Goodbye Mike

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Warning: first of all, I want to say that I'm not in the mood of writing. But I felt like I had to, so here you have. Second, this chapter will include mention of suicide and maybe hurts your feelings, sorry for that. Just "enjoy" . By the way, everything in this chapter is invented... well, in the rest of my story too but, you'll get it as soon as you start reading. Okay. Let's start

December, 8th, 1986
Will's POV

-I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE TILL YOU DRIVE ME TO THE PLACE I'LL GUIDE YOU, OR INSTEAD I SWEAR TO DAMN GOD THAT I'LL SHOOT MYSELF IN THE HEAD- This is what I say to my dad after a little... misunderstanding, we had. Yeah I know, what the heck Will Byers? All started the day my father won the safekeeping and now I have to stay with him. I only see my mum three times a month, because they decided "it was the best for me" bullshit. My father wanted me just for himself, because he hates my mother, and everything that is involved with her...But in case if you're asking, yeah, that includes me and my brother. I know, I know, contradicting. But this is how I'm used to live. Welcome to my world, in which my personal life is a mess and all I have now is miles away from me. That little bright is called Mike Wheeler, my best friend, who has just moved away. We have known each other since I have memory, we are neighbours. Correction: were neighbours, now, he lives in another place, his family moved to his grandparents house as they both died. So... he's gone. And now is the only thing I need so I threaten my dad to drive me to his new house just to hug him... Till the last month,when I had an argue I just needed to run 20 steps and ring his doorbell... Now is not that easy... I'm tired of living...  Does life even worth if you live badly? Totally depressive? I don't think so. And even less when your father constantly repeat to you: "you'll get killed as soon as you pass that door alone" "you'll never be anyone with that attitude" "you can't treat me like garbage! I'm you're father! The person who really cares of you! Not that alcoholic bitch of mother that you have! Why do you want to defend her so much? What have I done wrong with you? Do you even love me? It's okay. You are completely ignorant and oblivious to take into account a shit of what I have warned you or taught you, but once you leave this house, the one in where you've been raised up and in which you have had love, food, an own bed, and all kind of facilities a normal kid could ask for, you wont ever return again" This stuff is always stuck in my head. I do love my father, believe me, but living together every single fucking day is too much. My mother is not perfect. I know. She's not even the mother of the year but she loves me with all she has... I guess. She's not selfish, or a bitch, or an evil human that manipulates her children when she has the opportunity. I'm sure of that. And my dad, has to accept that I love her too... But no. The less time I spend with her, the better. And he doesn't even believe me when I told him I was bisexual though, instead, he laughed in my face. Who is treating who like what? So, let's catch you up, this all started with a bad day, an awful day...

