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Let's imagine the situation: Will is possesed. Just as Billy is. And he's trying to look for the Mindflayer and back-up to help him and defeat El and all that stuff. El is safe. But now the party needs to get Will back. And that's when Mike stops Will in the middle of a black out. Just as Max tries with his step brother. Let's see what happens...

-Will! Will hey! I know you're still there. Please come back- Mike says while the other boy just approaches to him more, without even listening- Will, you are Will Byers, you like the Clash and to play D&D. Your favourite thing to do in the whole world is draw your amazing paintings and you love your brother and mother the most!- Will doesn't pay attention and just increases the rythm, running towards Mike. Mike is almost at the edge of giving up. When then he suddenly has a brainwave- IT WAS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER DONE- And in that moment, the possesed boy just stops, now, standing a few inches away of his friend. The other one being pinned to the wall with no kind of exit but the door that was at the end of the corridor behind Will. Mike takes the chance, and continue talking- You have been through this last year, do you remember? You got over it. With our help. The day we got you back, I confessed you that our meeting is the best memory I keep. And that I will always have... I-I repeat. You're William Byers. A fourteen year-old guy who has three best friends and a family who supports him. Well your father not too much, he was an asshole though but- And in that moment, something activates Will, and it orders him to press Mike to the wall, putting his hand around his throat, and stare at him. Mike was frightened, looking at those unrecognizable dark eyes that were on him. He notices how he needs thebair but he can't get it because of the choking. But if what he said had a tiny reaction in him, he will continue- "C-Crazy Together" - Will's mouth opens, and the strenght he's using to keep Mike still, lows- You were paranoid, I-I was too. We thought no one would understand us. B-but we did understand each other. So we decided to go Crazy Together, in Halloween. Last year... Also, there were a lot of candy and sweets that we eat that night. We played a horror film and laughed because it was a really bad done- The dark haired boy giggles, and a little curve is showed in the other face, which makes Mike to smile- T-Then uh... There was this other time, when we were younger, you had problems with your dad, so you stayed over in my place, and to forget about your family issues we played with the laser swords of Star Wars till midnight, when my mum grounded us and told us to go to sleep. We laughed and laughed to the point that you had problems with your breathing, and I was that worried that I started crying. N-Nance came for help and gave you her inhaler, you recovered fast, and I was calm again, we both slept in the floor covered by a blanket and in the next morning pancakes were in the table. We were so happy. Those times were priceless... Do you remember, right Will?- Will's hand is not wrapped around Mike's throat anymore, he's actually hearing carefully to everything Mike's saying. And at the very end, Mike can see a nod from Will's- Y-You're still there. Fight like the cleric you are Byers. I know you. And that thing can't control you. You demonstrated it last year... W-why not once more?- And in that moment, Will's eyes become green-hazel again, and he takes a few step backwards, falling to the floor. He moves his hands to his head and start pulling of his hair with anger, repeating himself with: "Get out of me". Mike stares shocked at the scene, still close to the wall. All of a sudden, Will's body starts to shake, and his voice grows louder: "GET OUT OF ME, GET OUT OF ME, GET OUT OF ME!". He continues, and Mike finally goes with him, grabbing his shoulders to stop him from moving, but it's not too much useful. Will at this point is yelling, screaming and crying, doing fists with his hands, and a thing appears in his neck. It is working. Will is kicking that shit out of him. His mouth opens widely and a black fog scapes, not too far, because Steve and Dustin shows up with a vacuum cleaner that absorbs the thing completely. Will eyes are closed again, and Dustin come with his two friends who where on the cold ground
-Dude! He did it!
-Yeah but he doesn't wake up. Will! Will, it's me, Mike! C'mon wake up! Wake up Will!- Mike is almost crying again, while he tries his best to be calm. When the small boy starts to open his eyes one more time, Mike and Dustin look at each other smiling widely- Will! Do you hear us?! Do you know us?!
-M-Mike...- then smaller boy says weak, Mike hug him tightly knowing that his best friend is fine
-God, you're okay. I thought I lost you. Did you know how much did I freak out?! Stupid. Don't get possesed ever again
-Okay. Tell that to the Mindflayer. Not to me, is not like I offered myself to kill all  my friends you know?
-So stupid Byers...- Mike laughs, still with a few tears in his face
-I'm sorry...
-Everything is fine, Dustin got that thing so that it can't escape and manipulate other people
-Oh... Sounds good
-It is. You're fine. And you will be. Now you can breath Will
-Thanks... For saving me
-I didn't save you!
-Yes you did! And I almost kill you! I'm so sorry
-Hey, you are stronger than you think. You could take control of yourself and got that thing out of you. That's not what everyone can do Will. You're the one
-Am I?
-Yes... And I'm sorry too. For... Being a bad friend this summer... It's... Complicated.
-Chill. I understand
-You do?
-Thanks Will
-No problem Mike, now, could you leave me breath please?- He says, giggles at the fact that Mike hasn't separated from him, but as Will asks, Mike gets away of him as soon as he can. Dustin is still there, smiling. But he stands up, and leave the two alone while he calls the rest of the party
-Uh sorry, I was just happy you're back
-Well I'm happy too... Did I hurt anyone?
-Uh... Nah. Don't worry about that. El is fine so
-God Eleven! The Mindflyer was planning to kill her! Where is she?!
-Safe. Believe me, don't worry. Dustin went to bring them all
-What a relief... Mike... Can I ask why?
-Why... What?
-Why do you prefer our meeting over dating El, for example?- Mike doesn't expect that question, so his cheeks turn a bit red of the sudden nervousness
-U-Uh... Well... Will you have always been there for me. Since kindergarten. How not? My childhood and half of my life I spent it with you and the guys
-Yeah but, isn't it more important the girl that
-...I don't know... I mean, you have a point. But even though I'm with El... It's like, you're more important. You're my best friend Will. My soulmate. My brother. El broke up with me, and yeah, I love her. But our relation is over. I have this feeling that tells me that it wont happen with you..  you know?
-I think so... After..  the fight... We didn't talk about...
-O-Oh! No need. Everything is fine. I was just so stupid and kind of an asshole. And selfish
-Yeah you were
-And... I had no right to told you what I did... It was completely unnecessary
-Yeah... It was...
-But, I promise you that the next time you ask for playing D&D, I will be the first one to play with you
-Thanks Mike. And I'll try, not to be so sassy with you for spending time with your girlfriends
-What girlfriends? I don't have one
-Yeah but you would like to have one
-It's okay, I told you, I won't be the third wheel. Believe me, it's not comfortable
-Is this... How it has been?
-Nah, I'm used to it
-Will have you ever... Love anyone? And didn't tell me? Because if you have I will feel quite offensed- Will giggles, and look to the floor
-I don't think I'm gonna fall in love Mike... Not me. Love is not... My thing
-Neither mine. But at least I try
-Should I try?
-Yeah! Anyone in mind?
-Maybe... I don't know Mike... It's complicated
-You know why.
-Do I?
-... Forget it
-Do... You feel any better?
-I feel like I'm about to throw up... But yeah, better
-Cool- and finally, the guys are here. They all go and hug Will, smiling and joking with him. Mike just pay attention to the scene from out of it. El and Will talk, they look great. He knows they haven't had the best relationship, but they could. He know they could. Maybe it's the moment. To start over. Everyone needs to forget this trauma and live a normal life. And that's when Mike thinks: changes. He didn't like them. But no it's not like he has other options... Changes. He looks at El, and then turn to his best friend... Changes. Let's start over. And be crazy together like they should have been.

I know it's short, but it was too long for ig, and my bff told me to post it here so here I am. I hope you like it even though it's size

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