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The bell's just rang for the end of class, thank god. I hate science with my entire existance. It just doesn't make any sense and I know it's important but I hate knowing about it. I don't want to look at a fire and, instead of thinking it's just fire like any normal person would, think hey look that's combusting oxygen or whatever. So yeah, I hate science and everything it stands for. 

Anyway, it's time for practice now so it's all ok. I stand up and notice some smudged writing on the desk, the number 30. Shit, don't tell me this is what I think it is. I look at my wrist in a panic but it only confirms it. The god damn number smudged off, now all I'm left with is 6. Oh no oh no oh no, this is horrible! What am I supposed to do now? I've been changing that number everyday for what feels like forever, making sure it goes down once everyday so that Yachi and I can pull off our little soulmate trick, and it's bloody smudged off! I don't have my sharpie with me either so I can't replace the writing! Oh my god, it's all ruined!

I pick up my bag, maybe someone will have a long sleeve top or something I can borrow to hide it. The whole team knows about our plan, other than Tsukki, so they'll understand why I need it. I leave the classroom and spot Yachi. "Yacchan!" I run up to her, she'll know what to do! "Help me!"

"Hm? Sho?-" It looks like she's about to ask what's wrong but she doesn't have time, I'l already grabbed her arm and dragged her behind the stairwell, ignoring the weird looks people are giving us. No one ever comes behind the stairwell, it's pretty much an abandoned area of the school at this point, which makes it the perfect place to talk about this. "Ok, what's going on?"

I take a deep breath and show her the number on my wrist, or what's left of it anyway. "What do I do? He's going to notice the change, Yachi! It's over, we're so screwed!"

"Shoyo..." She sighs. "Deep breathes, it's ok, we can roll with this." She takes a tissue out of her pocket and a bottle of water, pouring some of the water on the tissue and using it to wipe off the remaining smudges of the 30, leaving only the 6. "From now on, you count down from six. Your family's going on a trip in six days anyway, so it's perfect. We hadn't thought out how you quote on quote die yet so... how about a car crash?" She has that semi devilish smirk on her face again.

"Jesus Christ Yachi, you're a genius..." I can't help the sigh of relief that escapes my lips. I knew Yachi would know what to do! She's an actual life saver. "Thanks for this. Come on, we're going to be late for practice." I grab her wrist again and run off to the gym, another problem solved and my ass is safe for another day.

~Aah yes, the plot twist. For all of you saying that you didn't want Hinata to die, this one's for you even though this was the plan all along. The number was fake, he writes it on himself everyday. And, for the record, the whole team's in on it so no one would tell Tsukishima anything. I know that some of you might drop the book after this chapter but thank you for being here anyway.~

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