Don't be a dingus and tell him

591 20 3

Will's POV

It's a pretty hot day. Today is the 21st of June, the first official day of summer, even though the heat came two weeks ago. When I was about to tidy the mess of my room up, Mike calls me to meet in Scoops. He says that he have called the others already and that I should go as soon as posible.  Dustin is already there since a while. So I exit my house, take the bike, and ride to the mall.  In the parking lot I see Lucas, Max and El waiting for the rest, meaning me and Mike.

-Hello guys!
-So, where did you left the other one?- Lucas says with an exhausted face, hoping that Mike has come with me so as we can finally enter in Starcourt and feel the refreshing air and eat a bunch of cool ice-creams.
-Uh... If he's not here, I guess he's on the way, why?- A lot of groans fill the conversation- What have I said?!
-We have been waiting. For 45 minutes. We want ice-creams!- This is El, that lays her head on Max's shoulder
-You have been waiting for how long?!- Why didn't they say anything?!
-Yeah , you heard right, almost an hour, where the fuck were you asshole?-Well... Max is a bit mad, Lucas tries his best to comfort her by a caring gaze, but she doesn't seem to mind, as she is just waiting for my alibi
-At home! Mike called me fifteen minutes ago! I swear! What's more, he told me to come as soon as I could. That's what I did
-Mike called me half an hour ago. What is this?- El is confused as fuck. I guess as the rest of us, suddenly, I receive a call, so I grab the walkie talkie from my bag, and connect it
-Will! Hey! Where are you boy?- Finally he gives signs of life
-Mike! Finally! We're all in the parking lot, where are you?!
-Uh, I'm gonna be late, you guys better enter without me. Dustin is there so
-Wait, you're telling me that we've been here for an hour without reason?! Mike you'll better run when I see your stupid frog face again
-Hold on Lucas, Mike, are you okay? Is everything alright?- He is not the kind of friend that disappears without giving explanations, but when I listen to a laughter on the other side, I understand this is all one of his things
-I'm okay Will, believe me, c'mon. Get in. We'll see later. Over- And he leaves the channel. I shrug and put the device back where it was. We all enter in the building and look through the crowd for the ice-cream parlor, until we see an amount of furious people in the entrance
-What is going on there?
-How is even Dustin in there?- Max questions still surprised. We know it's hot today, but c'mon people we have the pool for a reason
-Steve's VIP pass, I guess.. he always has this kind of special things... Harrington and him are joined at the hip since the last year- Lucas explains, and he's right. But that's not the point right now, we have to enter.
-We could ask people. Why is this uproar for
-Good idea El, who's going?- Immediately, I feel six eyes staring at me. Okay, I guess I will. So I get into the crowd, and ask the most sensible woman I found with her little kid- Hey, excuse me, why is this amount of people so mad in front of Scoops?
-The boy that is working there told us that today is "reserved", the hottest day of summer and the nearest ice cream parlor is closed! At least for three hours! They could have said something before...- Steve reserved the place? Did Mike know this? Then how is Dustin in there? I don't like this, something fishy is going on... but... I have a brainwave. It can be the best of my ideas, or the worst, but at least it will calm the people
-Hey... if what you want is some ice cream, I know a place where you'll get them cheaper, and it's in the middle of the town, really accesible. You just have to go to Mervald's store, you should talk to the woman in charge, say you ran into Will Byers and she'll understand it.
-...Are you sure of what you're saying kid?
-Completely sure. That woman is my mother so... And believe me, the items are reaally cheap, at least, more than here. But people prefer variety and novelty
-I'll tell some people to go there, maybe this place will clear up a bit
-I hope... Our friend is inside
-Thank you boy, you're really kind- the girl smiles and squeeze my cheeks. C'mon I'm not twelve anymore! But I can't reply so... I go back to the group, that is laughing about my embarrassment.
-Yeah, you better laugh, but half of the people is running to my mum's store and leaving this place so you should thank me
-Aweee thank you kind booy- Max says repeating the actions of the women, and I quickly get her hands out of my face
-Don't do that ever again
-So what? What did she say?- El is curious, and Lucas seconds her
-Oh yeah, she told me that Scoops Ahoy is reserved
-Reserved? For who? Dustin? And where the fuck are him and Mike? This sounds like a joke
-I know Lucas, but what else we could do?
-Hey guys, finally I find you!- And the boy with the cup we were looking for, shows up
-Dustin what is this? Where the fuck were you and why is Scoops reserved?
