A Job In Prospect?

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The next morning they were sitting with Grace by the dining table, clothed in their dressing gowns. Eating and talking.
For now, Peter and Tom didn't tell her about what happened the night before because she was lonely enough anyway, now that Melly was no longer their guest, but on the way home far away. Also, they hoped she hadn't noticed herself. Were they quiet enough? They wanted to keep it unspoken and private for now although it was no secret anymore, they were a couple, for Melly and Grace at least. Would she really mind knowing the truth? Not a simple question.

However, in public they still wanted their love to be concealed. It was a bit strange for some people out there to imagine two people of the same gender making out.
Therefore they tried to take up other topics when they were out of the castle.

While Grace was cooking lunch, the men were outwards to go to the post office to give an application for an accountancy job Tom had seen in the newspaper. For the present, he thought it was ok to work in that branch but if there was a better job he would reply to that right away.

As Peter accompanied him they gained looks because they walked so close together that their hands sometimes brushed against each other. It was dangerous if the wrong people saw it.
Passengers also noticed the looks Peter and Tom gave each other, obviously looks said more than a thousand words, and an elderly man looked very grim and grumbled in his beard: "This has nothing to do out here" Just to hear for the both of them. It was like a stab in the heart for Tom. He had to hold back his tears. That was all he needed now, people like his aunt. He hated it. He was far too emotional after what had happened in his childhood and later on. Far too easy to push down. Peter, on the other hand, hardly cared, as he often heard something like that and blocked it off, not letting it get to him. He also had his coming-out long behind him.
Peter wanted to hug Tom, but it would have made it even more uncomfortable. So he just said "Don't worry about it Tommie", as understanding as he could. There were also times where he was very weak in such moments too, but he learned from this experience how to handle it.

A few days later he finally received a positive answer for the interview.

During the interview, he noticed that exactly the man who conducted the interview was the elderly man from days ago. Of course, Tom had no chance to get the job. That man was a gay hater. Tom left the building with quick steps. Disappointed. Hopefully, he had better luck elsewhere. At least there were several job offers for accountants in this city. For now, it would be sufficient if at least one would promise he could work for him. But something under this position would destroy his dignity and pride once and for all time.

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