09 ✁ [cherik] check

310 12 21

Fuck the prompts' numerical order amirite x'D

Prompt 9: "Did you do this to yourself?"

Fandom: X-Men (mostly Movieverse)

Pairing(s): Cherik (Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier)

Tags & warnings: hurt/comfort, mild language, (most likely) depressed Charles

Literally binge-watched 3 X-men movies back to back on a 11hr flight... and fell in love with this ship all over again ;w;

This is kinda set in their flight in X-Men: Days of Future Past, but ofc other than the chess-playing it's all my imagination 😔👌

— — —

"Did you do this to yourself?"

Charles looked up from the chessboard, slightly startled by the question. Outside, the sky was pitch-black, to the point where even clouds could not be seen. Although the plane has not yet rocked, the brunet feared that a storm might be brewing — one as turbulent as the blue of Erik's eyes.

He decided to ignore the obvious implication of Erik's question, as he did with most other events in his life nowadays:

"Do what?"

"Get rid of your telepathy." Of course. Erik was never one to hold back. Charles could hear it in his voice just now: the slight reproach, the disappointment, the regret framing the edges. What do you know about regret. He shrugged, gave a simple answer:

"I did."


Charles cast his gaze down to the chessboard. He thought for a moment, then pushed one of his pawns forward before sitting back and reaching for his glass. He downed the rest of the alcohol, but somehow Erik's frown burned still more than the amber liquid did.

"Charles, why?"

"Why not?" The brunet answered curtly, glaring now at the metal-bender over the rim of his glass. "You make it sound like it's a bad thing."

"And it isn't?" Erik snapped quietly, cognizant of Logan who was fast asleep a few seats away from them. "Charles, you destroyed a part of yourself. For what?"

"Your move."


"Your move." His frown deepening, Erik glanced down at one of his knights. The chess piece shuddered, before sliding across the board right into the path of Charles's rook. The telepath smirked before snatching it up, but the rook he was holding slipped out from between his fingers as Erik's bishop moved to take its place. There was no humor on the blond's face when he set the rook down with an audible clack, among the pawns and knight he had collected from Charles. Damn, I'm losing.

"So what if I got rid of my mutation?" The brunet sat back, arms now crossed defensively in front of his chest. "Nothing about that was a part of me, anyway."


"Nothing about that was a part of me." Charles repeated, his tone becoming harsh. "It was always about other people. And honestly? That's fine. I tried, you know. I really did. I cared and I loved and I thought if I did enough of that, maybe it will finally mean something."

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