-You better come with me and you'll get it. C'mon follow me-  he guides us through the secret passage that connects the cinema with Scoops, and when we pass the door, we see Mike, Steve and Robin, some balloons, and a big table with six chairs- Surprise!
-Mike... what is this?
-A surprise Will, Dustin convinced this two to book the place just for us! Happy first day of summer!
-So... both of you prepared this?- Lucas asks, and Dustin responds proud
-Yup, this has been planned for two weeks, so you should be thanking us
-Thanking who? We have been under the damn sun for an hour!
-Well Max, that is Dustin's fault. Not mine.- Mike says trying to defend himself
-What? That's not true!
-I just told you: call Byers. Call him while I call the rest. AND YOU DIDN'T CALL HIM! 
-Yeah stop yelling or we'll have to kick you all out- Steve joins us, fixing his hair, surely for the fifth time in the day
-We told this two that there were rules. Dustin please could you?- Robin is here too. I don't know in which moment we got on well with her but she seems pretty cool and nice, and smart. It's like if Max and El were sisters, and Robin would be the mother, because they're her in different aspects
-Uh sure. Not yelling, not ice cream fights, not stealing money from the cash register, not going up on the tables.... I think I'm missing something
-Not telling anyone that this happened- Mike finishes
-We'll be here. Watching you. So don't do anything stupid okay?- Steve warns us, and we all nod, according to their conditions
-Uh you said not to tell anyone... Did you see the crowd that was there ten minutes ago? 
-Yeah, but we mean friends of your school. I don't want a bunch of stupid teenagers looking for a reservation when that is not even allowed- Robin adds
-This is against the rules? But you're working here. Isn't that illegal?
-Not if no one else know about this El so seriously, one word and we're all dead- And this is how our babysitter ends the discussion- Fine, who wants some food?- Let's get this party started. Music, food, friends, air conditioning, laughs, jokes... A good morning, I would say. The time passes by, and after we all play Simon Says, I sit on a chair, being followed by Mike
-You could have told me
-Yeah I could, but where would be the surprise then? I wanted to do something special, and Dustin has bounds with Steve so... I took advantage of that
-You did that?!
-I mean, I could have asked Billy to book the pool but I don't think he would have accepted
-Stupid...- I can't ignore his sarcastic tone and not laugh, it's just imposible. His jokes always make me laugh
-Yeah but this stupid saved you from melting in your house so you're welcome
-Don't try to be a hero, you almost forget about me, remember?
-Will I swear I told Dustin to call you
-Yeah but if you could call the rest, why not me?
-Uh... w-well... It was... because I didn't want to bother you, so instead, I ordered Dustin to call you, so as if you got angry, it would be with him. Not with me
-But then you finally called me
-Because I had no option
-Yeah sure of that....
-Hey- when I roll my eyes I feel a hand holding mine, which was playing in the table. I look at him, and his expression was serious and calm at the same time, that... makes me feel a bit nervous-I won't do a party without you, you're Will! I won't ever forget about you, okay? Uh I-I mean... no one would forget you
-Y-Yeah... I get it... Thanks Mike
-Anything you need- he smiles, and I still look at him, just trying to guess if he knows what he has just said or done, and it is when he stare at me back, that my breathing and heartbeat paces change, and if I'm not wrong, a light red cover his cheeks. I look down at my lap, and he gets his hand off of mine- Well uh... w-why did you last so much by the way?
-Oh... t-there was an enormous amount of furious people trying to get in and we didn't understand anything so I decided to ask, a woman explained me what you did, and then I recommended her to go to my mum's store. She's gonna kill me but at least she will be busy and have some clients
-That was a good one. Very clever Byers
-I know, maybe I steal your role as the leader of the group  
-Hey! Don't you dare
-Oh of course I dare! I would do it much better than you
-I won't give you the opportunity so we will never know. What a shame
-Oh shut up!- All of a sudden, I hear some yells coming from the kitchen, those are from Lucas, Dustin and Max, and then Steve- well, I think the duty calls you, paladdin
-Agh fuck... What a relief Dustin knew the rules... Wait here. I'll be back. I hope... - I laugh, and he stands up and enter in the place where all the yells came from. And the other adult in charge occupy my friend's seat
-One of your friends has broken the freezer
-What?! How?!
-I don't know, ask them
-Too much work. Mike is the one who deals with that
-Mike is the sassy and sarcastic boy huh? The one that was talking to you
-Yeah...? My question is, what are you doing talking to me?
-I don't want trouble, so I get apart of it
-Sensible decision
-Thanks, I'm the smart working here
-I can see that... How did Mike and Dustin convinced you of this?