-Yeah El I'm telling you I have no more crayons to paint with! No! I'm not being dramatic I'm just horrified by the situation! What am I supposed to do without hobbys?- Yeah, just a little note, this angel who I'm talking to is my best friend, Eleven. I found her almost eleven months ago singing in a random and abandoned channel I was running into, and since then, I'm proud of calling her my sister. Unfortunately, as everything in my life, there is an inconvenience. She's Swedish. And it's difficult to communicate with her, but I'm convinced that distance is not a problem. I'll visit her as soon as I turn 18. I have clear that
-Uh call me, maybe. We haven't talked in a while! What's wrong with you dude? 
-Sorry for that, problems in house, y'know...
-Your dad again? Blaming you for everything?
-As always , but neh, not that today
-Mike? You know him, right?
-Sure. Your neighbour, isn't he?
-Yeah... he has moved away...
-Gosh Will... I'm so sorry, I didn't know
-Of course you didn't know! I didn't tell you! So it' fine... It's just... I'm going to miss him so fricking much... As much as I miss you
-I understand... it's hard right?
-A lot, actually... But hey... Not the end of the world... 
-Then why do you sound like it is?
-Because... I'm not used to being without him. I already have you through the distance. He was my secure place. Now I... I feel insecure again
-I wish I was with you boy, if you needed a hug... there I would be
-Sounds cute... Maybe in a few years...
-I'm willing for it. But again, is there anything more wrong?
-Do I sound that bad?
-At the edge of the suicide actually
-Hey! Wait really?
-No!- I hear some giggles from the other side of the device- but... tell me. What is it?
-I don't know El... I just... have a feeling. Today is not a good day, I can feel it
-Well... in any case, if you need help to make you day a little better, just call me, okay? I'll be right here. As I have been this previous time
-Glad to hear that
-Yeah, wait... WHAT MUM? GOSH NOW? COULDN'T KALI HELP YOU? FIIIINE. COMING. Sorry Will gotta go. The annoying of my mum-
-Needs you in the cafeteria? Alright. Talk to you later
-Okay, I love you, so don't do nothing stupid
-Yeah, I love you too, so don't say nothing stupid
-Dumb... well... Bye!
-Bye!- I finished the connection, and hid the walkie talkie in the desk, sighed in relief, and started looking for old pencils I could paint with
-Find you busy huh?- I turned around, and saw my dad in the entrance of my bedroom
 -Shit! H-hey dad! Uh... well... not that busy... why?
-Well I heard you speaking to your girlfriend again so I didn't want to bother
-How many times dad? She's just a friend! Jeez...
-Sure of that bud, by the way what did I tell you about cursing?
-Sorry... I don't want to be rude but, did you need something or...?
-Yeah, the next time you talk with your mum, could you please remind her of the money she owes me from the school? I think... she forgot. Again. Wow is she always this distracted or is just that she forget about her responsabilities?
-Dad.... stop. She must have forgot it. I'll remind her later, relax
-Okay, but think about it. Does it have to beregular that you remind her of her conditions in the safekeeping? Does not sound pretty sensible to me son
-Dad... stop
-I'll stop! Just telling you the facts Will. Don't let others lie to you on this way. Is hurtful, and meaningless, okay?
-Okay... If you say so...
-Thank you son. Oh, what I heard...
-What did you hear exactly?!
-That you want to go... to Sweden. In a few years
-Yeah, to see El, what about it?
-Are you sure? You're still young and it is a big step to, all of a sudden, travel half of the world to see a girl you don't even know in person. Maybe she doesn't worth it that much. Unless you want to marry her and have a wealthy life, in that case, go ahead!
-Are you serious? She's my best friend! Isn't that excuse enough to want to see her? I have just lost Mike, do you want me to die or something?
-No! Of course not Will, but I was just saying that it would be great, and I will support you
-Well... If that was all you can leave. I want to rest please
-Okay, I have to go to the market and pick something for dinner, I'll be back in a while, could you sweep the floor while I'm gone?
-Sure, I'll do it
-Thank you, I love you, bye!- He was about to exit the room when I remembered
-Oh dad!
-Hm? Any problem Will?
-Have you seen my material from art? I can't find it anywhere
-Uh... not actually. Sorry kiddo, I'll help you to look for them when I come back
-Of course, promise. Well... see you later! Do not open up to strangers!
-Got that! Bye!- The rest of the day went by, but it was forty minutes after my father left that I was too bored, so I wanted to play some music now he was not around and couldn't tell me to low the volume. I started moving to the rhythm, and forgetting about my problems, but it was at the moment I drop an important vase, I knew I would get killed. So I looked for the sweeper, found it, and cleaned the disaster I made. No one would ever notice, but when I returned the sweeper to it's place, I saw a box at the end of the wardrobe, I grabbed it, and opened it. In the inside, I found all the stuff I was asking for, including drawings from when I was in kindergarten... bold of me to assumed that all got lost... Tears began to run from my eyes, and I heard the sound of the door cracking
