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Rikki straightened from putting his friend to bed next to his infant son, both boys sleeping soundly as they suckled their pacis. He, Mishy, and Deanna'd worked together to get them fed and worn out enough to sleep once the pint-sized bassist's mother and siblings headed back to their nearby hotel. It'd taken a bit more to knock out said bassist, although the scrip version of the Children's Tylenol he gave him right before bed helped with that.

        Now that they were abed and not likely to wake till Morn, it was Time for the adultsta get some quiet Time of their own. Rob and Zak were gonna be sleeping with the former's wife that Night, considering that she oft let their son sleep with her and her husband hadn't wanted to let go of his boy for shit ever since they were reunited earlier. That meant the drummer'd be able to do whatever he wanted–even if that meant things took a sexual turn–since he wouldn't have to worry about scarring his friend for Life. And he damn well Intended to at least try for a dirty Night with his girlfriend–he'd been without her for too long even before all this started, after all.

        However, Deanna seemed to have other ideas in mind, judging by how she headed up to bed only an hour after they'd gotten the boysta bed. There was no telling, if that was punishment for what he'd said about kinda wanting a baby of his own that afternoon, or if it was something else. All he knew was that he was gonna be up late now, for sure–and it wouldn't be 'cuz he actually wanted to be at all.

        Mishy bit her lip as she watched the drummer drop his head onto the back of the couch he sat on with a frustrated groan. She knew his pain all too well–she'd been expecting Rob to come home needy as hell and put her through the wringer, not as a baby. Finding out he was just that'd been both shocking and disappointing for her as she realized the implications of him being stuck like that. He'd need almost constant care like Zak did, and he certainly wouldn't be able to perform–not that it'd be right with him stuck as an infant, even if he could.

        "I know the feeling, Rikki," she finally sighed, curled up on the Love seat across from him.

        "Tell me about it," Rikki groaned. "God, what I wouldn't give to go up there and turn our song Good Love into a Reality right now."

        "By rolling her over and rocking her till the Morn's Light?" the young woman laughed.

        "Let's just say I don't even remember the last Time I jerked off, let alone got laid," he chuckled. "I've usually been too exhausted by the Time I got Bobby to bed to care–not that I really could jerk off with him wanting to sleep with me."

        "That's what the shower's for," Mishy snickered. "Howddaya think I manage when Zak's wanting to sleep in our bed with me?"

        "I've thought about that, but again–too exhausted," the drummer said.

        She couldn't help what she felt when he shot her a devious grin, but she knew she couldn't act on it–not without hurting at least one other party, that is.

        "And I'd been hoping to get just that outta Deanna tonight," Rikki told her, sighing. "Now, I'm kinda starting to wonder, if she's really just that tired since she just got home today, or if it's punishment for what I said about kinda wanting a kid of my own earlier."

        "Whyddaya think she'd punish ya for that by denying sex?" the young woman asked, latching on to whatever topic came up like a Lifeline of distraction.

        "'Cuz she's never really acted like she wanted kids–then again, we've been dating for almost two Years, and you'd think that kinda thing woulda come up by now," he answered.

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