-It was not easy, Steve didn't give a shit. Until they said the phrase: "we'll replace you for a week". And we accepted
-Wait, they're going to work here?!
-Yup. That was the deal.
-I'm sorry who was the one that had the idea?
-Mike. He was reaally stubborn and he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted
-Mike is like that.
-I see... But you put up with him
-Not everyone has that gift. I think I'm the only one, actually- we both giggle, and it's true. Lucas or Dustin can't tolerate Mike as I do. I don't know why
-Maybe is because you're really close?
-U-Uh... M-maybe... We were the first that met and created the group so...
-You were the first ones? Awe how cute? How long ago?
-About...10 years ago? Something like that. It was kindergarten
-Wow. Not everyone has those friendships
-I know... I really appreciate it
-And does he know?
-Hm? What do you mean?
-Does he know you love him?- I didn't expect that. Nope. I would never say that I could have this talk. No. Not yet. Don't say stupid things Will. Act normal
-W-What?! O-of course not! I mean. I love him. BUT AS A FRIEND just that. How could I love him... Like others do?- yeah well fuck the part of acting normal
-Will, I'm not going to say nothing. First because is not my decision. Second because I don't care about adolescents relationships, I lived that on my own skin. I don't want to go through it again.
-... I don't live him like that! W-what gave you that idea?
-C'mon Will I know what you're feeling
-Oh do you? You don't even know me!
-Not really, but is not necessary to be a genius to notice about your behaviour  around him and around the rest
-Pfft absurd, please stop it
-You're such a cutie when you lie, did you know that?- uh... I'm panicking. Why? Why am I like this?! Why... Do I feel warm my cheeks? I have the solution: abord
-You know what? Maybe they need my help, I'll go and take a look- I stand up, and walk directly to the kitchen when
-So you wouldn't like to know what Mike feels towards you? Okay. I'll keep that to myself- Don't turn around. She's lying. Be strong Byers. Nah Mike is my weakness I can't do anything but run next to the blonde girl again
-What have you just said?
-I know something. I heard Dustin and Mike talking, when they were alone, preparing stuff, they had a small argue
-What about?
-Well... Who called you to come here? Mike. But it was supposed to be Dustin
-Oh, and do you know why you were the only one that Dustin was supposed to call?
-Mike said it was because he didn't want to bother me so he prefered Dustin to do it so as I wouldn't get mad with him
-...He's a horrible liar. And you too innocent
-What do you mean?
-Mike was embarrassed. He didn't want to call you because of something that happened yesterday in the phone. I don't know what that means but he was really nervous- oh... Okay
-Uh... Y-yesterday, we talked till midnight. We were... Super tired but couldn't sleep so we just grabbed the walkies and started saying random things...
-Was the fact that you have always liked his way of caring about his friends, and especially you one of those things?- Okay I'm done. Now I understand what Dustin meant about "she can even crack your thoughts"
-U-uh... I-I don't remember... Maybe?
-You were not drunk Will
-No but I was almost asleep. I was just mumbling things. And he was too! I didn't get half of the things he was saying
-Okay. Anyways, why would that talk make Mike feel embarrassed around you? So that he can't even talk to you
-Let me answer. Because he loves you too and he's a loving bird repressed because of the popular opinions.
-You must be joking
-I'm not joking Will, I swear. Mike said it
-M-Mike said he loves me?
-Mike said he doesn't know what is going on with you. That this recent time, even though you have always been close, something between you two has changed. But he doesn't want  to be confused and because of that fear is why he is a bit weird with you
-What... did Dustin say?
-Fortunately for Mike, he wasn't listening, he was paying attention to the ice cream flavours of the freezer
-...So he was the one that broke it
-I bet he was
-Were you spying them?
-I was just sweeping the floor, is not my fault if they talk too loud
-...Robin is it that obvious?
-That you two have a rare energy? Yes. Even Dustin has noticed about that
-When he's here, he's always talking about you or Suzie, so all I hear is: "Max and Lucas are a couple again" or "Eleven is the coolest girl I've ever met" or "Mike and Byers are different recently" and that stuff
-Is it true huh?
-Since when?
-I noticed last year... But then I realized that my feelings for him haven't change at all. I-I love him since I met him... And that explains a lot of things now
-What... Things?
-My father... He left when I was 7 or 8. I don't remember quite well. For those times, Mike was my best friend. My mate. My... Everything. Mum thought we were cute, two little boys being friends is not strange. But my dad... Saw... Things. That were "unusual" and that made me a-
-Stop talking. I imagine the rest... Gosh that might be hard
-It was... But I'm better without him
-Of course you are... And... Are you going to tell him or?