-Will.. I-I can explain that
-I'm quite interested on what you have to say about this dad
-Will if you could-
-WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING AB- then I saw it. My rainbowship, the one I made... with the colors my mum gave me many years ago. Now all makes sense
-Those thoughts... expressions. People and children made fun of you Will... I wanted to protect you from that
-Again, I have no idea of what you mean dad
-The rainbows... the clothes you used to wear... that guy you only talked about... Children and parents thought you were a fag. I couldn't put up with that, so I tried my best to get you away from that thoughts, and when you told me you were bisexual... Fuck Will... you freaked the shit out of me. But now that you're safe and all is normal with you I can trust you and finally give you back this- from his bag, he picked up my pencil case full of different kind of material,he was smiling. Like if he has done something right, like if he could be proud of it. I was done. I ran to his bedroom, grab the gun I knew he had, and go back to the kitchen where I left the man who I call... father- wooah where are you going with that?
-Dad, I'm not going to repeat it. I want to leave, I want you to drive me to a place, and you need to drive me, so let's go
-Will what? I'm not driving you anywhere is late. A-are you okay? Do you need to go to your bedroom and rest a bit more? C'mon, give me that and I'll take you to your-
-I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE TILL YOU DRIVE ME TO THE PLACE I'LL GUIDE YOU, OR INSTEAD I SWEAR TO DAMN GOD THAT I'LL SHOOT MYSELF IN THE HEAD- and here we are. My dad is scared as fuck and I'm convinced that in any moment my life can be ended- grab the keys, unless you  want t go to jail dad
-I don't know what is this all about Will... where are we going?
-That doesn't matter. Just... JUST PLEASE MOVE YOUR OLD ASS AND GRAB THE CAR KEYS FOR SAKE OF GOD- I admit it, I'm out of control, but... you'll be in my shoes if something like this happened to you. So yeah, here we are. In the car on our way to Mike's. The journey is long, and my dad still does not get a shit... Finally I recognise the house and get out, then I order my dad to stay there, and ring the doorbell... There it is, the mother of the Wheeler's family
-Will! What a surprise! It's late, what brings you here... is everything alright?
-W-Where is Mike?
-In his bedroom. Do you want to see him?
-Yeah...- the woman lets me pass, and guide me to my friends room. I knock three times and then he opens
-I said mum I wanted pizza for- Will
-M-Mike... help me- I can't handle it more, and start crying in Mike's chest as he hugs me tightly. He closes the door and sit on the edge of the bedroom, leaving me a place to sit down with him
-Will... what the fuck? What are you doing? Was it your dad?
-I can't do this anymore Mike
-Do what exactly Byers?
-...Will...- once again he pulls me to his side, close enough got him to hug me- I'm here for you. What happened now?
-M-My father... has been hiding me. Hiding what I like. H-He is ashamed of me...
-Why would you father be ashamed of you?
-He said he was p-protecting me of people, from other's comments
-What kind of comments?
-Those type of comments... that you know about- of course he knows, he's the reason why I am bisexual... But that is a secret I'll take to the grave. Mike and El are the only ones that knew I'm into guys too... not anymore like that
-Yeah... Mike he doesn't love me how I am. And he is that kind of asshole that he still wants me to believe that the asshole is my mother! How do I live with that?! I can't Mike... I-I literally can't... Why did you have to leave? You abandoned me you stupid!
-Hey, I accept your insults because I know you're hurt, no because I don't care
-I-love you...
-And I love you too bud, and no matter the distance, I'll be here to you okay?- I nod, even knowing I don't believe that shit anymore, It's really painful to know you will never be reciprocated, and it is my fault to fall for my best friend, I know, I made a mistake, but now there are not regrets- Great... hey, what if you go home, and tomorrow I take a bus at first hour in the early morning to spend the day with you? Sounds fine?- is he kicking me out? Okay... good bye last bright of hope... now I know I'm alone... And again, what does life mean without happiness? I'll answer. Nothing... Life... has no sense to me anymore
-Sure... sorry for bothering....
-No problem. I'll be here whenever you need me. Just let me know okay?
-Okay. G-Goodbye Mike
- Goodbye Will, see you tomorrow- but for me, there's no tomorrow. I exit the house, see my dad asleep in the car, and I decide to go down the street, looking for an isolated place, I find this abandoned park, get in, and sit on one of the swings... How many things I've been through... how many sadness, depression, hate, and false love.. I don't want to live like this! I really don't! I... really don't. So without thinking it more times, I grab my fathers gun which I still had hidden in my clothes, and aim it to my head... Goodbye to this thing that other people called life. 

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