and see the boy waiting for me in the leaving room
-Cool, it looks good on you actually
-Thanks? Well... Now that we are dry... What is the second step, you kidnapper?
-Call your friend and tell him to go home before he needs to worry
-Okay... Where is the phone?
-You have one right there- he points to a little table next to the TV. I sit down on the couch, and mark his number
-Hello?- the voice of a women is heard from the other side
-Uh hi, Helen?
-Will? Is this you?
-Yeah, it's me. Where is Jack?
-He's here. He was waiting for you to come but I saw him alone for a long while so I ordered him to enter in. Are you okay?
-Yeah! I just... Had an incident with the bus, and I'm gonna be late. But tell Jack I'll be there without any kind of doubt!
-Okay, thanks for calling. And be careful sweetie
-I will. Bye!
-Bye!- I hang up, and turn around to see Mike one more time
-Everything okay?
-Yeah, I told his mother so she will tell Jack
-And now?
-Now we're gonna rest- he jumps to the couch next to me, and get comfortable
-What? Hey what part of I'm in a hurry you didn't understand?
-And what part of we're not going to go outside until it stops raining you didn't get?
-What if it doesn't stop?
-Then we'll wait at least a bit more till it calms down
-Fine. Any preferences?
-TV. What do you like?
-Oh I'm not into TV. Sorry
-What?! You have to be kidding
-I'm not, my TV is at least a quarter of yours and it doesn't work so is not like I can watch it
-Oh... Well. But you have gone to the cinema right?
-What kind of films do you usually watch?
-Uh... Well... The last I went to see was Heartbreak Ridge with my brother. That was a good one
-I think I haven't seen it
-It's really cool! I think we can go and watch it yet. It's pretty recent so it wont be out till new year I guess
-What is it about?
-A guy who is meant to have his last mission in a, supposedly, easy expedition. He meets new people and plan a trick to finish his mission and his legacy as a militar
-Uh... Sounds pretty boring
-You don't have taste, that's it
-I have!
-What do you like then?
-The A-Team! Is an awesome series
-What about?
-Four friends that escape from prision and become avangers!
-Is it goory?
-Not too much. It's been broadcast noe! Can we take a look?
-Don't ask me for permission! This is your house. Go ahead
-No but, I want you to watch it with me, please?
-Yay!- he takes the remote control and turn on the TV, changing channels until he stops and smile with a song- here it is! The A-Team! Let's go
-You look so excited for it
-It is my favourite program, what did you expect?- I laugh, roll my eyes and just watch...

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