-Are you out of your mind?! I can't do that! He will freak out and hate me! All would be awkward in the group
-Why do you say that? Haven't you thought about the tiny idea that maybe he feels the same?!
-Mike?! No. H-he still loves El
-...Have you listened to what I told you two minutes ago? Mike feels something to you! Why don't you accept it?!
-Because... I don't know... What would happen
-In the case you two were a thing? Well, since my point of view and my gay smell, I could tell that your friends will support you, furthermore, I think some of them suspect something. At least the ginger
-Yeah, she's smart. And she's always ginving you hints Will. I see it
-Y-you do?
-This job is boring I need some entertainment!
-So don't be a dingus and tell him.
-Should I?
-Yeah... Believe me. I know what are you going through Will. You:ll regret if you don't say it when you have the chance.
-You didn't confess your feelings to a girl?
-Nope. She was in love with the dumbass I'm working with so it didn't matter. But you know what? The other day I saw her making out with a girl that I think it wasn't even from here but, the point is, I could have an opportunity with her and I gave up too soon
-I've been waiting 10 fucking years
-You win. But actually don't. Because you're agreeing with me telling that those have been enough years. Why wait more? You know stuff. Stuff that you won't say to anyone or I'll sew your mouth. And you have the courage and my support. C'mon Will. You don't have nothing else to lose
-Yeah... You're right.
-... Oh now?!
-Yes! I'll distract the rest!
-You're ready. Just... Tell him
-STEVE! GUYS! HELP! THE ICE CREAM IS MELTING OUT HERE!- some voices are heard from the kitchen, and all of a sudden, Steve and the rest are here
-ROBIN! WHERE'S THE ICECREAM?!- our mama is a bit paranoid, but taking advantage of the distraction, I grab Mine by his wrist and guide him to the kitchen
-Hey! What's wrong?
-N-nothing... Who broke the freezer?
-Nope. El
-El?! How?!
-Oh she just thought that if the icecream melted we would have an enormous multi flavour milshake so she switched it off
-Okay...? Is it working again?
-Yup. The official leader fixed it
-Oh is there an unofficial leader?
-You. And you will always be that
-For sure Mike... For sure
-U-um... Why did you bring me here?
-W-well... D-do you remember what we talked about yesterday?
-U-um... Yesterday night you mean?
-I... Have a few things in mind... Why?
-...Just wondering
-... Am I really that special for you?
-Am I the best thing you've ever met?
-Yeah- we say this at a time. And the time stops. Everything is paralyzed. Even us. I just can think, and feel my heart almost leaving my chest
-You need... To know something
-And... You too
-Tell me
-No, tell me first
-No, you first
-No you first!
-Hey! At the same time. One... Two... Three
-I love you- and those words enter in me. They go straight to my heart. And blood continue to go through my body. I look at Mike with fear. But... He doesn't seem disappointed. He smiles, and get closer to me
-Yeah... I could finally tell you
-Wait... For how long have you been holding it?
-I think... All that time I was with El... I was just trying to avoid the real person I have always wanted.... Will that person is you. Since the day I chose you. Since the day I met you in the swings. Since then... Since when... D-do you love me?
-Since the day a boy came up to me in kindergarten and asked me to be his friend
-... What now?
-I-I don't know...- in this moment I remember Robin's word. "Take the chance. Take the chamce Will". So, I take the chance, and without thinking, I close the gap that was still between me and Mike, and I kiss him. And... He kisses me back... Is this the feeling? This butterflies, this warm inside me, my mind is in blank, and all I can do is feel. Feel him. Wow it's actually gorgeous. Thank you Robin. I owe you this. We separate, and smile, that silly smile...
-Well... You did know actually
-Stop! Now I must be the leader with you
-Nah, that it's still mine
-You asshole!
-Me?! You are the one trying to steal my role!
-You're not good enough!
-Oh say that again if you dare
-You. Are. Not. ENOU- and I can't finish the sentence because he kisses me again, and I melt in the sensation...
-Let's be leaders together
-...It works
-Hey! You guys! Come here!- That is Dustin's voice, we go with the rest and see the table reserved for us full of different ice creams
-Let's eat something- he says enthusiastic before grabbing a spoon
-Let's better take place and eat. Or Dusin will instead- we all laugh, this is how the first day of summer ends. With ice creams, and... Mike. My favourite things.

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