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Good news for me, Yachi agreed to help me pick out an outfit for tomorrow, thank god. If she didn't agree I'd definitely turn up looking like a clown because who needs good fashion sense, right? Apparently I do but, unfortunately, I don't have one. Kind of sucks but I've never needed one before. I usually just sit around the house in my pyjamas. When I go out, nine times out of ten it's to practice with Kageyama and he doesn't care what I wear so why bother stressing?

"Sho!" I nearly jump out of my skin. Yachi's voice snaps me straight out of my thoughts. "Your clothes are all... well, they're not exactly easy to match with one another." Thanks Yachi. If you want to say old or ugly or whatever you were going to say then just say it, I won't get offended. "But I did get you an outfit together!" She thrusts a pair of tight-ish jeans and a plain white t-shirt into my hands.

I examine it, a puzzled look on my face. "What's so special about this?" I swear I could've picked this out myself. Mind you, Yachi does have more of an idea of what she's doing than I do.

She smiles at me, it looks normal but there is a sly undertone. Yup, she definitely has a plan. "Tight clothing is great for first dates. It really shows you off and that's a must if you want them to want you." She folds her arms, looking at me with raised eyebrows. "And those jeans will show off your legs just fine."

"...my legs? What's so special about my legs?" I tilt my head slighty, completely confused. All this fashion and 'show off your body' talk really goes right over my head, I just don't get it.

Yachi rolls her eyes, like I'm being stupid or something. I'm not stupid, just confused, and you of all people shouldn't be judging me, best friend. "You're a volleyball player Shoyo." She says it bluntly, as if I'm supposed to understand what that has to do with anything. "You have great legs thanks to all that jumping, most players do."

Ah. Right. That makes more sense now. "Ok then..." I nod slowly, making my way towards the bathroom. "I'll go put it on and you can give me your opinions when I get back." I lock myself in the bathroom and get changed. My insecurities are already going wild and I haven't even looked at myself in the mirror yet. Good start. "Ok, I'm done."

"Let's see then!" Well she sounds excited, for better or for worse. I unlock the door and timidly walk back into the room. I feel like an absolute idiot but Yachi's face says otherwise. Maybe I actually look good? Probably not. "Oh my god Sho! You look amazing! Come on, you have to see yourself!" She suddenly grabs my wrist and drags me across the room, letting me go when we get to the mirror.

That's when I saw myself for the first time. Not going to lie, I do look decently alright but I do have one question that I'm just itching to ask. "Ok, I'll give you credit on the outfit. I do look good." We high five each other. "But what's with the short sleeve t-shirt? It's cold out there, you know."

She rolls her eyes, as if she's disappointed in me. "Oh my god, do you not know anything about dates?" I shake my head. Why would I know anything about dates? I've been single all my life, get it through your head. "You're the smaller one. The smaller one always goes out without a jacket so they can quote on quote borrow their boyfriend's hoodie."

"He's not my boyfriend Yachi."

"Not yet he isn't." She winks, like she knows how this is going to go. Hopefully well, I really want him to like me like that. "Emphasis on the yet."

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